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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I don't know how to divvy it all up, but one thing that was driving me crazy for most of the game was the missed tackles due to trying to strip the ball. I think these guys got a little to high on their turnover ration and forgot that the tackle needs to be the first priority. Hard to argue too much since turnovers were such a huge part of our previous victories, but I couldn't add up all the yards that were taken after LBs and DBs tried to swipe instead of tackle.
  2. For some reason the first movie I think of when Depp comes up is Bennie and June. I have no idea what side of the argument that falls on.
  3. It's crazy to me that the biggest complaint about Tyrod (by far) is his inability to throw to a spot and always having to wait until the receiver is open before throwing. Yet when he actually did it, and the WR ran the wrong route and screwed it up, he gets lit up by the fans for that too! Serious question, have you seen the replay from the endzone camera that stayed on Tyrod? There's a slow-mo version of it that shows that Tyrod was looking left up until the last second before the throw. He turned his head to the right and threw to a spot in basically one motion. He didn't have time to see Zay's break and know exactly where he was on the field. He read the defense, knew that Zay should have some room, looked off the play, and made the exact throw he was supposed to make at the exact time he was supposed to make it. The only argument to the contrary that makes sense is if you are saying that he should have stared down his receiver and thrown it to where the WR was instead of where he was supposed to be. So basically to NOT be the NFL quality QB that everyone wants him to be. I am not even close to a Tryod homer, and that one play has nothing to do with whether or not I think he can be a "franchise" QB, but thinking that play was his fault is just disregarding what actually happens on the field.
  4. I still the QBs that are eligible to come out are pretty solid this year. Not really as many "sure things" as people wanted there to be, but more potential than in recent years. As far as who actually declares, nobody every knows that.
  5. Damn, how long is he going to have to stay in school before the Browns don't have one of the top couple picks?
  6. This is a big deal. Our receiving core has gained a lot of good experience this year, and pushing everyone down a spot put them all in ideal positions. This really changes the whole offense, even if he needs a few weeks to adjust.
  7. Wow. In a good way.
  8. If true, that would be pretty incredible. I shouldn't be looking too far ahead given our history, but I can't help but liking the idea that NE is finally going to begin their fall from grace (whenever TB and/or BB are gone) as the Bills finally look like they have the pieces in place to become competitive.
  9. The far better, and more likely, scenario is for future contracts to include the right of the winning company to negotiate with other companies to also show the content, much like the NFL Network does with Verizon and Amazon. Let CBS pick their games of the week in their markets, and then let Vue or Hulu or Sling air the rest (for example). It's a win for everyone. CBS gets to broadcast the local games that of most interest while making some money from all the other games that are sitting idle. The main thing I'm getting really friggin sick of is the lack of options available to watch the Bills (one team). Obviously the money wins out in the end, but I find it hard to believe that with all of the options out there DTV and their hoarding bull **** is still the best thing for the NFL. I absolutely believe that if one of these companies would give everyone an option to just watch their team (without having to pay for every other game AND a DTV package I will never use), overall revenue and viewership would increase.
  10. In conference trades are a lot harder to work out. Doubt it happens.
  11. I looked a little more into Frost and while he sounds like a good coach, I really hope the Gators don't hire him. He's just too inexperienced with what is needed to run a bigger program and the Gators can't afford another strike out here. He may do great, but he's an unknown. The more I think of it, the more I can get on board with Chip Kelly. He's an ass, but he's got experience in all the right areas. He turned a mediocre program into a winner; he knows how to get results from his players; he recruits very well; and he can certainly clean up the offensive mess in Gainesville. Also, his complete failure in the NFL likely means he'll stick around for a while. Not to mention his name alone can probably save what was a really good recruiting class Dummy had going from turning into a complete mess. I'd still prefer Strong, but I'd be surprised if he left USF after his experience leaving Louisville for Texas.
  12. Not really, but that has more to do with me just not liking his personality. He'd probably do fine as a coach, so I wouldn't be upset with the hire, but I'm not rooting for him. I just heard someone on ESPN say they should look at Kiffin. I don't care if he led them to NC, I wouldn't watch a game with him on the sideline! Most common name I'm hearing is Frost from UCF. Don't know anything about him other than the W/L record, but he fits the optics of a Gator hire.
  13. I'll have to take your word for it. I've only seen two games; I didn't see him making reads around the field in either.
  14. Yep, I want Strong. They keep dancing around each other's availability though. Not sure Strong would leave USF though; why would he? Gators have proven to be a mess of an organization. USF has a lot of resources and Strong can probably stick around there as long as he wants. I assume FL will pick whatever up and comer Offensive "guru" is the shiniest at the moment.
  15. It was almost entirely off the field; they can do whatever they want as long as they're not interfering with the game. The refs ran over because it looked like a fight, but once the Raider jogged away so did the refs. There's nothing at all not to like about that!
  16. Watched this game, both teams are playing one read and an outlet offenses. Find me a QB trusted to actually make progressions and read a defense and then call me impressed. Rosen does it. I haven't seen any others yet, and I've watched all of the "name" guys.
  17. One of the keys for me is always taking into account the system they play in. When Grier was starting at FL, they were playing a mostly pro-style offense, and his progressions through receivers was pretty good for a young QB. That's a BIG deal to me. I don't know what WV is doing now. I know they've been spread in the past, but maybe they've changed recently? A small QB putting up big numbers in the spread isn't really anything to get excited about when looking at NFL prospects.
  18. 18 Scholarship players out, including a few injuries. Coming from a fan of theirs, a win against Florida should not be considered a feather in any teams cap this year.
  19. I'm a Gator fan, and I can say I really liked what I saw of him in his limited time there. He was raw as hell, but you could easily see his progression game to game even in just that small sample size. I haven't watched him this year, but the numbers do look good.
  20. This is what's so incredible about the Bills' playoff drought. We really should have lucked into the playoffs at least once over that time. It really does take an insane combination of poor play and bad luck to go this long.
  21. I honestly don't pay that much attention to individual matchups (I tend to follow the ball during the games and don't have times for replays). But zoomed out view, EJ seems to be doing a much better job than I thought he would. There is a clear downgrade in our secondary when he is out of the game. I don't think he's been a problem, but there's nothing behind him. And that's true for everything outside of the DL.
  22. I like most of what I've seen so far, and really do have a positive outlook on the future, but depth is a serious issue on this team. There is a dramatic drop in talent in almost every position group. EJ Gaines goes out with injury almost every game and as soon as he's out the secondary opens up (just as one example). I think over the next few years this team will be well built, but it will take a whole crap of load of injury luck to stay competitive through this season. Fingers crossed.
  23. Once we've clinched. During this drought, we lost to a Pittsburgh team playing mostly backups, at home, even though we needed it to get in. There's nothing that can make me stop expecting tradegy until it's mathematically set in stone.
  24. One of my favorite shows! I actually have conflicted feelings about it coming out because I'm going to blow through it in a weekend and then have to wait another year and half to get another one....and that will likely be the last of it.
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