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Everything posted by JohnnyFairPlay001

  1. 1. You're not drinking - Bad 2. You're bringing your 19 year old Fiance - Bad 3. You're going to wear Jets gear - Bad If I was you, I would get drunk, leave the fiance at home, and wear something that will not draw attention to yourself.
  2. That girl is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. She's a full blown alcoholic...and so is EZC
  3. I was standing withh a buddy of mine by the dumpsters at gate 8, there were not many people around, out of the corner of my eye, here comes Ralph Wilson on a golf cart. By the time he got down to gate 7, where the rest of the crowd was, everyone went nuts. It was cool, just thought i would share. Did anyone else see him? JFP
  4. Sorry, didnt realize
  5. The most negative Sports Talk Show and Hosts?
  6. Why is this happening? Gas went up 20 cents in the last week and I dont know why? Just wondering if anyone can fill me in and make me understand?
  7. 1. I dont care about this stat because it doesnt matter 2. SPECULATION
  8. I wouldnt trade a bag of sabres pucks for TO, he is cancer
  9. Losman should be 3, he's better than Rex and A. Smith. Probably Eli too, but we're going to need to see some of this season before that is determined.
  10. Is this thing on? or is everyone else puzzled about the bills part of that show not being on?
  11. ps - great bills coverage i heard about all day. I dont think i could have missed it though....went to see wedding crashers and got back at 7:04? is it possible?
  12. I LOVE how much pub the Bills are getting, but I could live without ALL THE EAGLES CRAP!
  13. i wonder if they'll report on Losman being "light on his feet" as one TBD'er put it!
  14. On right now
  15. Not that it matters, but it has to be a mis-qoute. If its on the bills official site, then its porbably a real quote. my guess is someone is getting reamed for that going up...remember the controversy on playmakers?
  16. Tie a potato to a string and drag it from Baahhstin to Buf
  17. I dont know about anyone else, but when I drive home from work, I am sick of hearing Shoop & Bulldog talking about their families, kids, work, friends, off season hockey, etc. when we're in the thick of training camp. I know we havent had hockey for over a year, but that takes a back seat in my book to preseason and training camp football. ps - I also can care less about anyone going to space and that being the top story on every news station.
  18. Im sure you know too
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