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Posts posted by Ennjay

  1. I'm wondering if the plan is sort of a throwback to how the Bills first used Don Beebe. A speed guy goes long on every play, meaning some defender has to go with him (in a man) or a zone gets stretched. The underneath defense effectively plays a man short (or so it's supposed to work), and the chances of a mismatch or finding a defender out of position are that much better.

  2. The Bills should draft a QB at 8 this year, and if he doesn't work out, go back to the well again next year in the 1st-round. Keep doing it until you get it right. QB is too important not to have a good one.


    The Bills may indeed commit to a bad QB for 3+ years, but that would be due to their own buffoonery, not to today's market realities.


    This was my original point (in bold), but I disagree with taking a QB at 8 because the BPA at 8 won't be a QB. They can get adequate QB value for this draft at 41, or even -- if I dream -- in the 20's if they can work a deal with Minnesota.

  3. I worry that the Bills will draft a mediocre-to-poor QB at #8, declare him to be the franchise guy, and waste three more years because they feel "committed" to him. Meanwhile we're now reading that Buddy thinks there's a good (franchise?) QB to be found this year, which just reinforces what I'm worried about.


    My question: do any other GM's or scouts or teams say anything positive about this year's QB group? Or is Buddy alone out on this limb while he's prepping his own fans?


    Serious answers only please. Thanks.

  4. You can never have too many draft picks. The 49ers have 13 of them, and will likely be able to maneuver around in the draft to grab their favorite prospects.


    Just an observation or two: it's really about havig exclusive rights to a player and not competing with the rest of the league to get him.


    Sure the 49ers have 13 picks, but they've also got a good enough roster that they have nowhere near 13 openings. So they either (1) cut/don't re-sign current players they can actually use, (2) draft players they can't or won't keep, and/or (3) trade some picks for others to get a better shot at who they want more than what they've got while reducing the inventory of picks.


    Meanwhile, a team like the Bills maybe DOES have ~13 openings, but even that's debatable if what's available (after competing for FA's with the rest of the league) isn't better than what they've already got. And don't start with "anybody would be better than [fill in the blank]," because it's not true. So part of what happens is that teams like the Bills spend training camp studying the 49ers' cuts because of scenarios (1) and (2) above.

  5. I don't hate Thigpen. I just think that on his best days he's still just "meh."


    Any team playing its #3 QB is probably done for the season anyway (although if you're Seattle or SF you won't concede that), so my reaction goes more to the question of what's the third QB spot for. A younger guy who might have some upside? If so, save the slot for your next draftee even if it's Levi Brown. Someone to run the scout plays in practice? Maybe that's what a Thigpen or McCoy gets brought in for.

  6. I could live with this by position although for each player I have the feeling the guy named in the OP is really a second choice at that spot.


    I think the Kolb signing means there will be no QB drafted at #8 and I'm good with that -- nobody in this draft is worth it and my greater fear is that they take a QB at #8 and feel a need to commit to him for the next three years, meaning they skip better prospects over that time and in 2016 the whole thing starts over again. I don't see the same commitment risk to a #2 or #3 round QB.


    I also think the Bills would badly like to trade out of #8 for more picks (say, a first round plus just about anything else in Rounds 2-4) but they'll have a hard time finding a willing partner until the last moment.

  7. I think it is a very big assumption to say that any QB that the Bills could draft this year is EVER ready to be a starter, much less in their first year in the league. This is a bad QB draft and just because the Bills (and other teams) desperately need a QB doesn't change that. I am not saying that it isn't worth taking a chance on one of the QBs this year, only that if they do they need to be prepared to accept that he may never be starting material.


    They need a veteran alternative. If they think Tarvaris Jackson is that guy, then OK. If not, then I'd like to see them pursue Kolb.


    That's what I'm saying. I'm afraid they're just going to repeat the Fitz story (and the JP story and the Trent Edwards story) by drafting someone who's not good enough but sticking with him for at least 3 years and then starting over again.

  8. I'm curious about Kolb.


    He's not a Pro Bowler by any means, but he had as good a college career as any of this year's draftables and he was exposed in AZ by a woeful o-line. Between our running game and our line he may have more success with the Bills.


    Above all, I'm not impressed with any of this year's draftable QB's and somebody has to play the position. Maybe Kolb signs for a reasonabe price for not too many years. Neither he nor Tarvaris Jackson will ever be our Super Bowl QB, but . . . well, like I said, somebody has to play QB and drafting Nassib or Glennon in the 2d round and anointing him as our franchise QB for the next 10 years isn't going to make it so.

  9. A lot of people say that next year's draft (2014) will have better QB's in it. Who are the one-year-away quarterbacks that we should be looking forward to?


    Really -- I can't think off the top of my head who is so good but not draftable this year. Does anyone on this board know who "they" are talking about?


    (And don't forget that once upon a time people were looking forward to when Matt Barkley and Landry Jones would hit the draft . . .)

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