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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. If another counrty developes stemcell medicines that alieviate and cure illnesses around the world. Would they be the new (Shining City on a Hill whose Beacon Light Quides People Everywhere I figure I will get some heat for this one, couldn't resist
  2. I understand it as, bush believes abortion is murder, but there are no laws yet to prevent it. So he allows the states and private enterprise to research stemcells without access to Uncle Sams money to advance the research with this goverments help.
  3. I will offer insight on this tragedy. 4 of us cruising down the highway in the front bench seat of a pickup truck , each of with our 25oz hot morning coffee on the way to work, while smoking a joint. scott who was in the middle toking at the remnants of a roach with his coffee between his legs(while wearing shorts) dropped the roach between his legs, burnt his leg and reacted by squeezing his legs together,which crushed the coffee cup and ended uo spilling hot coffee directlty on his nutz and stick. He immediately started screaming and shuffling in the packed front bench seat the 4 of us were sharing. Now were all stoned and this is the funniest thing to witness when your baked and your co-worker is putting on a hilirious show because he just roasted his nutz with hot coffee while jammed in a truck cruising down the highway with no way for him to alleviate agony. Sad but hilarious
  4. New slogan. He was for the blastosphere before the blastosphere was incinerated
  5. I seen a video link yesterday that was hilarious ,I'll find it and post it in this thread
  6. And this is what I heard how tony snow explained the presidents view on stem cell research. Tony Snow, who speaks for the president believes the stem cell research is murder and that is why he vetoed the bill. Yet Tony Snow said that it is not illegal and that if the states want to fund it they can do it, or use private corporations to do it and if people want to invest in it, thats ok to Maybe he worded that way due to Roe vs Wade. I'm not sure how accurate that statement is. If it is,that's fugged up. I will see if theres a transcript link.
  7. Yes I just read about that after I posted. My point still stands that we will fall behind in this technology to other countries looking to advance this science for human and economic reasons. Just like JFK in the space program, which is amazing considering he was a catholic
  8. Very good point. I believe south korea is making remarkable success in this field. Now ed wont buy an american vehicle or medicine.
  9. You may be right on bush over kerry. On this bill he vetoed. My Thinking is, if we had funded this from the start, providing money to medical research at schools and private enterprise, we would be far advanced in this medical technology that shows promise in curing or aleviating ailments, that cost billions of lost money in our economy due to missed work and healthcare.
  10. At least he found and used the veto! To bad it wasn't used on a bill that could have reduced the spending....The man is steadfast with his religious convictions good or bad..
  11. Here's Rove adding his scientific insight on discoveries of stemcells research http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13810091/
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/07/17/con...?section=cnn_us
  13. Here's the link about the 25.000 americans in lebanon. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/07/18/...=cnn_topstories
  14. You could say the same about humans.
  15. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/13926239/ One down how many more to follow? Mckinney might have done herself in.
  16. Why do you say that on this issue of israeli troops entering southern lebanon?
  17. In 03 I think I remember hogboy slob , what was his schtick? I also remember Ice? HE mentioned something about his red azz or something like that when he was debating. then icelemonade and his drew compulsion. Who was crayonz?
  18. Israeli ground troops are in southern lebanon: their mission is to destroy Hizb'Allah outpost.
  19. Nothing to idiotic for that remark. I said some doozies there and BiB had fun with it at my exspence and then he got me with the peter pan thing, he was one smart tricky poster.
  20. You then responded with. Dead on! Actually, my mechanic is from japan. Hey man, I hardly ever bust balls on this message board, it's just not my personality, I'm real easy going, seen enough sh-- in my life to not get worked up over name calling. I am a little touchy when it comes to american vehicles and american workers. That and you said bf was only mildly retarded compared to me in your first ever response to one of my post on ppp Sometimes I hold a grudge
  21. I would say that statement right there shows you do not like american workers. When you say I don't have to worry about americans getting there grubby little hands on your japanese made vehicle, and you will take it to your japanese born auto mechanic to prevent americans working on your honda fit.
  22. With kenworths, macks, fords and other american made tractor-trailers ,hard to find a japanese tube to prevent the inevitable demise OF SAID POSTER who hates american vehicles and american workers.
  23. Creature Double Feature with a feminine touch.
  24. I have been reading your fit threads, AND YOU'RE overall point is american vehicles are a POS. American automotive mechanics are no good and you only trust japanese automotive mechanics...It appears you do not like american workers and american products while living in america. Your stuck between a rock and a hard place. You ever think about relocating to japan?
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