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Everything posted by buffalobillsfootball

  1. I noticed that - thought it was odd... but it would have come down to us and kc anyhow.
  2. Hey - did you guys vote - and does anyone know what time this evening this round is finished?
  3. Vote HERE Buffalo is presently down - need more votes, asap.
  4. The Alamodome seats about 60,000 for football.
  5. Business First A run at the future A look at the viability of the Buffalo Bills in WNY TIm O'Shei Business First Buffalo Bills fans have worried about the future of the team in Western New York for, oh, approximately forever. And with good reason: By virtually any measurement, the Bills play in one of the NFL's smallest markets. Owner Ralph Wilson, who turns 87 next month, has confirmed that his family isn't interested in running the team after he passes away. Los Angeles used to have two NFL teams. Now it has none. Which, predictably, leads people to believe that the team will be purchased from Wilson's estate by an out-of-town investor who will quickly pack up the franchise and drop it into southern California. With that long-held belief as a starting point, Business First examined the viability of the Buffalo Bills in Western New York. The research focused on two questions: Why have the Bills been able to thrive in Western New York? (By all accounts, the team is well-run and profitable.) What needs to be done to ensure the franchise's future here? Sources included national sports-business analysts, finance experts, local elected officials, and business executives who are familiar with the Bills' inner workings. The full report, which can be found this week in Business First's magazine, Western New York Life, draws conclusions that are both reassuring and alarming: Someday, when the Bills are put up for sale, it's unlikely that the team will be quickly purchased, packed and moved. "The chance of an individual owner deciding to up and move is unlikely -- that fear is unfounded," said David Carter, founder of the Sports Business Group. (That opinion, by the way, was echoed by each of the three other national sports experts interviewed for this report.) Based in southern California, Carter is intimately familiar with the Los Angeles situation. He points out that since the Raiders left for Oakland 10 years ago, southern California has seen little of the tangible progress - for example, planning and funding a state-of-the-art stadium - that would be needed to attract an NFL team. "You need a place to play," he said. "You don't jump into a pool unless there is water in it. There's not a lot of water right now." With the team's lease on Ralph Wilson Stadium due to expire in 2013 - and with an escape clause leaving open the possibility that the team could leave any time - Western New York needs to be prepared to talk about major renovations, or a new stadium. This is the alarming possibility, but it's almost guaranteed to happen. Ralph Wilson Stadium opened in 1973, which places it among the league's oldest facilities. The renovations of 1999 were cutting edge -- at the time. No matter who owns the Bills, it's difficult to imagine that the team won't request a new stadium or major enhancements to its current home as the lease nears its end -- or, very possibly, sooner. But, given the fiscal crises faced by both Buffalo and Erie County, it's even more difficult to imagine that taxpayers will be willing and able to fund it. "Knowing the conditions in place today," said Jack Quinn, a former Congressman from Hamburg and now a Washington-based lobbyist, "I would think the community would want to examine any and all sports facilities built in recent years to see what arrangements were made." The funding of sports stadiums is a hot issue nationwide. In June, voters turned down New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposed $2.2 billion Manhattan stadium, which would have served as a convention center and home to the New York Jets. This week, the Minnesota Vikings and the county in which they are located reached an agreement for a $675 million retractable-roof stadium that would also encompass shops, offices, housing and nature preserves. (Thinking ahead, a Buffalo waterfront stadium - an idea touted by city Councilman Antoine Thompson - might include many of the same developments.) Part of the deal asks the state to commit $115 million in bond moneys, an idea that was received coolly at first by Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. What's the benefit of building a new stadium? If it were located downtown, it could complement and spawn other developments. It would also lock the Bills in place with a 30-year lease, presumably with a no-escape clause. (The Vikings are committing to such a lease.) "When you get a new stadium, that's what's expected," said Marc Ganis, president of SportsCorp Ltd. in Chicago. The Western New York Life story explores non-public funding options for a Buffalo stadium, all of which would require significant private investment. That creates another question: How do you convince entrepreneurs and corporations to invest in Buffalo? The answer to that question unlocks the one way in which the Western New York community can affect the future of the Bills. Several factors - revenue sharing among NFL teams, a new collective bargaining agreement with the players union, the on-field success of the team - are beyond the control of anyone outside the league. But Western New York business leaders and elected officials can, and must, help create a vibrant, investment-friendly community. Doing that will be a major step toward keeping the NFL here. "What will secure the Bills' future in Western New York is stabilizing and growing the local economy," says Rep. Brian Higgins, D-Buffalo. "The waterfront development issue is key to that." Put another way: You can't force the Buffalo Bills to stay -- but you can make them not want to leave.
