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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. Remember this little dity? Over the top statements released by an over the top website with music http://ftp.radio4all.net/pub/archive/05.29...s_own_words.mp3
  2. I am not saying either side is true, just that both sides of the issue need to be looked at. I heard in one dicussion that global warming on earth is also happening on mars, where the icecaps there are melting. And jupiter is developing another storm similar to the giant one that is evident through a telescope. The theory is it's related to the suns increasing solar flares?
  3. Hizb'Allah groups have been caught at the mexican-american border and one was sent to quantanamo. Not all those illegal aliens are looking for work. http://jihadwatch.org/archives/010826.php And I'm sure they are not all caught, considering how easy it is to sneak in.
  4. There's an old saying in tennessee and I know it's in Texas it's probally tennessee. It says fool me once........shame on......ah!!!!!......shame on you............ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!fool me can't get fooled again
  5. I really don't know much about the above case and legal proceedings. When it comes to the constitution I quess your supposed to honor it especially a president Then again constitution smonstitution One of those appearances to explain to the public that he would use a court order on the patriot act was in Buffalo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kgjBd-FR4g&search=bush
  6. http://www.livescience.com/enviroment/0607...ecord_heat.html In this link you click on then click enviroment then click 2006 record heat in the us. Part of the article says this. The average temperture of the first half of 2006 were the highest ever recorded for the continental U.S., scientist announced today.
  7. Actually I never knew what hizb'allah meant, now I do. I appreciate informative knowledge, no disrespect to you or anyone else. Looks like hell is about to be unleashed.
  8. Then I found this site with the whole tape and comments to back up the sun-sen story except on slight context. http://wizbangblog.com/2006/07/06/what-mur...really-said.php
  9. Despite claims to the contrary, a planned Midwest ''inland port'' with a mexican customs office will not be restricted to railroad traffic, according to internal documents obtained by Worldnetdaily. As plans to utilize deep-sea Mexican ports such as Lazaro Cardenas to unload containers from china and the far east as part of the nafta super-highway plan. The plan would include the hotly contested allowance of mexican trucks on U.S. roads, WND has reported, but tasha hammes of the kansas city area development council has insisted the part will be restricted to railroad traffic. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=50938
  10. As I said before on the soldiers in haditha, I believe in due process and letting justice prevail. Because of the statement by murtha, which I do not approve, he is now being being smeared, here's a link to the latest smear campaign. http://mediamatters.org/items/200606290008 edit , I forgot to add that oreilly apologized.
  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13845613/ The Smoke ever going to clear on this fubar.
  12. Here's a few johnny cash songs. http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/arti...,412785,00.html
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/07/13/nsa...bill/index.html
  14. Maybe I am misunderstanding, U.K. had private retirement accounts and because of whining they switched it back to gov't controll? Reason I ask, is an englishman just stated that the uk gov't has ss and healthcare since wwII.
  15. To be honest I just googled ,seen a site and posted it, I quess it's bad, I will see if there something more even keeled.
  16. here's info on the muslims. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
  17. Here's an estimate of people killed by christians since biblical times. I will look and post a link to the muslims totals since the koran. How much fact in all this? no idea. http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm
  18. Spanish Inquisition scene with torquemada on history of the world part I..
  19. Here's an artic monkeys video/song, first time I heard of em, like the sound. There is some language so if you find that offensive, skip it. http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=1907
  20. http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/lou.dobbs.tonight
  21. I was skeptical to post congressional oversight, but I did I would like to think that the GAO or some official investigating agency would be interested in billions unaccounted for and maybe they are? I will check on it a bit.
  22. No data. My house was built in 75, neighborhood goes back to the 40's the area was first settled in 1652. And has been nominated as the best place to live in america twice by money magazine which I don't believe,, but no data on my shack, wish the property tax evaluater was like that.
  23. No doubt they are both responsible in mismanaging money. I am just wondering if there will be congressional oversight in this issue as to who what when and how.
  24. Thank you for the info. I checked the ISG and the iaea, and read a bit on the al-qaim uranium mine that was bombed in 91 and dismantled in 96-97. Although the ISG has released reports on saddam apparently waiting for sanctions to be lifted to reinstitute his programs.
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