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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. I know nothing about soccer, but I helped out a 21 year old mexican worker that was on construction site I worked at. Ya he was illegal, but I was able to communicate with him in a spanish/english conversation. Anyway he was living in a tent near the work site, and at work he was a machine, and had a good attitude. I offered him a room in my house, cheap rent and within a month he found his own place. Why he was at my house, I told him we have dtv and you can watch soccer, he turned it on we hooked him up with food and cervases and he was just like like any american football fan.
  2. Democracy will flourish in the middle east
  3. Unbelievable money story. I was doing work for a multi billionare oil man I think his name was kalishman? Highrise penthouse, 10+ mil., close to 10.000sq/ft, nursery. That's what the bld. supervisor called it, he said all the family members use the pad with thier younsters. Every bedroom had 1 or 2 cribs and baby toys and gear throughout the suite..5 day job and we were told to hurry, because laura bush and other vip's were coming for the weekend. After were heard that we went to the bar every night and drank whiskey, beer and ate hot spicy food to destroy the penthouse toilets in the morning:devil: All those kids in the family, when they turn 18 they are given 20 million to start out with, that's cool, dude got the money and gave it to the kids. Most of these ultra rich people have houses all over the world and they just bounce from one to the next. His wife was kind and communicative in friendly way, she gave each of us bottles of wine and wrote a nice letter to the company about the great workmanship. Kind of felt bad about the bombs we dropped in all the toilets You get a chance to stink up the toilets on world shakers, you do it.
  4. Verticle smile^ above , horizontal smile below
  5. He enlisted in the military in 67 came back home in 71 and started working for the railroad and and has accumalated a nice pension for his hardwork.. In the 90's he started a mutual fund to offset any reneging of his pension by the company he work's for.
  6. I do not know if this is a true statistic, apparently it is estimated 60% of the 10 to 12 million illegal aliens arrived since 2001.
  7. My father work's for the railroad and is a union worker ... In the 80's, union busting was popular in order to buy and sell the company at a huge winfall for the investors and the originators of the takeover. My father's company was owned by the mellon family and was at that time taken over by mister mellons daughter. She was in the process of selling the newer engine locomotives and replacing them with used. And reducing the workforce, by cutting brakemen jobs among others, basically cutting the working crew in half. Then she changed the payscales with various elimanations of preexisting job duties. Then when there wer several train accident patly due to shortened crew and inferior equipment which resulted in death and injuries. The union went on strike. Instantly the union workers were replaced with off the street replacements and non strikers which led to more accidents resulting injuries and deaths. The strike was long, I was a 11 years old delivering papers, yardwork,collecting aluminum for cash to help my family through this strike. Finally after a year? the owner reached a deal with the union, my fathers job and pension were saved and will have a verygood retirement, fingers crossed
  8. It's been raining for month's it seems in newengland. If you like whitewater kayaking now's the time, the rivers are boiling with fury and if you got cajones to ride out those runs, you just added another chapter of the river runs through it. I have done some whitewater canoeing on some serious whitewater rapids and friends of mine snapped their canoe in half on one crazy run. But man these waters now make those days look like childs play.
  9. No sarcasm, I post and ask in this forum honestly. jmo You asked me, did american buisnesses ask or tell them to come here illegaly? I responded with, our gov't allows the illegals to come in and promotes sneakily. Why do I say that, I have talked to many illegals and in 01 bush was giving friendly overtures to vincente fox broadcast on worlwide media...The illegals who were working on the same site as I mentioned this and told me a lot more illegals will come because of the( bush-vincente- friendship) And I also posted the video where bush is stretching out his hand to the latino community. Politicians spread the message to the illegals for the buisness community, through many actions, which the buisness community pay's for, in contributions to their campaigns .Not enforcing existing laws that prevent buisnesses to hire illegals, a lackadaisacal approach to border security and campaign videos where politicians seem to embrace domestic latinos and illegal latinos. To me dem or rep are spokesmen for american buisness good or bad, financed by american buisnessmen. I would like to hear your take on it, to me that's what is great about this board differing opinion and learning if your decision is correct. Just here to learn and laugh at myself and others
