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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. This ain't my favorite, this one here goes with the theme of the thread.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDLrPKxBBS8...h=steely%20aja%
  2. Little more vintage and sillyness.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZHquyT5T7w...elated&search=#
  3. ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th47siid6_k...lling%20stones#
  4. 80's video games, play for free,no quarters needed..Space invaders,pacman,donkey kong and many more.. http://www.80musiclyrics.com/games.sthml#null
  5. Well I'm just young and naive, although, I Prefer This Kickazz classic Tune.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qepv1mtYdx0...relatedsearch=#
  6. I being a commie pinko socialist liberal terrorist sympathizer, also am for welfare, with a Big But, that but being, The system was overhauled in the 90's and needs to be overhauled again, to reduce fraud and waste...There are still to many people collecting,that could work and choose not too, instead they keep the gov'tsfree bottle of nourishment fastened to their ----sucker....Out of the 200 plus people in my family line, 1 is on gov't assistance with welfare, section 8, and ssdi, due to lupus...She is able to work, she chooses to be lazy instead, and because of that she is shunned from the family...Yes we all,use to give her a fair shake. not no more, she's a loser and a user and she don't care.. Quick note on our discussion on the homeless.. I believe that food program was a charitable donation, without gov't assistance.. I'm not positive, I'll check and post my discoveries here with an edit feature... That is why I was vocal on that issue, I'm all for charity.. (Edit) Yes the mobile food program feeding the homeless was A charitable organization, far as I can tell, your taxes didn't feed the homeless and hungry.. No worries there Now me being an evil liberal, I need to consume some baby's blood to keep the dark force powerful
  7. Ask and you shall recieve http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srgi2DkDbPU...ch=bob%20dylan#
  8. I was just reading an article on Kerry's trip in Iowa....He was at a barbeque function, and someone asked him what he would do if Bush was here.....Kerry turned around and started speaking to the shrubs
  9. I took thesafety course 2 times, and have shot firearms for 30 years..Never shot no one in the face Never lost a gun from a robbery, due to a great gun cabinet, and home security..Was a subscriber to NRA and a local fish and game club....Have taught 12 year olds toshoot with safety in mind first....And if they hunt, how to plce the kill shot and track a wounded animal, that does happen.. You shouldn't be scared, I thought gop people had balls of steel You sound like a northeast RINO or A LIBERAL ___ ----- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- I lived near the glades for 6 years and worked in miami,lauderdale,delray,pompano,naples,fort myers ,sanibel,sarasota,st. pete tampa, n.fla....Spent my time in the gulf living on a boat in goodland and a house off a 951 past immokalee near the seminole? indian res..I love it there,swamp buggy's and good ole southern living...In this video is where we practiced shootin and drinkin and fishin..You might like this tune and it has relevance to the political board, where the glades are controlled by the gov't ,for$$interest...I talked to my fla swamp buddy yesterday, he asked me when I'm coming down,I said this winter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac3gXoVOrZM...ch=musicvideos#
  10. Arlo guthrie, City of New Orleans. A woody guthrie tribute, by springsteen and others..This Land is Your Land. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJRVhWizVc8&search=guthrie=# A simple twist of fate.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MELzzGShHZw...ch=bob%20dylan= Family tradition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsrkZFWyUtY&search=tradition#
  11. Pretty funny, menudo,oh man no, good public service anouncements... I will add to the public service announcement, to children raised on the wrong side of the tracks.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgwpM2dKkGA&search=britain#
  12. I own guns and I'm a liberal, somewhat....I don't believe in gun control for law abiding citizens....Criminals attain access to whatever they want, almost wherever they want....As I said, I prefer to vote dem, instead of repub, but the dems suck right now, more than before... Gun controll is a misquided idea, and only strengthens the criminals intent without the fear of being shot.
  13. Presidential hopeful, Newt Gingrich had this to say on Iran.. The threat posed to the national security of the United States by Iran was likened only to the one posed by Nazi Germany in the 30's....Gingrich also suggested Tehran could be planning for a pre-emptive Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse attack on america, that would turn 1/3 or more of the USA back to the 19th century level of development.....
  14. Are you enviromentally concerned with the overuse of TP wastage? If so you might consider the natural alternative.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXwO5kZX5Rg...h=ASS%20SCRATCH
  15. I grabbed the link from a discussion I was reading, I also posted 2 links with a lebanese perspective....Again reinforcing my dem title as terrorist sympathizer unpatriotic commy. Tough to find nuetral ground in the free world, with that and providing links I'm going back to the bunker, cuz the artillery will be coming in the war on christmas
  16. Not very long, lets see how brazen illegals are, even if there is the president of the United States of America sitting on the other side of the fence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4TPmfW5PS0...ush%20Politics#
  17. You think if Mel had said that in london, that back here in america there would be an organized campaign to blacklist him, boycott his movies, and media entertainment stations would not play his movies and have movie burning rally's across america for 3 years,just to get even ?
  18. Freedom!!!!!?
  19. And the question changes to, will clinton allow the waitress to blow him off
  20. I just posted it with ?? marks for people to decide for themselves with independent analysis
  21. The killing spree in the Baghdad neighborhood Hai al-Jihad began june 30 in the darkness and continued into the morning of july 9, when marauding gangs of militiamen began systematically separating Shia from Sunni and killing Sunnis on sight.. Or do you need historians 20 years later to make that judgement? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14096471/site/newsweek
  22. Look at my poster name. missing link?
  23. No name, and The union oyster house...Across from anthonies pier 4 was a place called charlies, casual and good.... In concord is tijiajuans, built in a early 20th century jail with actual cells decorated with a mexican motife(sp?) good margaritas and food... North of you exit28 heading towards waterville valley is the mad river tavern, a house/restaraunt with a hunter lodge themed bar, good food and private dining,situated on the river which is crystal clear and strewn with boulders and trout...Bievenue to Newhampshire.......Also in seabrook n.h is browns and marky's lobster and seafood, longtime establishments, supplied by local commercial fishermen, overlooking the black water tidal river , when you look over the deck you will see schoolie stripers on a feeding frenzy from the bits of food people toss over the side... The post obove this one, about buzzys, man I used to grab a roastbeef sandwich there once a week...That was a great little joint..
  24. How in the hell did you find that video of ME ? Your a big meanie Still the same my man, just dabbling with links, new found skill. didn't know how to post a link before, kinda sad for 11 months computer use... Now, that video was friggen hilarious, you bastages.....Just you wait
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