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Everything posted by buffalobillsfootball

  1. 17 Buffalo Bills Are they the best special-teams club of the past decade?
  2. "It would be a shame for all those lifetime fans there," Marino said last night. "They go all the way back to when Jack Kemp played there." Go Buffalo!
  3. Interesting review of Lucas Oil Stadium. People Flow, Restroom Trouble Top List Of Lucas Oil Issues
  4. Colter Bay is just a block away from your hotel. Pretty cool place, lots of beers on tap, decent food and good looking people.
  5. Missed the game - anyone know of a link or highlights?
  6. NFL trying to send message to teams in small markets?
  7. Wow, for a change - I agree with this a-pita, i mean apus.
  8. Where do you live? It's quite popular between BOS and NYC.
  9. The Buffalo Bills future is north - not east. Sorry Rochester and Syracuse - love your support but the population and money just north of the border is huge. My first choice would be downtown Buffalo... preferably near HSBC or along the harbor. If Grand Island didn't have such access issues - I wouldn't mind the stadium being built there - plenty of space - sorta north of beaver island park on the westside of the island - imagine the skyline views of Niagara Falls to the north and Buffalo to the south. We could even build a bridge from the qew right to grand island or provide ferry service for Canadians on game day. If money weren't an issue - Id help fund high speed trains between Toronto and Buffalo. Albany and Buffalo. Cleveland and Buffalo. We need to connect these metro areas and high speed trains are the way to go.
  10. If the Chargers move outside of the SD metro - it will be north to LA. Once LA is taken care of - San Antonio can start to dream.
  11. Good point. Also, I hate to say it but if Schumer has any say or influence from a political standpoint (NFL's anti-trust exemption) - this rule might change quite quickly. You'd have to think Russert was involved with this group... sad he's gone.
  12. Interesting... www.SayNoToToronto.com
  13. Anyone know about Kemp AND Cuomo's interest?
  14. PTR: ...and you have convinced yourself there is no other solution but sharing 50% of our games. bull sh--. Why would Ralph Wilson renegotiate a lease with 5 years remaining when he doesn't even know how many years he has left on this fine earth? We know all this sucks - but man - every Bills message board I visit, including the stadium wall - PTR chimes in like a broken record.
  15. It's just ugly. Best these billionaires could come up with?
  16. Nice job. I appreciate the city views as well. May I ask the name of the soundtrack?
  17. Anyone going to the Bills-Jags game in FL?
  18. Anyone traveling from New England to Buffalo should just fly JetBlue from Logan. After you spend money on gas and tolls - it's just not worth it. Do you hang out at The Harp?
  19. Hmm, nah, no thanks Mr. Florida. I'm ok with one one meaninful game a year in TO but that's it.
  20. Update: it appears the links no longer work - shocker.
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