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Everything posted by HAMMER07

  1. Me three, there are some extremely disrespectful punks on this and all boards that really deserve a little pounding. Funny thing is, I am willing to bet that Marv Levy could run circles, mentally and physically around 95% of this board. How many people here run 3 miles 5X a week? Marv does, at 80 freaking years old. Show some respect, get behind your team, and for God's sake, stop whining and bitching.
  2. Oh you're so funny, nothing better to do?
  3. Nice post, I agree 100%. Back your team and owner people.
  4. Great post! If you think the people on this site are negative got to billszone.com. Some people are never happy, I think if Vince Lombardi himself could come back and coach people would still find something to complain about. Marv will be a GREAT addition, as you state, he handles people so well. Piss on the naysayers! GO BILLS!
  5. WTF? That's really gay!
  6. Brees and the rest of the Chargers played as Schottenheimer had a huge bonus on the line. 10 wins would have gotten him a several hundred thousand dollar bonus.
  8. LMAO, that's it, you got it.
  9. There are several restaurants adjacent that will deliver the food to you in the bar. There is a Zweigles hot dog cart right outside the door where you can get a killer grilled dog, get the meat sauce on it! This is not a fu-fu sports bar, most of us love the SH!THole the way it is. How can you beat $2 PBR's twenty steps from the beach? Wussy's go somewhere else, we don't need whiners.
  10. The Melon is THE place to watch Bill's games, been doing it for 15 years now. Mistakes happen, especially when technology is involved, ease up.
  11. Go Colts, class organization that deserves the fruits of their hard labor and hard losses the last few playoffs.
  12. This reminds me of those dumb ass boycott schemes people come up with to not buy gas and "show" the oil companies.
  13. Great shot! Evans has incredible hands, he is going to be one bad mutha.
  14. Killjoy, relax and enjoy yourself. Football and beer are made for acting silly, a release from a long hard week at work and home. The only thing worse than all the people you describe is the jerk who takes it all way too seriously.
  15. Nothing to do but ressurect this crap? Loser.
  16. We had our shot at that player, Corey Simon.
  17. Do you realize that Cleo Lemon was their third string QB? Do you think any team would give up their second and third string QB's that know the offensive system in the middle of the season and take on Feeley? Did you even think before you posted? Gimme a break, Rivers and Brees are both in San Diego for the rest of this season.
  18. These jokes are so damn old and lame, you've got nothing better than that?
  19. One of the guys that beat the Seahawk was found dead in a park three hours later. Very sad story, just walk away people!
  20. Who the hell can't spell cancer? OMFG!
  21. It goes well beyond a "little dance", it is direspectful to the game and especially to the other team. Plain and simple it is poor sportsmanship.
  22. Whine, whine, whine, all this whining makes me want to puke. Will you girls stop whining if we win our next two? Will you stop calling for heads to roll? My guess is you will until the next loss, then it will commence again. Sniveling fairweathers get a grip on yourselves, you sound absolutely pitiful.
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