  6. I would expect an article in Business First this week... just a hunch!
  7. Went to the home opener - traffic in and out of LOT 5 was a breaze. I don't know what you guys are talking about.
  8. jetBLUE is an awesome airline. i wish they would buy out USAirways. BUF airprices would continue to fall drastically.
  9. Give me a break. This is NFL Football - these guys are selling girl scout cookies. GO BILLS
  10. I'm undecided. My parents put an invisible fence around the perimeter of their property so that the dog wouldn't run away... That cost a whole, what $200 at the most? I can sorta see the same thing in the NFL. These games are pretty important. The refs have already given away big games for one team or another.. ala da Pats. Why not put a chip in the ball and if it goes outside - a red light goes on. Whats the big deal?
  11. You're all right - google works - but I was really just asking where YOU (you know, you "die-hard - City of Good Neighbor" Bills fan) go... that's all. Instead, I get the typical, predictable sarcastic responses - which say's more about your character than mine. Thanks for standing out. ps: thanks B.Rich and anyone else for their meaningful input - appreciated.
  12. Besides the stadium wall, and boards.buffalobills.com, what other bills related message boards exist? i am loyal to the stadiumwall.com but recently read on the Bucs board that there are like five other active bills boards. do you visit these boards and what are your thoughts? thanks.
  13. the LINK and one last thought: Why do they think weather will be an issue? WNY is on record for having one of the hottest summer's ever. GO BILLS -
  14. Big win on Sunday - great game guys. But we have another big game this Tuesday as Buffalo goes on to vote in a huge Mayor Candidacy. Buffalo's next Mayor? Anyone but status-quo BYRON BROWN.Good Blog! You want your taxes to go up? Vote Brown! He voted to raise taxes 130 times while in office. You want more of the same? Vote Brown! Brown is endorsed by every union and political machine. Come on Buffalo - Please make a statement this Tuesday and VOTE Brown OUT OF OFFICE. Dems: Vote GAUGHAN He’s the only candidate offering a clear vision and a revolutionary plan to grow Buffalo. Conservatives: Vote HELFER After all, what’s conservative about Byron Brown? Also, a vote for Helfer strikes a blow to the corrupt system of electoral fusion. IP: Vote FLYNN After all, he’s actually a dues-paying member of the party. What’s so independent (or reform-minded) about Byron Brown? Also, a vote for Flynn strikes a blow to the corrupt system of electoral fusion. Everybody: VOTE, DAMMIT!
  15. AZ Cardinals New Stadium Link
  16. No offense, but the grass ain't any greener in Canada. sh--, the brain drain is just as bad, if not worse, in Canada, as it in in WNY, BOSTOn, NYC, and anywhere up North!!! Buffalo NY is an awesome place. Just because the politiicians and the residents conitnue to !@#$ it up - they will never ever realize just how good they have it. It's just human nature to B word, B word and B word. Buffalo is awesome. Only a few know. BYE.
  17. Where in the area do you live? Just curious.
  18. hey, let's stick to talking buffalo bills football - reading some of these comments about my home makes me sick. Yeah, Buffalo is in rough shape - but it never proclaimed to be San Diego or Phoenix. Let it be - everthing is cyclical - Buffalo will reclaim it's glory one day - (hmm, and I think the Great abundace of water will have something to do with it - mark my words). But yeah, Indian run casino in our front yard (Buffalo) absolutely sucks. We can thank our Republican Governor & Democrat Masiello for this sh------- idea. Leave the Casino's in Niagara Falls... There is far too many good things starting to happen in BUF - esp residential condos and lofts. Rents are starting to go up - way too high, in my opinion. And yes, the city may be poor - but there is a ton of money in our burbs. Stick with football... ps: BTW, your comments about the ZOO are uncalled for... They are in the process of renevating the joint - go back and stop basing your claims on feelings not facts.
  19. yes, EVERYONE knows. huh.
  20. I'll thank you now... I picked em.
  21. There is 12 of us - Lee Evans is already gone... I'm leaning towards BUF Defence... Eric will probably go soon -
  22. I basically have all my starters - I have three wide receivers, etc.... Do I hit up Buffalo Bills DEF or do I snag another WR? Folks are starting to take Defense - Baltimore Defense, New England Defense, Pittsburgh Defense is already gone.... Eric Moulds is still on the board.... So is Santana Moss, Terry Glenn, Antwaan Randle El. What are your thoughts... thanks.
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