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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I see no reason not to be excited by this kid. It's like all the tards that find it necessary to chastise fans not to overlook a game. Who cares if I think it's an easy win? I'm not the one on the field; I'm a FAN. Same thing here. I'm psyched about Jasper and I expect him to kick butt every chance he's on the field. I'm a fan, I get to think that way. But of course we get no shortage of people that will tell me to temper my expectations cause he's a long shot.
  2. There's an older movie called Witchboard that already covers this.. Wouldn't call it great film, but I like it in the cheesy horror genre. Didn't hurt that it starred Tawny Kitaen. Also, Im pretty sure Clue has already proven you can get a great movie going experience from a board game based movie.
  3. Unless there's something more to the story, this is straight up stubborness from Brown. Instead of just taking the ego hit and doing something to help his team he's going to prove he's top dog. Cinci fans better hope there's more to the story. Money can overcome just about anything (proven by the fact that Oakland can still find a coach), but this type of behavior has to have some affect on player retention and free agency aquisitions, and it's not like Cinci is a hotspot to begin with.
  4. Man, I just pray this kid has some talent and can be coached up. With his size and athleticism, just a little bit of talent could make him a real force.
  5. The "scatback" comment was a direct quote from Gailey during an official interview, so it wasn't really any behind the scenes info. And over the course of every offseason, including this one, Chris Brown writes about every possible scenario, so he's bound to hit one one sooner or later. I'm not saying he isn't in the loop. Heck, he has to be at least a little bit based on location alone. But even through various GM's, coaches, and players I've never read anything from Chris Brown that has given me the impression that he has any inside sources that give him any information the team isn't purposefully trying to release to the public. Really, I'm pretty sure that's part of the job description. Anyway, whether he has extra info or not, the news isn't surprising to hear. As someone else mentioned, Nix has made it very clear since his first few days on the job that he has no intention of going after big name, expensive free agents. I'm not sure why everyone around here gets so riled up thinking we're going to make a big slash with that information publicly known.
  6. I some family in Syracuse that I've considered doing this with. Can anyone from Syracuse tell me if the Bills are always on there, or do they often show the Jets/Giants instead?
  7. Like you said, I think they even tend to screw those up as well, much like Clash of the Titans. IMO, a big part of the charm of the original movie was the crappy technology! I do think that a remake like this is a bad idea though. The people that will be interested in seeing a movie like this are the same people that like the original and will already have a bias against the new one. It happens over and over. I guess the point is that the name alone can bring in a profit, even if small, so it's a win for the studio. Meanwhile the fans can keep complaining about remakes that they flock to. Personally, I very rarely go to the theater so I don't feel "ripped off", and I'm a lot more forgiving than most fans. I can enjoy a relatively bad movie as long as I'm not expecting it to be great, so I'll probably enjoy this one enough to justify the Netflix delivery.
  8. You think they remake movies because they "need" to be remade?
  9. The body can take a lot of damage, the brain not so much. Those "tin cans" make a huge difference. I wouldn't ride without a helmet, but I also don't like laws that mandate personal safety. If people don't think they need to protect themselves, more power to them.
  10. Well now I'd vote for him.
  11. I imagine the company responsible for Fiji will be all over this.
  12. "Hey" - Pixies
  13. For crying out loud, haven't you moved yet?
  14. Let us know if I can ever hope for a Magic win. I'm patient, so no hurry. But sooner or later a story of line of that cursed team (I'm fully expecting Howard to bolt) has to come around, no?
  15. Pshh....try it with a tanker! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZT4BdI7STE
  16. Can't hurt to have more cameras around now with Cam in the building. Equipment custodian will have an easier job anyway.
  17. I remember early in the recruiting process the Gators kind of half heartedly threw their name in as wanting him, and then really never showed much interest after that. With all they hype I couldn't understadn why they weren't going hard for him....then I watched the rest of it play out. The way he acted during the recruiting process was pathetic. For those that saw it and have now seen how he's continued to act for the past 3 years, it's obvious what kind of character he has. It will be shocking if he makes it as a starter in the NFL, and more than likely he'll be a detriment to whatever team gets him until he's finally run out of the league.
  18. They should hire the rookies to model the uniforms.
  19. Now that this line of thinking is out there (true or not), it won't go away. Just ask Schobel how little sacks can matter.
  20. Many, MANY people don't understand how the economy works and how much it relies on consumerism, so no, I wouldn't say one thing is like the other. Maybe the wit part is where you fell short.
  21. Wait, is that really what you understood the definition of consuming to be?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4 Breaking the rules, as this is pretty well known, but I don't spend much time on youtube. Corny as hell, but I like it.
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