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Everything posted by HAMMER07

  1. I have no idea what's goin on.
  2. You are quite wrong, my best friend was on the freeway speeding excessively when a spare fell out from under a pickup in front of him. His leathers and full faced helmet saved his life. His brain was injured slightly, mentally he is slower than he was before the wreck but he is living a full productive life.
  3. No, the Patriots org. has class, unlike some here!
  4. Nominated for worst post of the year, the guy is chiseled like a statue, far from obese. Now if you were talking about Sam Adams.
  5. Fans like you make me puke, whiny bastard. Quit cryin about calls, you make the rest of us look bad.
  6. "Waaaaah, waaaaah, I'm sick of you picking on me." Quit crying you little snot nose girl, you give Buffalonians a bad name.
  7. God you people need a life.
  8. Is that Lafonda in the bottom row, far right? Is Philster Kip?
  9. One of the best posts to ever grace this fine website!
  10. You are correct, they didn't get a chance to spend enough time with him at the combine. It is hard to imagine they would have passed on him if he was there.
  11. A torn rotator cuff is not a career threatening injury for a DT. Only giving up a 7th, Saban will be having the last laugh if Wright plays anything like he is capable of.
  12. Just another jerk trying to bring someone down.
  13. There are always haters that want to see a successful college QB go bust. It is a sad indictment on those people in my opinion. Most people that evaluate players feel he will be a great NFL QB. I can tell you one thing, he is certainly the most prepared in this class. If the Titans take him he will have a very solid rookie season due to knowing Chow's system like the back of his hand.
  14. Last time I checked working regularly for ESPN makes you a professional journalist.
  15. Why is it that every journalist is an idiot, I see this on every message board. I guess all of us message board "experts" know so much more that we can berate professional journalists.
  16. Hmmmm. maybe this is why no one else wanted to pay him what we did.
  17. I think Cleo Lemon could be the guy going into the opener.
  18. You know what, I think he just wanted a change. When you work/play in one place for 10 years you can get the itch to check out something new. He also seems to like the fact that he will be closer to his family in Miss. He owes the Bills nothing, they are the ones that didn't want to continue under his deal. It's a business and the door swings both ways. There shouldn't be animosity toward a guy that gave most of his career to the team and the city, likewise there should be no animosity from Moulds.
  19. Pathetic, typical WNY negativivty. "They always screw us, whine, whine, whine."
  20. Nice positive thinking!
  21. Personal Advisor=Gold Digger
  22. Ummmmmm, you are comparing Moulds to one of the best pure receivers the game has seen. Not a good comparison, plus Dallas didn't have to give up a pick for Owens.
  23. Where do you people come up with statements like this? I am quite sure Carl Peterson cares about being more than .500.
  24. You don't know much about football if you think a 32 year old malcontent with an inflated contract will fetch a #1. Pigs will fly and hell will freeze over before that happens.
  25. You are not imagining things, it seems to be a pervasive attitude in the City of Buffalo. People are always crying about something, they especially like to talk about how "we always get screwed". This site is actually the most positive of the "big three" Bills boards.
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