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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I love the names they come up with for these things. I read something awhile ago that went through how important the names of things like Bills and war operations have become. Pretty ridiculous stuff. I can just see the outrage from voters when their representative votes down the "Saving Kids From Dangerous Drugs Act".
  2. Couple of things.... First, he started the article saying: then went on to give the line you quoted above. I think saying "...a good day" was an accurate description of what was written in the article. Second, outside of a few nutjobs nobody is thinking a good day at the beginning of camp is going to make a break a QB competition. Given that it's such a highly important decision, it's very much expected to see people disecting every pass and looking for glimpses to the result.
  3. Agreed. That is one bad ass ride.
  4. But you're comparing one thing to make a point about another. Comparing the companies sales doesn't have anything to do with how well individual phones sell and why one particular phone would become the target of a smear campaign (not my opinion). The iPhone is the most recognizable smartphone in the US right now. Whether it's the best or not isn't the point, it's the phone that every other phone is compared to. Saying that it is "top dog" is dead on, and it's also very accurate to say that there is a large, very vocal group that has to tear down everything that is considered to be the best. People hate Microsoft because Windows is so big (and therefore the target of virus' etc...), though when the Playstation got so big it became the bad guy and the X-Box was the only way to go (Microsoft hatred forgotten). As far as computers, stay away from Windows and get the Mac; Apple is the good guy. Until of course the iPhone becomes the picture of "trend" and now it's the devil. These are just a very few examples, but the whole XXXX is big and powerful and bad is annoying to me.
  5. Those are companies, not phones. I have no idea how the iPhone sells compared to other individual phones, and I don't really care, but your post didn't have anything to do with what he said.
  6. And before that they were lower, and before that they were higher. It's already been talked about later in the thread and I really don't have anything else to add. But it's safe to say that anyone who brings up statistics based on a 20 year span and thinks they're making some sort of valid point just isn't worth spending time on. My "thousands of years" comment doesn't even scratch the surface, but quoting things like 4th year in a row and 19th June in a row is just absurd.
  7. The earth doesn't give a crap about 20 years of data. If you're not looking at thousands of years then you have no idea what is "normal".
  8. Wow...game called for the night.
  9. I'm streaming it on 3.
  10. I think this is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen in sports.
  11. Still going.....52-51. This is insane. These guys can hardly move.
  12. Pixie dude
  13. May keep them from eating it, but might get it thrown away.
  14. I bought RDR a few weeks ago, but haven't had time to get into it. Now I'm getting ready to head over-seas for a while, so it'll probably be months before I get a chance to play. To the original question, I've been playing INFAMOUS for a little while now and I'm having fun with it. I wouldn't place it in the "best of" category, but it's just a fun shoot em up type game with a good twist.
  15. Have some compassion. That whole team is probably going to be executed.
  16. Pretty sure Psycho had blood.
  17. I don't know. I doubt it has anything to do with your computer; I'd think it would have to be connection rate. Are you using Wi-Fi? If so, maybe a wired connection while you're watching games would speed it up enough? Outside of that, I'm not sure. It's going to take more speed to keep the NFL stream buffered than it does YouTube, but if you're able to stream sites like Hulu without buffering issues I would guess you that would be about the same.
  18. Really? I was always very impressed with the picture quality. It always started out fuzzy, but after a couple minutes it buffered and came up very good, almost HD quality. I not only don't do Sunday Ticket, but I recently got rid of cable all together. I just use Hulu and Netflix now. I definitely plan on getting rewind again.
  19. I agree that the diving is a huge turnoff to the game as a whole. Unfortunately it's taught at almost every level. I was in an international tournament when I was a kid and almost every other countries teams were diving all over the place (these were 14 year old kids). Took us all off guard because we had never seen it before. Luckily there were US refs, and they caught on pretty quick and just let the kids lay there until they realized there would be no stoppage (miraculously they always jumped up and started running as if nothing happened). Anyway, not sure if there's a way to fix it. As you said, during the game they have to react to the possibility of a real injury. A post game review seems fair, I just don't see anything like that happening. Too much controversy involved. I see both sides of this argument. On one side it does seem disappointing that so many scoring opportunities are taken away, but on the other it is a huge part of the strategy of the game. It would be like taking away blitzes in football just because it makes it so hard for the offense to get big passing plays. In the end I think it's just too much a part of the game to take away (or try to curb so much). I disagree on these. It seems people who aren't used to soccer want to speed up the game, but even as played soccer is one of the most physically demanding sports you can play. Other sports, especially the big American sports, have plenty of time stoppages throughout the games (huddles, timeouts, free throws, face-offs, etc...) I don't see these as any different. They need to ban the damn things and be done with it. There would be no way to monitor which dB vuvuzela people were bringing in and it's too much effort anyway. They're not a problem anywhere but S America, and I doubt the WC heads back there any time soon.
  20. There are other reasons for insider besides NFL rumors (or any rumors for that matter)
  21. In case you can't get enough!
  22. Her name is Anna song. An easy search and you'll find many far more revealing pics of her.
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