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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I think your specifically trying to find the negative about every situation, and of course that paints a bad light. I see things differently, so I'm not going crazy. Green: Bad pickup, but so what? Every team picks a dud every now and then. Does it make me think he's a great GM? No, but it doesn't make me think he's a bad one either. He's made other personel moves that I think were very good, so I believe he's capable of finding talent, but like everyone else, he's not 100%. The only way I think it's a negative is if they didn't pick up another RT in FA or the draft because they thought Green was the permanant answer. There's nothing to say that's the case, so... Kelsay: I think there were positives and negatives to it, but probably more negative. Not a great move if the plan was to stay in the 3-4. In the 4-3, I think it's fine. He didn't make so much more that it's hindering the signing of other players. With the plan to stay in the 3-4, it was a bad move. Trent: I think that move had more to do with Gailey, so I'm not sure why it keeps coming up, but I think it was handled perfectly. Hey, just my opinion. You have a coach that is known to get the most out of QB's, a QB that has shown flashes (breif) of talent and who plays very well in camp and pre-season. Why not give it a shot? That shot didn't last too long...it was just right. While you keep bringing this up as a huge negative, I think it was handled very well....by Gailey. Spiller: Don't see a problem with the pick. But then again I don't have the pop tart mentalilty that so many seem to have about draft picks. Spiller isn't a bust...yet. Ditto for Troupe. If you want to throw this out there in 2 years, go for it. I'll be willing to judge them then. TE: The whole damn team needed/needs to be replaced and you're bringing up one position that wasn't addressed in his first year? Really? Look, I'm not trying to say that Nix is the second coming, and given the Bills history and the challange of finding and excellent GM (most teams would want a better GM), chances are he'll fail. But he hasn't done so yet. And I'm sorry, but IMO anyone who makes sweeping decisions about a GM after one year on the job just doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.
  2. No, you'll take knee jerk reactions.
  3. Sacks given up is a meaningless stat?? If he'd been drafted by the Bills you'd be throwing him to he wolves.
  4. IMO, that's a big understatement.
  5. I already said that. Apparently your simply saying that fusion is possible. When I hear "solve the nuclear fusion problem" I automatically think of using fusion to supply energy needs. Not that large of a jump, I don't think.
  6. What do you mean by "solved"? I bascially know nothing about the topic, but thought it still wasn't a reasonable form of energy due to the energy needed to accomplish it. If so, that's still a problem that needs to be solved.
  7. Funny thing is, I would still be on the edge of my seat at that point.
  8. He could go back to school?
  9. I'm assuming that was a joke, but P90X: MC2 comes out next summer.
  10. As soon as you explain how this board or your registration and posting on it will do the same.
  11. What do you want to bet he has a good game and a great training camp.
  12. Both of those series also had excellent transitions to film. That's not a comment on how good the books an movies were, only pointing out that the movie adaptations were right on the money. Not the case for most books, though with the names mentioned in article, I have hope for this as well. Probably a much greater chance of complete failure though.
  13. I don't know, I don't see it. I think an actual TV series would work better....make it a long term project. I could see it happening, but really without that ending they'd be changing the whole point of the books. Bad idea, IMO.
  14. Obviously, at least to the sane, it's going to take a long time to judge him, and most likely the best case scenario is a long, tough road while Tebow becomes a success or failure. That said, in two games he's already done more than may of his "haters" made it sound like he's capable of. It's ridiculous to act like he's on his way to pro-bowls and stardom, but the fact that he hasn't thrown 6 interceptions, fumbled 8 times and he's still standing upright after the much tougher, stronger, faster, more talented NFL defenses have their way with him is reason enough for a little taunting.
  15. I would assume the moment you decline to let them check, they can use that as an excuse for suspicion. Do it. Worst that can happen is they detain you a little longer that day. Either way, you know for the future (and so do we )
  16. I think different people play and act differently. I love seeing our players having fun and showing emotion. I also love seeing our players make big plays and act professional. This all or nothing crap makes no sense to me. From what very little I can tell based on interviews, there doesn't appear to be any negative feelings for Stevie in the locker room. All of the young WR's talk about him helping them out and giving them advice on getting their chances to play. Of course you rarely get the whole story until after the fact, but there's currently no reason to believe that Stevie is anything but a great teammate. The fact that's he's fun to watch and is having a great year is pretty awesome! There is a huge difference between celebrating TD's and being a locker room cancer. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
  17. Only if you publish a list of opinions TSW members are allowed to disagree with. That way no one will have to waste their time having an opposing opinion of their own.
  18. Aren't you kind of picking certain things out of that argument to suit your purpose? You're saying that he's playing deeper and covering for a bad group of LB's but still isn't making plays in coverage, but wouldn't a safety playing with a better group of LB's and not having to play a certain way to cover for their deficiencies at least have the chance to show more ability playing a pure safety role? Not saying I disagree with your assessment of his talent, just that I think your statement above makes an argument for the opposite point of view.
  19. Me too! I think thats the best looking mock I've seen. Have to admit I don't know McCarthy, but his stats look nice. Ponder would be a good 3rd stringer moving up to backup after a couple years in the system. Randall Cobb would normally be a solid 5th round pick, but obviously I don't think he's needed. Haven't seen either of the last two play. But those first 2 picks (3 if McCarthy is good) would REALLY set the defense.
  20. Badum bum..
  21. For me, the player and coaching changes, the decade plus of Bills futility and the mediocre state of the dolphins all had something to do with my decline in excitment for the rivalry, but oddly I think it's the schedule that took the rest of the air out of my balloon. There was always something great about the Bills having to go down to Miami and try to beat the heat early in the season, knowing that we'd get the fish up here in a blizzard in December. It really made the difference between the two cities stand out and added a great dimension to the games.
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