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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. As many have pointed out, our depth absolutely sucks. The higher we pick, the better our chances are of filling that depth. Of course that only works if the Bills find a way to start signing their own FA's. If not, that whole idea goes out the window.
  2. Just like a true Bills fan. "There's always next year!"
  3. 49 Yards rushing compared to 236 yards passing. Yeah, good call Urlacher. I guess I kind of understand though, given how their own RB ended the game.
  4. Muscle: Mickey Rourke (too obvious?) Academic: Cate Blanchett (just because I think she can play anything) Actually, if you're really looking to shake things up, swap those roles.
  5. I partially agree with the naysayers...though I do believe that with time he'll get to be a better (not great) passer. In fact I think you'll see a huge difference next season in his overall game. Tebow is an incredibly hard worker and very coachable. He'll spend almost all of his off-season time finding ways to get better and overcome his shortcomings as a passer. But to your last point, if that's true, how come he succeeds at the end of games when he has to throw?
  6. I think the writers of the show took a big chance with this half of the season to set things up for the future. They took the popularity of the first season and decided to take the first half of this season to set up the rest of the show. They've built a deep background between the characters and have ended at a great jumping off point for the rest of the season. It came at the expense of some really boring shows, but I'm GUESSING that from here on out the faster pace will be back. There's a difference between being killed and falling down from getting hit in the chest. The impact of the shot can knock them down without killing them. Might not always, and especially not when being balanced by the lasso bar, but it could.
  7. I thought we were talking bikes...oh well. I've never been on a cruise and the wife and I have been talking about doing one, so this has been educational.
  8. His press release sounded like a pouting child.
  9. I don't think it was the only move, but I don't think it was a bad move. If it goes to rocks and one of the blue tribe gets voted out, he may have never had that opportunity again. The best he could have done next week was find out who the his team was voting for and let Coach know so they could use the idol, then their down the idol and Cochran is in basically the same situation he was in 2 weeks earlier...only now his team is suspicious of him. Cochran really has almost NO chance of making it to the end (even before this past week). His tribe hates him and would get rid of him as soon as they could. He's not the kind of player you bring to the end with you because he's so loveable that others would vote for him. He wanted to shake things up and get some revenge and he did that. He made his mark on Survivor, which was probably a really big deal to him. I think that's the best he could expect. Just would have been better if he didn't look like he was going to cry after.
  10. Why do you care?
  11. Cause Mark's crushin.
  12. 24 yards passing and 2 Ints in the first half. Ouch.
  13. But they're skewed for everybody. There's nothing about the Jets schedule that would separate them from the other 31 teams in the NFL. When all is said and done, at this point in the season the Jets have a damn good pass defense. That doesn't mean nobody will ever be able to throw on them, it just means they're good, and it's going to be tough going. There's no amount of digging into stats that's going to negate that fact.
  14. In addition to what others have said, history doesn't mean much in this case. Not only are the kickoffs going deeper, but the defenders are starting closer as well, which means that when the ball is caught 5 yards deep, the returner is looking at a completely different field than he has in the past. I agree that the Bills special teams isn't doing very well, but I think that has more to do with blocking schemes and individual play, not how often we bring it out from deep in the endzone. BTW, based on yards, the Bills are 31st and Bobby April's Eagles are 28th. I loved April, but he's not fairing too much better with the new rules at the moment.
  15. The fact is, you can "look under the hood" at every single defense in the league and their results against different opponents. Every team will have games that QB's did better against them than others, and of course most will show better defense against poor QB's. There will be a slight curve based on strength of schedule, but that's true of every stat and standing in the league. Fact is, at this point in the season and playing against the same teams everyone else in the league plays against, the Jets are limiting QB's to lower QB ratings. This is the same argument people used to use about Schobel and his "garbage time sacks," claiming that he ranked so highly in the league was due to so many sacks coming at times that didn't matter, disregarding the fact that every other team in the league played with similar "garbage time" as the Bills.
  16. And how'd that turn out?
  17. I just wish Cochran wasn't such a pansy. Would have been one of the better moments in Survivor history if that little geek just sat back and smiled after the vote. Instead he immediately cows to the tribe he just stabbed in the back and says he can explain? Have some backbone! Those guys got what they deserved anyway. You can't put your trust in a guy that you've spent the whole time treating like a mutt. And on this point, I agree with UConn. If Ozzie had been paying attention instead of finding new ways to stroke his own ego, he would have seen that Christine wasn't going back to her old tribe.
  18. I really didn't like RDR. Everyone raved about it, but I just found it boring. I liked GTA IV and loved Vice City, so I may grab GTA V. Though I find myself passing on most games now a days. They just don't appeal to me as much anymore.
  19. Why is this not a zombie thread?
  20. Last time someone said something like this about the Bills, the Bills lost.
  21. Their careers and HOF status weren't made by their rookie seasons. The comment was that they were the best rookie combo ever; that has nothing to do with how good they will be together next year and throughout their careers. I don't have any idea if Zorn and Largent were better than Dalton/Green in their rookie seasons, but that's the case to make an argument for, not "are Dalton/Green, after 7 games, better than Zorn/Largent ever were?"
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