  10. Our gov't allows it and sneakily promotes it. There are laws not being enforced to condem this practice.
  11. 1)Language, I can tell you that on my job the cuban's constantly berate the mexicans on their improper use of the spanish lanquage. Basically what the cuban's explained is some of the mexicans are using a spanish-indian mix in their vocabulary. 2)To me the illegal's are here for one reason, to be exploited by american buisness, and the rest of the american's can enjoy lower wages, higher health care as a tradeoff for cheap lettuce and your lawn's mowed.
  12. For a depressing thread, music is in order, it ain't dixie chicks, this one rocks. http://www.bayofpigs.com/mp3/bopwarpigs.mp3
  13. I don't like the fact that I have to compete with illegal alien's, for obvious reasons, they undercut our wages and drive up healthcare cost... There's nothing this gov't is going to do about it, and yet here is a video of bush waving the mexican flag, like the illegal aliens on their protest day... Now ctm I understand it's bull----, but at the sametime let's not have our president encourage the illegals with this campaign video. With the dems doing sqaut and now this, it's a joke. sorry for my rant, check out viva presidente bush, my fellow gringo's http://www.tnrip.org/Video/gwb_RNCHispanic.wmv
  14. Powell and rice say saddam is controllable and has basically nothing. A few months later the whole administration say's saddam has nuclear ect. ect. That's complete opposite of what they said in feb and july, That's an exspensive pair of flipflop's.
  15. Ok, so when bush is weasley, when he's for the constitution before he's against the constitution. What does this video have to say about powell and rice claiming in feb and july 2001 that saddam is controllable and has no wmd's.. Where the whole bush administration claimed he had nuclear component's, unmanned vehichles that could attack, and all the other statement's they made just month's later...
  16. Man, check this one out.. Powell and rice in feb-july 2001 telling the world that saddam is controllable and has no wmd's ..So they were for saddam before they were against saddam http://thememoryhole.org/war/powell-rice-wmd.wmv
  17. Check this bush video out.. Is he for the constitution before he's against the constitution http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/febru...206bushlies.htm
  18. That's funny. I have'nt watched either of those show's once, although I remember the she bang song, for some reason they played it on the news. I watch quite a bit of the history channel, yet they have programs on ufo's, the secret weapons of germany and other art bell topics of interest. I gotta go back to reading book's
  19. Give me liberty or give me death. live free or die. Present day.. those above statements do not apply, they should be changed. Let freedom ring somewhat. Janice was right, freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose.
  20. I've been to the atlanta airport and missed a flight, next flight was 6hrs. later. So I hopped on the marta and went to the midtown stop, exited and walked to a bar called ''vortex'' got stuck there, till my liver was drenched in whiskey and beer, great jukebox btw. Made it back to my flight just in time, and flew away wasted
  21. I agree that the press should not reveal all aspects's of counterterrorism, and the W.H. has the right to confront the press on this issue. My belief on this issue, the source of this leak needs to be revealed. At the same time this administration has not had a good relationship with the press, right or wrong.. And the press went on a counter offensive and sometimes stupidly so, this issue is one of em. But over the last five years with programs that take away liberties, it's about time that the state I live in, change it's motto '' live free or die'' to live somewhat free or die. Or as janice would say, freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
  22. Last time I was there, we drove 3 mi. out on the frozen lake in a 5ooolb. van, fished with live shiners, along came the fish cop's and told us, on this lake you cannot use live imported shiners as bait. We got a ticket ''my bad'' although the laws vary from lake to lake, so it is confusing. That area is beautiful, at the time snowmobiles were cruising on the lake and small planes were landing and you could watch the skiers go down the mountain. If I'm in the area again I'll check out the pub and tell joe you said hey.
  23. New london n.h. at the base is 7mi. long sunnapee lake, pretty area.
  24. Southern N.H. temp- 75 -cloudy with rain for about 2 months, or so it seems.
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