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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Had he been there before? As far as I can tell that was Suh's first NFL touchdown. Stupid move to celebrate before getting into the endzone, but it's also kind of stupid move to tell a rookie DT not to be excited about scoring a TD! Boneheaded moves are expected from rookies, and he probably learned a lesson from it. On a side note, I'm all for celebrations as long as it's for an actual achievement. Stevie celebrating a TD, okay. Maybin celebrating an assisted tackle makes him look like a douche. The No Fun League is bad enough, it shouldn't spread to the guys on the field too.
  2. There was also a lot more to the story of him leaving Florida than was reported.
  3. I like going for it.
  4. That's always the case.
  5. Actually, for a team that has said they will build through the draft and fill holes through FA, this order seems to suit the Bills better. I've always thought it made more sense to do it this way. You don't know what's going to happen in the draft, and outside of giving up the farm, you don't have any control over it. But if you draft first, you know exactly who to target in FA and how aggressive to be.
  6. I agree. While I'm really not on board with pulling Fitz just to see Brohm (I think if Brohm blows it can have a negative effect on the development of the rest of team, especially the WR's who have really come on), I don't see anything wrong with the others desire to see Brohm get his time. As has been said, practice doesn't always tell the story. Based on practice, Fitz should be playing worse than Edwards. I think the chances are slim that Brohm goes and proves he is worth that number 1 pick, but a similar situation happened out in San Diego not too long ago. You never know what's going to happen with a guy when he gets time on the field.
  7. Sounds like a good time! India is was a weird place for me. It has some beautiful things and some very friendly people, and it also had some of the worst areas I've been in my life, and that's saying something. In the end, very glad I went. Gave me a good perspective on a completely different part of the world and way of life.
  8. See the rest of the thread.
  9. I agree that it's a risk, but this guy doesn't compare AT ALL to Maybin. For starters, he played two years, starting most of his first year where as a true freshman he was in the race for ACC defensive rookie of the year (this is after having brain surgery to remove a tumor one year earlier). In his sophomore season he racked up 17 tackles for loss (for -214 yards!), 11 sacks and 6 forced fumbles. He was second in voting for ACC Defensive player of the year. He is big, strong and fast. He uses his speed, but he also has power moves and can get through and around the OL. I'm not sure how to argue that he only has speed moves other than to say you should have watched his games. Agree or don't agree that he should be picked that high, but comparing him to Maybin for any reason is lazy.
  10. He's 6'5 - 270 and holds the record at UNC with a power clean lift of 374lbs, but just because he's ALSO fast (broke Julius Pepper's lineman record in the 40 with 4.38) he's obviously just like "somebody we already have"?
  11. He was involved in the agents paying players fiasco. If he hadn't been suspended and barring injury, he would certainly be a top 5 prospect and in the discussion for number 1 overall, especially since the team he would have had around him (again, without all of the suspensions) would have steamrolled everyone. As it is now, it's a tough call. He's obviously got the talent and most likely knows enough to play by the rules from here on out (I don't know his history, maybe this wasn't his first offense?). But it would just feel like one of those boom or bust picks that the Bills always find a way to be on the wrong end of. It's a big chance taking a guy that high who hasn't played in over a year and then is expected to make the jump to the NFL game. Given how much we need defense, I definitely wouldn't be against he pick, but it would be nerve wracking.
  12. Definitely something fishy there. I don't care how good you are at those things, that was crazy.
  13. What I don't like about this play (and those like it) is that it basically tells the kids to lay out any player, no matter what. Why take the chance it could be one of these plays? Just tackle the guy with the ball, even if it seems like play is stopped....just to be sure.
  14. They needed a TO after the Roscoe non-catch anyway. Huge point in the game, 4 and 10, it's a good idea to give yourself the time to make the decision to go for it and then get everyone on the same page. I think the challenge was a "what the hell" that gave them more time than a time out would have.
  15. Seems like it would have been easier to just tell everyone to change their shifts by two hours.
  16. Again...?? Was that not an obviously tongue in cheek statement?
  17. Was that supposed to mean something?
  18. I just had the same thought.
  19. I try to stay away from exaggerated statements, but as far as I can recall, this is the worst defense I've seen. That statement may not stand up statistically, but I can't think of a defense I've thought less of watching them on the field. This game has left no doubt in my mind at all, as much as the offense needs upgrades in key areas, if there is any player that can upgrade the defense, whether it be with any (every?) pick in the draft or in FA, that needs to be the way this team goes.
  20. I have no idea what's wrong with Jackson. This guy used to find ways to get yards, now he literally looks like he's finding ways to go down. I can't figure it out.
  21. I just got back from over-seas and this is the first game I've been able to watch. The stats and discussion was bad enough, but it's still shocking to see how bad this defense is playing. Athleticism, tackling, angles, coverage...in that one drive I saw inexcusable play in every area. Tough to watch. On the bright side, Kyle Williams is looking really good. With a better team around him he could really turn into one a top flight DT in the league.
  22. They film practices inside too, just not from a tower. Again, there's too much conjecture.
  23. Can't help but to root for Marrone! I hope he can build that team up again, it would be a great story.
  24. The players watch them. So when your coach is telling you you're rounding off your routes, or always taking the wrong angles on a tackle, they can see it watch it themselves from an outside perspective. I'm sure different colleges do different things with the tapes, and yes I think they are a pretty important tool. But not having it for one day wouldn't have been an issue at all. Thing is, it didn't say anyone forced him to go up the that thing. There's just as good of a chance that he just assumed since practice was on and it was his job to film it, he would do it.
  25. Unless futher details come out, I don't see how anyone can blame Kelly for this. In a major program like ND, there would be at least a dozen people in between Kelly and this kid filming practices. Even that doesn't really capture the truth of it, Kelly would basically have nothing to do with this at all. As they head coach, you can say that he has overall responsibility, which he probably accepts, but it would be like saying Bill Gates has responsiblity for a Microsoft call center in India.
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