Believe it or not, that wasn't intended. I hadn't read much of this thread before today, and was just getting around to skimming through it. I assume that post was the one deleted earlier?
If so, I apologize Tgreg, I wasn't trying to throw that back in your face.
Honestly, I'm not very interested in all the nitpicking analysis of the series. Not to say there was anything wrong with others doing it, but I always thought all of the intense scrutiny of every detail really took away from the show for me. And while others have said they were disappointed with the questions left open at the end, I was exactly the opposite. As the weeks passed and the show dwindled down I was dreading a neatly wrapped ending with all questions answered. It would have made LOST "just another show" for me. The fact that the ending was so much more about the relationship of the characters and not the island or answers was excellent to me. The fact that Jacob was flawed and didn't have all the answers was great. Having a resolution without all questions answered is pretty much how life works, and really set this show apart.
Like others I was emotionally struck by the series and especially the ending. As ludicrous as it sounds, it reaffirmed the appreciation I have for the relationships in my life. And while I'm sure it's a fleeting emotion, I'm glad I experienced it.
*Edited to add some thoughts about the show.