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Everything posted by buffalobillsfootball

  1. I don't have that perspective at all... actually, I enjoy WEEI more than WGR. That being said; I don't sense that they bash the red sox to the extent WGR bashes the Bills - I don't even think it's comparable. I do believe, however, that they talk RED SOX way too damn much... they even talk Red Sox on Sunday's - DURING FOOTBALL season. That annoys me. WGR can learn a lot from WEEI.
  2. I just love living in the Boston area... not!
  3. Link The Buffalo Sabres have made it all but official: They will have no playoff tickets left to sell to the general public this season. A whopping 98.5 percent of season-ticket holders have put down a deposit for their playoff tickets, while 90 percent already have renewed for next year — more than six months before the start of next season. And with the team’s own 14,800 season-ticket cap still in place for next season, Sabres officials believe there’s a decent chance they won’t be able to provide minipacks — which typically allow fans to buy tickets for five, 10 or 20 games. Three weeks before the playoffs begin, Sabres tickets remain a redhot commodity in this town.
  4. Boston Sports radio saying Pats may have interest... (no link; not much I know - but passing it on)
  5. sounds a lot like the new england patriots approach - and boy, do they suck
  6. Is it time for Schumer, Clinton, Spitzer, Giambra to address this with Ralph? It's amazing all these emails; and no one divulges the long & trusted source. Really lacks any credibility. PoliticsNY.Net "PoliticsNY.Net: This is something I just received from a long & trusted source: Joe, seems to have legs... --a friend in Toronto says that there is some major financial activity related to a sports team venture, and they certainly aren't bringing in another baseball,hockey, or basketball team!! --there is also some talk of a shell company quietly buying downtown property here for a Dome. It is headed by a prominent minority businessman/community leader." ###"
  7. Cry me a river. Talk about disrespect to the fans and city of Buffalo... I admire what Coles and Brennan's are doing... besides, they're great places to hang out.
  8. It's just that when you turn that garbage on - for even the two minutes - it's the same garbage, useless topics, that have absolultely NO meaning whatsoever to the reality of the Sabres or the Bills - these guys gotta go. The freaks @ WGR could learn a lot from WEI Entercom Boston...
  9. DeLuca 1967 = wgr55 sports staff member (most likely Schoop) Check out classic DeLuca 1967
  10. Anyone know how the revenue sharing talks went last week?
  11. No sand; just really good connections.
  12. More drama, please - MORE - you are so TYPICAL BUFFALO I can't stand it! Please submit proof - link- anyther other that HEARSAY - that Ralph's family doesn't want the team. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  13. Let's just say that the Bills will be staying in the Wilson family and the Buffalo community for the next generation. WTF do you think RALPH is working so damn hard? CAN WE MOVE ON NOW, please? Thank you
  14. But, I know and just leave it at that.
  15. Bills aren't going anywhere man; relax. I know. Way too much political support and pressure for the NFL to encourage this. Besides, Ralph will never move the team.
  16. So much for tradition and history...
  17. First: I'm glad you're not the owner. Sharing the Bills with Toronto is just not practical for the team, its players and the fans. Also, there would be ZERO sense of home field advantage. Having a permanent base is important: and for the Bills: it will *always* be Buffalo. Second: All this talk about the Bills leaving is premature. Whether you see it or not; the WNY economy is slowing starting to improve. In addition, this community, which stretches from Syracuse to Toronto and the state of NY/County of Erie has invested way too much into the franchise to bail now. We will never be LA or NYC but nor will a number of other communities in the United States. Also, Canada will never see a team. The NFL will not impose on the CFL unless that league folds. Third: Take a holistic approach to the Bills and WNY economy: build the stadium downtown - improve high speed rail connections between Toronto to Buffalo and Albany to Buffalo. Not only would this help build the economy - it will keep the Bills in Buffalo for a very long time. Fourth: If Jacksonville, Green Bay, and New Orleans can retain their teams - SO CAN BUFFALO. This topic is old. Please move on; cause the Bills aren't going anywhere.
  18. Hats off to Schumer - I support this guy 110%. Schumer Meets With NFL Commissioner WGR Newsroom - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 5:00 PM Senator Charles Schumer met with N-F-L Commissioner Roger Goodell today to discuss ways to protect small market teams with revenue-sharing from larger market teams and the NFL black-out rule and how it effects fans in Western New York."The NFL met with me because I'm on the judiciary committee which has jurisdiction over the anti-trust exemption," Schumer said. "They(the league) want some things out of me and I told them - my friendliness to the NFL will be determined by one factor above all - how well they treat the Bills and how long they're going to stay in Buffalo," said Schumer. Bills owner Ralph Wilson will serve on the eight-team committee that is now determing how league revenues will be split.
  19. U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer Announces talks with the NFL on future of the Buffalo Bills U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced today that he will meet with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in on Wednesday, January 11 at 10:30 am in his office in Washington, D.C. Schumer will discuss how to keep the Bills in Buffalo, better ways to protect small market teams, and the current NFL blackout rule and its ill effects on fans in Buffalo, Rochester, and across Western New York. In the days after Roger Goodell was elected NFL Commissioner, Schumer called Goodell, a Western New York native, to express how important the Bills are to all of Western New York, and that their loss would be devastating to the heart and soul of the community. Schumer will also discuss with Commissioner Goodell ways to produce revenue sharing rules that will be fair for small market clubs like Buffalo. “This meeting is another important step in our marathon effort to ensure that the Bills stay in Western New York, right where they belong,” Schumer said. “There are a lot of issues still to be resolved but I am looking forward to working with Commissioner Goodell – and his staff – to ensure that all NFL teams, particularly small market teams, are treated fairly.” On the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting will be: the NFL Qualifier Committee’s impending revenue sharing deliberations and decisions, current financial issues facing the Bills, and the NFL blackout rule. Following an April 2006 meeting with Ralph Wilson in Buffalo, Schumer has spearheaded the campaign to produce fair NFL revenue sharing rules so that the Bills can remain financial healthy and located in Buffalo. Schumer worked closely with Commissioner Tagliabue and is now working with Commissioner Goodell to communicate the small market teams’ point of view as negotiations around implementing the new Collective Bargaining Agreement proceed. Last year, Schumer lobbied outgoing NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue to ensure the league’s Qualifier Committee, which determines many critical revenue sharing issues, included representatives from small market franchises. On April 21, after a meeting organized by Schumer with Tagliabue and Buffalo native Tim Russert, Tagliabue announced that Bills owner Ralph Wilson would serve on the eight-team committee that is now determining how league revenues will be split.
  20. Does someone have a link on this - I believe it - but my buddy (pats fan) here doesn't...
  21. EXACTLY - the bills needed a miracle - and didn't get it.
  22. If the Bills were to leave Buffalo - it would be the absolute worst thing to hit WNY - it would tear the heart and soul right out of this region. With a show like Schoops - it could and would give the impression that people would be OK if the Bills left because the Sabres are "King." I'm sorry (and this is coming from a huge football AND hockey fan) - but the NHL is nothing more than a mickey mouse league. Give the impression that the we've moved on from the Bills; I worry that we enable the team and new ownership to push for a move. WGR is joke ... I don't care that their "not the voice of the Bills - without the Bills - that station would be MORE a joke than it already is... Bring on the sports radio COMPETITION - nOw!
  23. You're throwing a lot against the wall but none of it's sticking.
  24. *Really* hard not to think "DeLuca1967" doesn't have some connection to WGR55. He's the only one really going out of his way to defend the station.
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