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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. http://thinkprogress.org/2006/06/26/snow-nyt/ What do Y'all think about this?
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/06/26/scotus.e...t.ap/index.html
  3. Yeah, buffet is putting billions of tons cash on the back's of poor people
  4. I don't have a calculator right now, but I believe a million weigh's 1.1 u.s. ton's, denominations of that figure? anyway 37 billion is some mucho tonnage.
  5. I got 1100m. ,I'm now ready for the street's
  6. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/small/exhibits/music/audio.html
  7. YA I like that song. hey man I'm going to post a audio link with dylan, lead belly woody guthrie, patriotic tunes, and others, you might like it.
  8. Here's a video game, if you live in a rich surburban neighborhood, have no fear, you won't smash people in real life, unlike the poor, from playing this game. http://addictinggames.com/dangerousdavebrutalbob.html
  9. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/06/23/D8IE7O1O0.html
  10. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19566724-2,00.html
  11. I lived in the bunker hill project's in charlestown ma. It's nice to know, according to congressman pitt's understanding, I am supposed to be a menace to society because of a video game, where the suburban kid will not. Education is a terrible thing to waste on an idiot like pitt's. Sincerely, a former project rat.
  12. You ever watch the pbs show frontline. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/pentagon/view
  13. Saddam's is trying to do it himself. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060623/ts_nm/iraq_saddam_dc
  14. I posted a link in another thread, where isg has released iraqi documents that have been translated. http://iraqdocs.blogspot.com/
  15. Ya, thanks for the red pill and the porridge sucks too
  16. Check this out. http://iraqdocs.blogspot.com/
  17. Yep, you got me I was watching fox, although the wmd's are from 91 and I believe useless, they found something. Man, I usually watch a range of news programs, but while reading about the media and how slanted it can be, to the point, it's not news, it's partisan agenda.. And I knew that, but reading about is like wtf it's that bad.. Then I checked on accuracy in reporting with videos, and more wtf... Your right, shut off the tv and find independent news.. How about listing some ctm, to make the job easier..
  18. You ever watch the neil cavuto show on fox, he had one of the regulars on talking about how to improve the dow's slide? bomb iran and the market will improve. But there is a news alert , right now, saying they found wmd's right now.
  19. What did you call that sandwich? and what's the name of that show?
  20. Thank you for your reply. Ok I have a site that was giving to me ,cia.gov site, I'm going to post it ... It in they are releasing captured documents from iraq that have been translated, and one is on the centrifuge, claiming that yes it's nuke grade...Fact is, Im trying to ascertain if this is fact, and I'm not very good at using a computer and im basically a mental midget compared to you...I 'll post it and tell me what you think, and there are many more newly released doc's that have been translated, claiming all kinds of new evidence. Fascinating stuff if true. http://www.cia.gov/cia/reports/iraq_wmd_20...hap4.html#sect6]
  21. CTM, Your one smart person, I need to ask you a question.. On the aluminum tubes in iraq could they have been used to build a centrifuge, for the purpose of making fissionable material for a nuclear bomb. excuse the use of this thread, just figured it would get your attention, and hopefully you could help me out with question., thank's man
  22. I was at some biker bar in south fl. on vaction, called bobby mcgees. Hundreds of bikes in the lot some in the bar, a thousand people, pigs roasting in the pits outside, multible rock bands, a pool full of mud with nekid scooter bimbs doing all kinds of slug rubbing, I slept on the pool table, it was a weekend party, they locked the doors with people inside partying after hours. My god do those crazy f'ers party. Booze beers, and missisipi moonshine and cherry bombs, and believe it or not it snows in so fla, big snow banks( honestly I did'nt ski
  23. True on that, but at the same time there's another network that distort's the fact's to bolster their point, that global warming does'nt exist, and twist the consensus of scientist view's, to mislead the public, I can post a link and you can listen to their point if view minus the details.
  24. Where did I say healthcare was an entitlement? I said it was getting more exspensive, no more no less..
  25. Could be. I am really not into personal attacks, but he did change the discussion, and I got hit with a broadbrush, and so it goes.
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