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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. I looked for that video to post here, couldn't get the link to work.. Watch this, this is one of our senators http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbgwOATtZgk#
  2. The Las Vegas city council voted unanimously this week to pass an ordinance making it illegal to give food to homeless people in city parks. The ordinance went into effect thursday and carries a maximum penalty of $1.000 and or 6 months in jail.. http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/.../072010285.html
  3. I live in N.H., a conservative state that has a death penalty law.. They haven't used IT since the 60's?
  4. The BBC was invited by Hizb'Allah to video parts of beruit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCDUrRrHi4g...page=5&t=t&f=b#
  5. Alot of people have been caught in the crossfire, I imagine some will seek revenge and there will be people to finance that revenge with the oil money.. I use to think that a nuclear war was far fetched, not no more, with the way situations are resolved now... Our southern border worries me, it's to easy for a terrorist to slip in and set off a nuke... Found this video of a simulation... Something to think about when you see the chaos building... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3U040optE4...page=2&t=t&f=b#
  6. ____________________________________________________________________ Rememeber when Condoleeza was on Meet The Press and tim asked her why did bush use those 16 words in the SOTU, when 4 months before in cincinatti he didn't use the yellow cake story as the cia told him not to.. Yet at the SOTU 4 months later he uses those 16 words... She says tim he forgot!! What kind of excuse is that and why would she say that, if the brit intel is the solid evidence that backs up those words.. Any ideas? curious.
  7. I figured that, no bad feeling directed your way man, I was just adding to your post with my thoughts.. Btw how's the chevy and new mexico?
  8. Hey now, I would love for us not to be their largest cash-cow.
  9. And we have lawyers willing to make thier case for the defense or prosecution of lives in a death penalty cases like a chess match, where the only desire is to win!
  10. You live in FLA? right! Is that the same doctor rush got his oxy and viagra to be stoned with a bone.
  11. Very good decision.. And to relieve your anxiety you can ask the vet for a scrip of doggy valium which is safe for human consumption and provides a worry free temperment works best with alcohol, or so I've heard
  12. Listen to this media personality! would you vote for him? http://mediamatters.org/static/audio/savag...060418-duke.mp3
  13. I agree... Even though I side with dems/libs on a good percentage of issues in this forum. I do not agree with everything they do, there are issues I side with reps/cons,guns-taxes-insane spending.. ( And one issue is the direction and example were instilling in our children in school, lack of discipline, due to laws and lawyers being allowed to sue teachers if they confront a student deemed to harsh by wimpy parents....At some point if both parents are working full time and unable to correct thier childrens behavior, teachers should to an extent.. But teachers have learned that these actions can lead to job loss and suits, so they refrain from disciplinary action. Fear to an extent is a good behavior tool, IMO.
  14. And hopefully when the next president is in office he won't pass every spending bill for 6 years, before deciding to dust off his veto stamp and use it for limiting access to research in medical science..
  15. Little more on stem cells from a worker in that field( mostly adult stem cells) Embryonic stem cells show promise because it may be possible to turn them into any kind of cell need..... For example, neurons in ALS, Parkinsons ,or Alzheimers. Neurons,once dead, do not regenerate no new ones are ever made. The other stem cells such as adult stem cells are already ''marked'' and they know what kind of cell they are becoming.. ..For example, cordblood(if any of you have babies) is rich in stem cells, but they are already to the point that we know they're going to become blood cells.. So therefore they only work for diseases such as blood cancers....
  16. I listened to the media the last two days and there was talk equating stem cell research with nazi german concentration camp medical experiments. Here's an audio clip of rush saying the only way to get embryonic stem cells is through abortion. Do you think he still got the gift on loan from god http://mediamatters.org/static/audio/limba...719-science.mp3
  17. Three ball park frank hot dogs, pan fried and placed in 3 lightly butter toasted rolls with relish chopped onions and mustard. And a 30oz fresh lemonade.
  18. THAT's isn't the reason why I am building a bunker in my back! I'm prepared for the the War on Christmas II Truth Justice and all that other stuff
  19. My parents dog had a similar mole on leg ,high up on the thigh . The vet prescribed an antibiotic in pill form, in two weeks the red colored mole dissapeared. I forget what it was called.
  20. America and Chevrolet, like a rock
  21. Science and religious-politics constantly butt heads over issues like this. I read that stephen hawking mentioned the pope in 81 saying to him that he feared we would get to close to gods creation if we studied the big bang theory. Yes religion provides many benefits to society they also can take away benefits with their philosophy.
  22. Sue me! DUI of any drug that is legal or illegal that effects your cognitive skills is just as bad. For the record I wasn't driving that time. And have been mostly sober for 2 years , other then couple days on loritab and a day or two swilling whiskey.
  23. All press generally hype neg/pos...I know research is still legal, my point is, no new stemcells from the U.S. can be researched, nor will the fed/gov't fund research for this science. I believe that the fed- gov't should allow the stemcells (that will be incinerated) to be researched and funded To keep the U.S. in the lead on this potentially remarkable science. Imagine a day where the U.S. makes breakthroughs of stemcell research and offers the ability of medicines and cures for the terminally diseased humans on this planet. This science will help all humanity and our economy with this breakthrough. Or Imagine jacque chirac Funding frances stemcell research and they offer the world their breakthroughs. ( I wonder if we would come up with a new freedom fry slogan to protest
  24. Abortions are legal in this country, and this veto just eliminated those stem cells from research, instead they will be incinerated... When they could be utilized in a field of science that Might produce medicine and cures for all humans suffering from diseases that our existing medical technology cannot. What if you had Wacka junior who was born with an incurable disease and our current medical solutions had no cure and minimal relief with medicines to ease Wacka juniors symptoms. Yet you read in a in-vitro stem cell research paper that they have developed a medicine to significantly reduce the symptoms, and a cure is attainable with more funding towards research. What would you say to wacka junior? (If your offended by my asking this hypothetical question ,let me know and I will delete this post)..
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