Robinson guarenteed a wide open offense and attacking defence...
83 yards passing by the QB
Will they even beat Buffalo?
Who will the new coach be if this team doesn't get at least 3 wins?
Where will the AD be working?
Drew will do good becuase the Cowboys go after a good line, we don't. We would rather spend money on guys who can't make the Dolphins squad or get cut from the Bears. What are they smoking?
How is it that the Bills on game day can't manage their site? There were only 68 people signed on and the board can't keep up. Maybe they turn off the board so people won't say mean things about them.
Whaaaa, I'm taking my ball and going home....
I have been out of Buffalo for the last few years, why is this guy still here? Does the new owner think this guy can help or is he stoned? I heard Quinn is back, that's probably why taps is being sounded...