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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. I used to have a cat named china cat.. When china was about 3 month's old she would follow my wife and I around the house...We take our dog Benny for a walk and china would follow us, cat's being sneaky, she dart in out of bushes and behind trees, she probably thought she was a ninja from watching bruce lee movies with us in our living room... China was fascinated with people tinlkling in the toilet, she would follow anyone in the bathroom and watch people do a 1 or 2 .. About 6 months later, I woke up at 5 am to get ready for work... I walked in the bathroom and turned on the light, and there was China seated on the toilet Tinkling...For a second I thought I was still asleep and dreaming.. That was a smart cat, pee in the toilet. open doors by jumping up and with both paws grabbing the knob and turning it till the door popped open..... Wasn't toonces the driving cat, it was my china cat, best cat I ever had ..
  2. $320 Billion dollars Spent and counting IN IRAQ, Financed by Americans to protect us From EvilDoers Detonating Nuclear or Chem-Bio WMD's here IN America..... Terrorist are in every country on Earth.. Terrorist can attain the Financing of Exspensive WMD's through Oil-Rich Financers. When they choose to Attack and Detonate WMD's Terrorist seek the Easiest Points of Entry in a countries Defensive Borders.. Here's a Video of Multible Nuclear Detonations...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LDavUG54n0&search=nuke# Here's Our War Time President George W Bush At the U.S. Mexican Border explaining to Americans how he Earned the Label of War Time President.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4TPmfW5PS0...ush%20Politics# There is and old saying in Tennesee, it's probally in Texas too... Fool Me Once, Shame on You Ahhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhh Uhmmmmmmm You can't get Fooled Again....
  3. Hey Is it Possible that Ieatcrayonz Hamster is in Hollywood with The BackDoor Boy
  4. Insanely funny sh--
  5. Is that the tunnel of love
  6. When richard nixon was explaining to his wife about deepthroat he finaly got it down pat.
  7. Just an Observation of the two sources of noise, identifiable in his post. Deductive reasoning is all that is. When I first started working, radioes and tv's were forbidden on the job
  8. Music-children=noise while at work trying to concentrate... Tommorow will you have your Ipod going most of the day while concentrating when your working and junior is not there? just curious.
  9. It appears you are only taking a few drags and then stubbing it out.. Then you come back and take a couple more before re-stubbing it out So it's safe to assume within a few day you will be a full fledged poster Regular? or Menthol? or Clove? or southside Tobacky
  10. Hey Now You with the southside chicago globetrotters?
  11. There is a connection to lebanon being bombed by israel, and The U.S. letting this process playout that leads directly to Iraq and could be crucial to the Insurgency... Iraq! Shiite militant leader in Iraq warns Israel and the U.S. on lebanon.. Baghdad: the radical shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr said friday that Iraqis will not ''sit by with folded hands'' signaling a (possible) increase in attacks from his mercurial militia the Mahdi Army.. In a written statement, Sadr also said that he considers the U.S. culpable in the conflict unfolding in Lebanon because Americas the largest foreign ally of Israel.. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/071...t-iraq0715.html
  12. No, she would make a nice center piece on my coffee table next to my sugar bowl. You think those two accessory pieces clash?
  13. American politician, Floridas wexler says it's fun to have cocaine and prostitutes.. Then that's exactly what I want in my Pad... A huge sugar bowl Filled Columbia's Best Cocaine Boulders.. And Wall to Wall Strippers. That's all I need!
  14. Ok, I use to lived in some rough areas in boston where their was gang activity and petty criminals, stealing cars, robbing houses, and mugging people... Not much I as a citizen of boston could do about the criminal gangs... Other than have tight security on my home and vehicle, and a watchful eye, when I was on the street...And if I noticed some sh--heads pulling crimes, I would call the cops or try to take care of it myself if it was teen punk, maybe, cuz most of those cats carry weapons.... Now if the state pd along with the boston pd started shelling my neighborhood and yard...And one of my family members was injured or suffered a fatality,or even a friend.... I will be enraged, and will do something to seek revenge..No lawyer, no lawsuit....I will give them a taste of their own medicine, hell I already know how to make simple explosive devices, they will get some of those in return.... IMO, revenge is a common emotion for humans to have and if the initial act is serious enough, most people will react back with the same activity or similar...
  15. Those lysergic acid diethylamide sugar cubes in my coffee really amp up my day
  16. yep.. I probably would try to bail, those explosions sounded close, to close. Although Beruit was and is a war ravaged city, so maybe they're use to it, like people living near an airport or jet flight ways
  17. QUICK? hell I type with two fingers,actually just recently 2 fingers,before it was search and destroy typing with 1 finger.. 1-2 months ago I figured out how to post a link...Total novice to this gadget.... And I'm a stoner loser burnout highschool dropout, responding to a fit flunkie
  18. Ya, Still it was impressive that he kept at it with sounds of explosions sounding relatively close....Imagine that happening in Ed's neighborhood, you think he stands his ground?
  19. Is this you pretty boy? http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=2352
  20. Sounds like you Could be a male Gigolo catering to male FIT drivers
  21. No problem. Now for those who need Metal to shake the fog. Iron Maiden, Number of the Beast Live. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmFgV-x_lUQ...related&search=
  22. Hey Music Fans, how about some Kick Azz Irish Rock and Rollers live at red rocks.
  23. HERE's a link to the 1975 newsweek article coming Iceage.. Along with all kinds of related link's.. Frrrrrreeedom Rock Maaaaan, You dig, give my 5 and stay alive and pass the grass so I can tune in and dropout and not worry about all this heavysh-- man http://www.wmconnelly.org.uk/sci/iceage/ Oh, I do believe it's worthwhile to have science keep seeking answers for global warming...Maybe someday this theory will prove true and we will be fugged....Or maybe not..
  24. Weapons upgraded? Alright CTM this is your specialty what do think of this article and thier claims.. And all the possibilities in this mission be it good or bad .. Details!! http://www.washtimes.com/national/20060717-105737-9603r.htm
  25. Senator brownback in this video explaining the decision on the veto and presenting his case to back it up is pure genious
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