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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Rocky Horror Picture Show
  2. We've been winning 5-7 games for a while now, and that's considered a culture of losing that needs to be reversed. Most likely the best case scenario would be the same this year, so how much help is it really going to be? When the games are being played, I can't root for a loss; it just isn't in me. But I think having those high draft picks will do more for the future than another mediocre year with wins that don't go anywhere. I would like to finish with at least 3 wins though, taking out the division the second time around.
  3. There's always some minor detail screwing up my plans!
  4. I think you're right that Singletary's not going anywhere this season. If everything was equal, I would prefer Wade to Fox, but since Wade wouldn't come back (can't imagine a scenario that it would happen), Fox would be awesome! Not a reality for the Bills given their insistence on below bargain basement priced coaches, but a nice dream.
  5. :58 left in the game, you take a knee. You don't don't sit on the ball with a 10 point lead before the half when you're playing a superior team. The reason no one is agreeing with you is because the strategy that you are spouting is wrong. The only thing that was wrong with that play is that he fumbled. No mnatter what the game situation is, the returner has to know that ball security comes before extra yards.
  6. Wade has always done well as a DC. If it were possible, he would no doubt be my top choice. There's just no way in hell he would ever come back here after how he left.
  7. I'd grab a copy of Grays Sports Almanac.
  8. Up until last year I liked Draftcoundown.com. He used to get pretty good player profiles up for almost every player and did it quite early. Last year it seemed to change to more of an opinion based format...really brought it down.
  9. The entire organization that matters to the players the field, smart guy. You know, the guys coaching them and the ones calling the plays? But why wait? Are you actually complaining because we aren't going to get 5-7 wins again? Is that really what this is all about to you? Who cares if we changed systems before the personel were ready? It's not like Gailey took a playoff team and screwed them up because he tried a system his players werern't ready for. But hey, if you wanted the same 5-7 win team around here, nothing I can do to argue.
  10. No, but changing an entire organization and getting rid of a bunch of players that don't fit with the new system is. Yes, there are growing pains when your team is devoid of talent and your entire coaching staff changes...along with offensive and defensive systems. Lets be real clear, Nix and Gailey aren't just filling a few holes and moving on. They're basically having to rebuild a team from the ground up...without the benefit of an expansion draft (as others have pointed to JAX and Carolina as examples of how things should have been done). I'm certainly not confident that Gailey and Nix are capable of pulling this off, but no matter who's doing it, it's going to take more than 1 friggin off-season to do it!
  11. You keep saying this, but there were reasons why this was a horrible year for free agency. Not only that, but the Bills SUCK, and have sucked for a long time. And they play in BUFFALO! Even under the best of circumstances it isn't an easy place to recruit the most talented free agents. This isn't Madden.
  12. That's not entirely true, not for me anyway. I don't think the world is falling down and I don't think enough has happened to dismiss Nix and Gailey. For the record, I was against the Nix and Gailey hirings (far more against Gailey than Nix), but that doesn't mean I have to go overboard on every opinion I have of the team and run these guys out of town before they have time to do anything. That said, I haven't spent a dime on the Bills (not including cable and NFL replay, which wasn't purchased for the Bills specifically) in at least 5 years (probably closer to 10, can't remember exactly). I love the team, but I'm not going to support them financially until they show they can at least ACT like a competent NFL franchise. Brandon has no hold over me, being a Bills fan does. I go though the agony of a loss every single week and come back for more because I have no choice. I do have a choice in spending money on for the heartbreak.
  13. How are they doing now?
  14. Out of that list of 9, the only thing that holds up to me is 3. Well, 5 too, but since it was the past regime it doesn't really match the rest of the article.
  15. Baltimore should have traded him when they had the chance. Could have had a 3rd round pick (if the rumors were true), now they get nothing. I'd certainly be in favor of bringing him in. Can't imagine after the last year he's going to be getting top money offers, so he'd be worth brining in and seeing if he can get back to his old ways.
  16. I think the best possible outcome is that Urbik can step up at guard, Wood can go to center, and Bell can fill in at RT for a year or two until they can afford to draft a replacement. We need to get a good LT in here soon though. Again, that's the best possible scenario. Realistically, way too many question marks for it to actually work.
  17. He'll destroy everyone he lines up across from and will be in the pro-bowl within 3 years.
  18. It is worse than what you can can get in the supermarket, but I try to stay away from processing as much as possible anyway. I buy my meat from a ranch about an hour away...freezer full at a time. I shop local as much as possible (not a lot around where I live) and try to buy organic if it's available. I'm going to start growing a little bit of my own next spring...though I'm no gardener, so I'm not expecting much.
  19. Yes, and while it's a very "in your face" idea, it didn't really have the affect on me other stuff did. Not that it doesn't make a good point, but it's very easy to dismiss it since "All of my food isn't fast food." Reading more about how horrible the process is from start to finish did it for me. I can't stomach even smelling burger joint food anymore. I make everything from home now. Not as convenient, but tastes better and I know what I'm getting.
  20. There are plenty of good books out there that explain from start to finish (cow to plate) what goes into the crap they serve at those places. Read them and you'll pretty much be purged of the desire to ever visit one again.
  21. Yes, I can see how saying "no" 3 times would cause that kind of reaction.
  22. Why pay $5 when you can get enough to feed your family right out of a restaraunt dumpster?
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