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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. CTM I have a question which has nothing to do with this thread. What did you mean by iraq has 40 tons of it's own yellow cake to use?
  2. Bushbad -in other word's stifle it, which was funny when archie bunker said it.
  3. http://this.bigstereo.net/2006/06/21/the-raconteurs-pee-wee/
  4. I posted the link to start the thread, it went bushbad, it then went harris and nelson in fla, so I posted random links to a jumble of a thread, c'mon 8hrs is somewhat fresh, I'l work on the minority report principle of news
  5. That's old? this thread is all over the map, and I thought it was important.
  6. Terrorist bomb a train in mumbai india. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/5169332.stm
  7. Ogrish.com, has videos of the U.S. dropping 500lb bombs on zarqawi which looked pretty cool from the bombers point of view. They had al-qaeda vids I didn't watchem, hopefully oneday we will see the bin laden video captured dead or alive.
  8. Keeping with the theme. Billions unaccounted for in iraq. http://cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/09/60mi...in1302378.shtml
  9. Since this is a bushbad thread, I will add these two links about veteran healthcare cuts, I haven't read it yet, just posting it for anyone who would like to read it. http://www.progressiveamerica.us/archives/..._hidden_bu.html http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/051706Z.shtml
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060711/pl_nm/..._detainees_dc_3
  11. http://www.mp3.com/albums/74217/summary.html crayonz would have liked this. Hey ctm didn't you have this as your avatar
  12. Alice in chains, down in a hole, and a few more http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=2109
  13. Billy joel piano man, and other song/videos http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=2133
  14. rosalita -- born to run -- badlands -- the river http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=2159
  15. The who ,my generation http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=1292
  16. rebel yell http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=1209
  17. There was a thread about aparis hiltons song? and aj I thought you said you liked it? anyway I'm searching for free music rock/blues genre, and I ran across paris hilton song/video. here it is http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=2352
  18. Y'all remember this tv theme song? Here we come walkin'down the street we get the funniest looks from everyone we meet Hey hey we're the monkees and people say we monkey around but were too busy singin' to put anybody down
  19. This tune http://www.bayofpigs.com/mp3/bopwarpigs.mp3
  20. I was looking at the numbers of illegals entering the U.S. the last five years, I believe thats why everyone is talking about it, the issue moved from the southwest to a majority of the U.S.
  21. Here's an article of the kkk being allowed to protest the war at gettysburg. The newer tougher cindy sheehan http://libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=148560
  22. Order of freedom fries at window 2
  23. Here's savage on an audio mp3 In this audio clip he reccomends only killing 100 million muslims http://mediamatters.org/static/audio/savage-2006418-duke.mp3 http://mediamatters.org/static/audio/savag...613-clinton.mp3
  24. You might want to try contact cement. I had a 5 gal. can in a basement bar redoing the formica and carpeting the wraparound benches. No windows, and a weak ventilaton system. for hours and when your head cleared, the worst migraine imaginable. Don't do it
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