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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. I remember that one. There's the baseball one, still up in that forum , I think that's that the rettata one. Erynthered, threw some shots in this one that I thought would send it to civil war, but you guys managed to hang on
  2. Is this thread the largest ever? I remember the honda thread was supposed to conquer this one, for whatever reason it dissappeared
  3. He publicly stated numerous times that 29 countries are using (FATF) Financial Action tracking Force, to be used to track terrorist finances world wide. Apparently the terrorist got the public message, as they have changed monetary transactions since 2001. I agree the media should not reveal info about counter-terrorism, but this secret was hardly a secret, if the administration says publicly were watching worlwide terrorist financial activity.
  4. When you click on the link, the video is right there, I used the wmv. format. http://www.crooksandliars.com/posts/2006/0...st-nyt-bashers/
  5. I remember that quote, matter of fact here it is on video http://www.freepressinternational.com/bush..._concerned.html
  6. Leaks to the media in election years can help. I do not know the specifics, just hearing all kinds of rumors, good and bad.
  7. Someone said the media leaked the report and the fbi was pissed about it? is that true.
  8. Would that be proactive or reactive.
  9. Him and his dad have aged well, full head of hair and tight facial skin. Propecia? and botox? :rolleyes:I'm looking forward to his 62nd birthday
  10. Pirate's? Halliburtoneers
  11. Thank's for the link's and info and your time.
  12. That's interesting. CTM is their a link that's worth reading on ABM?
  13. He had a good public defender?
  14. That's to bad I was hoping he would go to prison, and not the type of prison his wealth would have granted.. More like a your average prison where he has to face the realities of doing time with people who can't buy selective justice, your typical innercity inmate. I'm sure they would have got along nicely
  15. http://content.clearchannel.com/newsaudio/...ston_anthem.wma
  16. Allright! Let me see, nyt no good, boston globe no good I will check to see if it's on something better than prison planet
  17. If that same video came from independent media sources would that be alright even if it was the same video with a more respectable link name?
  18. http://www.supermanhomepage.com/downloadpr...oad.php?file=78
  19. I bet you it's devastating on baby seals! It's july, I have about 6 month's to build my bunker and stock it, for the war on christmas , superman and whatever else they can dream up.
  20. is this another wedge issue.
  21. Should I buy the 2000 watt sodium vapor lights? or the 2000 watt metal halide lights? For my tobaco growing buisness or find a grow operation in north carolina, willing to supply the cash crop.
  22. Here's the document to powells meeting in cairo feb 24 2001. http://www.thememoryhole.org/war/powell-cairo.htm
  23. Happy fourth of july A beautiful rendition of the star spangled banner http://content.clearchannel.com/newsaudio/...ston_anthem.wma
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