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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. Watched some good shows on pbs about global warming , and have heard the political right claim that global warming does'nt exist. One example of their dismissal was a newsweek article in 77 claiming the new ice age is coming.
  2. The title of this thread is F'en funny, dixie chicks rock Don't be offended their music is ok, but rocks
  3. With the opprutunity they have to remain free until sentencing, if I was them I flee.
  4. Id' say that , was good ole rag time punk and roll.
  5. Some of the illegal aliens who snuck in 2001 like him, speak a few words in spanish have jon secada sing the national anthem in spanish at your anaugeration and they're all saying viva presidente bush
  6. Why did I start watching this show.
  7. Cottage cheese, why does she make her own
  8. Pwned, whats that mean, pawned? Anyway, that was good line and quayles facial expression was
  9. After these last 6 years, the only choice for me is third party. I've joined the revolution, there has to be a better way.
  10. I think there is truth to both, although I would'nt mind smashing a prius.
  11. Is this a natural process and are we contributing or is this just a scam.
  12. I have never owned a foreign vehicle and my chevy has 2oo.ooo miles and needed brakes, exhaust and basic maintence so far... I can see my truck needing frontend work sometime down the road after I smash into a lexus to see how indestructible jap vehicles are no offence hirohito.
  13. Thats gross, and sice its a gross topic. A friend of mine was at foxborough stadium hungover and eating nachos and other junk during the game, halftime his stomach was boiling...He made to the restroom and waited in line sweating bullets.. Finally could not wait any longer to enter a stall and got in line for the urinal, when he was next he turned and dropped his pants and let loose, people next to him were screaming mad
  14. He's out of bounds with his pre- court conviction...
  15. Grouper sandwiches are good, I think mangrove snapper is delicious, or fried snook, Im catholic, its friday and I want a seafood platter.. Haddock, scallops, shrimp, Im hungry.
  16. Thank's, All I hear, is their repairing fences and installing electronic surveilence to allow border agents to focus on crossings...Did that little to the north guy get deported
  17. What exactly are the national guard doing to prevent illegal immigration?
  18. That hurts, you like it dontcha
  19. Are you having a carthtic day and why? try to chill, badthings come and go.
  20. Oop's, I mean conway, the swift runs through town? , anyway sound like your flooded, no disrespect, either that or the blackflys are tormenting ya
  21. Your back in, heh.
  22. Did the swift river flood you out in N. conway.
  23. Isn't there are a law against saying that, not that I care, just saying..
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