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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. Since my area is flooded, something aquatic.
  2. Thoughts, that jaguars game was one hell of a game.......And when the bills were playing the pats in foxborough and winning and bledsoe was having a pat the ball game, the crowd started chanting flutie...
  3. He's a commentator on a pats, sports show....
  4. I am not voting for the repubs or dems, I have decided that voting for a third party is the only solution to the current mess that we are in...
  5. Thats cool, Im donating and dropping off clothes to the salvation army this week. Thanks for the posting that
  6. I was listening to the radio, apparrently the u.s. gov. is giving the mexican gov. the locations of the minutemen civilian border security....Bravo, to our leaders, looking out for the buisnessman.....
  7. Couple of summers ago, we were camping far from any light pollution..Amazingly beautiful black sky with a vivid milkyway and meteor storm showering us with colors of red and green, they were so close I thought we'd get hit
  8. When I was in school the theory was expand and contract... Now the galaxies are increasing their speed, not slowing down to eventual collapse...Is that because of limiting gravity of seperation or another physical law, pulling the galaxies faster and further into space such as dark matter...Interesting subject, I use to love watching the show cosmos, and reading books about these subjects...Its that time of year to set up the telescope and enjoy a beautiful night gazing, and wondering..
  9. If I had to make a choice, I would take my chances and go hunting with cheney..
  10. Schindlers list ..
  11. I keep in can in the truck, it works .. Does'nt ruin the tire, and 50% of the time the tire will lose air again at some point.. With fix a flat and a compressed air tank, you should be able to keep delivering the mail without having to stop at the gas station.
  12. For glue, use a vinyl cement called thinspread, trowel with a 1/8 v notch,,sets up in 45 mins or until adhesive does'nt transfer to your finger, 1 pint is all you need... For prep, scrape and sweep , If small chunks of the tile prove tough to remove, use a hair dryer the heat will release the bond....After you set the tile you can walk on it...
  13. I also watched a lot of pbs, I don't remember the show your talking about, as EII said, its the paper
  14. Just another example of power and priviledge....I think its a great idea, clean energy, except some rich people, can faintly see the wind turbines... As we all know, ''rich people'' are what matters in this country.... Sad, ya.. shocking, hell no..
  15. Ya thats hick country, but the closest to the deliverance is a good chunk of maine... Tar paper shacks with washing machines and rusting automobiles in the weeds...I was 80 miles west of bar harbor, fishing a tributary of the penobscot river, and ran into the local teens giging frogs, turtles, and we talked a little bit.. They said the paper mill in town closed and they're bringing home groceries to their families.... Rugged people, they also mentioned running down a deer and jumping out of the truck and finishing the still alive deer with a bat... When a maine widlife officer interrupted them, they made a deal on the spot to split the carcass with the cop..You from around here, sound like a flatlander
  16. At that age is when I started travelling..Brings back memories of road trips to the norteast kingdom in vermont, and eating italian fried chicken wings in brooklyn and going to nightclubs underage... Hung my head out the window from ny to mass, never eat chicken wings at sully's in brooklyn...
  17. I heard it referenced in other ways, never for ants.....
  18. He will be insane long before he dies...The gaurds im sure know every trick in the book...For a boring job its got its perks...
  19. If he ever is around other inmates he's disposed of.....His life consist of 6x 11 windowless box for 23hrs. a day till he dies, thats a living death.
  20. He's a mark in prison, some one will stick him, no way he makes it.
  21. Man, 3 of us smoked one pinner joint of thai after school, we all laughed so hard that my friend developed a gushing nosebleed, and then we laughed harder
  22. We just had milk, chocalate milk and the bubbler.... Seeing that picture with all the vending machines, has taken away the ability for kids to make money on their own in school... I made some nice coin selling bubblegum and other penny candy in school... Paper routes were great ways to fund my side business in school.
  23. I read it, that is depressing...
  24. Thats right up there with mike dukakis riding in the tank...
  25. I answered wrong on the % of immigrants , and wrong on the export I said china
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