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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I don't know, IMO, these "attacks" are blown way out of proportion. Outside of a hassle for some admins, flooding these sites to shut them down just seems pointless. I mean who really cares if the MPAA website is down for a few hours? Maybe if the sites they shut down depended on them for income, that would be something.
  2. Please find examples of people who thought it was divine intervention and weren't joking about it. Ignoring the rest of your idiotic rant... Have to give a big congrats to Tebow and the Broncos. That team picked 2nd in the draft this year, had an entirely new coaching staff, had a QB controversy, and started a QB for more than half a season who most people said would be lucky to last 1 quarter in this league, and ended up in the second round of the playoffs! Really an amazing season that I wish the Bills could emulate. And to his haters, this is your time. You can finally stop hearing about this goodhearted, giving, selfless, driven man who overcame all obstacles (highest being his poor NFL arm) and became an important part of a good team and a good story. I hope that you all think that you are "right" and have "won". Now go live it up, you deserve it!
  3. At this point, who really cares? Take away both questionable TD calls and the Pats are still up by 3 TD's with no end in site.
  4. Man, this is just sad. Denver's entire team is crapping the bed. Defense is non-existent (seriously? STILL using a 3 man rush???). No holes in the middle of the field on offense, OL letting everyone trhough, WR's dropping almost everything that hits them and Tebow completely indecisive. Not a single part of their game looks remotely promising right now.
  5. Big mistake IMO for Denver not to come with more pressure on that drive. Dropping LB's back in coverage didn't take advantage of their momentum. Now Brady's back in his groove. Still plenty of time for some magic, but it sure looks like Denver's fairy-tale will be over tonight.
  6. Uh oh...is Brady flustered already?
  7. Holy crap! Amazing game (unless you like defense).
  8. That's what I do. I've been completely switched over from Firefox for about a year and I love it.
  9. That's pretty much the whole point of Google...simplicity. If you want more, get an iGoogle homepage.
  10. I think you're blowing this way out of proportion. Small calls like this are missed all the time...this is no different. As far as I can tell this wasn't a "just give it to them" type of situation. The refs didn't decide not to call the penalty, they just didn't see it. Does that suck for Pitt? Sure, but as others have mentioned, that game (and every single other NFL game every played) is filled with mistaken calls. It's every bit as much a part of the game as the forward pass. You keep using the "what if it were the Bills" argument and I find that to be completely off base. Fans of a particular team are obviously biased in their views, so why would that be a good measuring stick to determine fairness? I could maybe understand the question if this call favored the Bills in some way, but in this forum you have a neutral fan base. Exactly what you should be looking for.
  11. Pretty sure that's everybody's biggest fear of doing a bungee jump.
  12. Really? did John Fox win against the Bill's and our coach (which apparently cannot win)? What about the last 3 games of the season (clutch time)? Bailed out by all of the other contenders losing. 366 yards, 3 TD's, 0 turnovers in his first playoff game. Good job Tim.
  13. I would guess generic and something about the D coordinator change. Lots of "we'll evaluate everything" type stuff.
  14. Doesn't a LOWER pick mean they were already a better team?
  15. Great to hear...I have a flight with them this weekend (tripped book through work).
  16. I think Williams/Dareus/Barnett in the middle is an excellent core. And while a lot of people disagree, I think Kelsay is a solid 4-3 DE. No, not an all pro, but neither are most of the DE's in the league. I also think Carrington/Johnson/Edwards will be excellent depth at the position. No matter if we stay with the 3-4 or go with the 4-3, we'll still need upgrades at both OLB positions and one DE. We'll also need another DT to rotate with Heard, unless maybe Carrington can fill that role? Upshaw in the draft and 4-5th round DT goes a long way to fixing the D now that Wanny is in. I have a feeling DE will be back burnered for now.
  17. He's certainly proven he can handle it. I just remember thinking he was TINY when I saw him play college ball. Didn't think he'd stand a chance in the NFL.
  18. I loved Sproles coming out of college, but thought he'd get killed within a couple years. Good to see him still kicking butt! He was a blast to watch in college.
  19. I don't think Tebow is the problem. The way our offense has played, this game has a good chance of looking like the preseason game. Denver's defense is going to have their way with them.
  20. Not that I think this is written in stone, but I would be very happy with that.
  21. I don't think USC would be so eager to advertise the decision if he was leaving. My guess is he stays and gambles on being the #1 pick next year.
  22. I remember thinking back when it happened that Barkley would have to return for his senior season in order to get a chance for the NC, so I'm pretty sure it's next year. I've always assumed that he would do just that, though USC hasn't exactly been playing at NC level, so it would probably not be the greatest decision.
  23. Normally I completely agree with your line of thinking, but for me, there's a slight twist in this case. I absolutely agree that people should stop being so butt hurt about somebody getting the better of them, but I think that what Coach does goes a little past that. I just don't think you can spend your entire game preaching honesty and integrity and then expect to get votes when you lie to people's face. Again, I don't understand how people in the jury act so over the top betrayed (I always wonder how much they are coached by CBS). But I do think there's an obvious flaw in Coach's strategy, and that is a huge part of the game. Outlast doesn't end once you make the final 3. Outplay means you have to pay attention to everything. I'll admit is a fine line, and I may not be able to get my point across. What I can say is that if I were on the juries, I would have voted for Russel in his first two games, and Sophie in this one. Coach would not have earned my vote.
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