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Everything posted by buffalobillsfootball

  1. Ralph Wilson is a Buffalo guy @ heart. I like this guy. Long live Ralph. BUT please, Ralph, bring in a top notch coach.
  2. He may and should demand to be paid but New England is notoriously cheap...
  3. OK, Heckert's gone. How about Pioli? He's done an amazing job in New England.
  4. yawn.... connect the dots.... espn... buffalo media... who the heck cares what these people think?
  5. good, albeit scary, point! yikes.
  6. HECKERT has had a damn good run at drafts the past few years. Hmm, let's see - Tom Donohoe - worked at ESPN - he was "well regarded" and promoted in the media by ESPN. Shocker.
  7. WKBW: promote from within Although not surprising - that's too bad. I really wanted this guy: HECKERT When will this team grow some balls and think BIG?
  8. It was just a thought... you're both probably right - but if I were Brett - I would be anxious to prove that I still had enough in the tank to give it one more try. Besides, the Bills need someone like Brett - and his fiesty leadership - not ONE Bill stood up and took the bull by the horns. Not one. The '05 BILLS had no swager - no confidence - nothing.
  9. How would you react if the BILLS brought in Brett to compete for the number 1 job? Assuming Brett's done in GB - and he still wanted to compete - would you respond favorably? I think the guy has a ton left. I just think if we could cut his cord from Mike Sherman (fired yesterday) AND a change of scenery would serve Brett well.
  10. That's the funniest thing I've heard yet. Canada will get its first franchise as soon as it becomes a state in the United States. Canadian money sux.
  11. Bubble not burst, nice try though. Buffalo, like EVERY city on this planet deals with race. Buffalo is not unique. For someone who has lived in CT (New England) and now Texas - you, of all people, should know. Greenwhich (the nice part) and all of TEXAS - has some of the most bigoted folks around.
  12. Who cares... IF the game plan isn't already created - we're f!@##ED. I saw Tom Brady at the Celtics game last night - shouldn't he be home prepping for his game in Miami? These folks are human and have a life. Get over it.
  13. New Buffalo - Check it OUT
  14. Interesting how ABC snuck in that "priceless" commerical... I hate the PATS... lol
  15. I'm not against Casinos. But I am against the corrupt agreement the Governor created with the Seneca's. First, you don't sign over land in a major city and create an indian reservation - esp in a city where we are seeing old building converted to lofts and residences. Boston, NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte, San Fran, San Diego, Seattle - what do they all have in common? No downtown Casinos! Only desperate areas seek out Casinos - aka. Detroit. Second, the small share/percentage the Governor negotiated is a joke and a slap in the face to the good folks in Buffalo/Niagara. Pataki should be impeached. The guy is kidding himself if he think he has chance of being elected President or VP of the US. It's a very bad deal and guess who supported it? BRYON BROWN. Just change the constitution in NY so that casino's are legal.
  16. I do support her. Unfortunately, because of the tax burden and poor leadership in WNY - I live 500 miles away. I miss Buffalo dearly and I'm tired of seeing the malaise that has plagued the area for so long continue. But Byron Brown is a joke man. Kevin is definitely the lesser of two evils - but clearly a man who is willing to dig in and grab the bull by the horns. I read about Judy - esp in Buffalo Issues Alerts list serves. She is nice, educated, and exactly what Buffalo needs. Unfortunately, I can see the vulchers, the unions, the Partnership, the Authoritys running right over her. She just lacks the presense of someone who could lead. In addition, we learned early on that she refused to play the game the way it is set up - you have to be aggressive - attack - promote. There are SO many good people in WNY. I can't believe all the organizations of folks mobilizing behind blogs, the New Millennium Group, Revitalize Buffalo, Leadership Buffalo, Buffalo 30/42, and so on... there is a ground swell of change slowly taking place. Right now, Judy just couldn't be that silver bullet. I was honestly pulling for Kevin Gaughan - but after his endorsement of Byron Brown - I lost ALL respect for Kevin. Buffalo, do me a favor, keep it in one piece - don't change or do anything - I will come back and save the day. Mark my word.
  17. Check out this link: New Buffalo Unfortunately, Judy just doesn't have the support in Buffalo to go up against Byron Brown or Kevin Helfer. Although it's too late - I wish she would have dropped out ages ago. She will do nothng more than steal votes from Helfer - and then we will be left with Bryon Brown - who is nothing more than the status quo. When will the folks in Buffalo ever wake up?
  18. ok, the Teddy s-h-i-t is old - get over it and move on.
  19. I bet you are glued to the TV pulling for a Chargers, Falcons and Colts win this weekend, right? Thought so. Go BILLS
  20. This whole thread is stupid. The Sabres have one of the most secure owners in the league. Golisano would NEVER sell and/or move it. His roots and pride for WNY run deep. Like Ralph Wilson always say's - if the product on the field is good - the place will sell out. Golisano can learn a lot from Ralph. The NHL is coming off a strike - it will take time to rebuild the fan base.
  21. When will you guys realize that JP is not the solution. Who are you kidding? Some guys have it - some don't. JP is just too soft for the NFL. I'm not trying to be negative - just realisitc. Bills need to rebuild their O-Line and bring in a new QB.
  22. SDS is so funny. Funny fella you.
  23. Um, let's see - two hurricanes go through this area in the past months - where would your priorities be?
  24. I must admit - I was all over the internet chatting with bills fans, buffalo fans, friends, family getting this count to increase during the night. I got us over 200 over them at one point - then called it a night. I'm sleepy today. I wish we could strategize better with the Bills, buffalo clubs and stuff next round?
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