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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I don't even think she is the most beautiful woman in her immediate family.
  2. Thanks for the code! Just bought a set.
  3. For me, it doesn't have anything to do with leaving an ending open to interpretation. Nolan is usually more artistic, and maybe realistic (though I'm hesitant to to use that word since it's so subjective when talking about a comic book type movie). Ending the movie with Alfred smiling would have have done the exact same thing, but wouldn't have been such an overly "fairy tale" ending. Maybe if it hadn't happened in the exact same way it did in the "dream" that Alfred had previously described. Maybe if he hadn't been sitting with Selina Kyle. Maybe if it hadn't had the perfect world, Hollywood happy ending feel to it. But all of those things together made the scene a real disappointment for me, though as I said previously I very much enjoyed the overall movie. As for the un-Nolan like comment, I'm a huge fan of Nolan and have seen all of his movies multiple times. IMO, that scene was a complete break from his norm.
  4. Maybe find a way to do both? Wear the tie, but wear something Michigan as well? I don't know.
  5. When it comes down to it, THIS is his real problem. He just doesn't like Nolan's version of his beloved comic character. Fair enough, but I really don't understand the pure surprise and indignity. TDKR was pretty much exactly what I expected after the first two movies...it fit perfectly into the world Nolan created. There are definitely things about the movie I didn't like. I agree about Alfred leaving. I hated the jail scene and the apparent 5 month recovery from a broken back. And I really hated them showing Bruce at the end. That just seems so VERY un-Nolan like. I will also say that while the second movie really seemed to thrive on a huge storyline, this one suffered. I think the movie could have benefited from a more streamlined story. But overall I loved the "realistic" version of the Batman world in all 3 movies. I don't see a problem with a fairly "normal" Bane being able to kick Batman's ass. After all, they were trained the same way and Bane came from some seriously F'ed up background (more so than Bruce). IMO one of the things that makes Batman such a kickass character (that he doesn't have superhuman powers, but a superhuman spirit) was the exact thing that makes this version of Bane such a scary villain. Eh..I could go on all day, but really that article read like a whining baby upset that the movies are ending.
  6. I would assume that at some point in the legal procedings, those two idiots would have access to this guys name. I can't imagine you get to shoot two people and just go home with no further follow up.
  7. I've heard the same. My sister has been a manager at Publix for as long as I can remember, and she says the same. And Publix is one of the better grocery chains I've been to (or least they can be, some are dumps).
  8. I've lived all over the country and have never seen anything at that level (combination of quality and quantity). I've seen some excellent grocery stores, but nothing that compares to Wegmans. Of course I'm not saying I've seen every one, but I've been to enough places to see what most areas of the country have to offer.
  9. Wegmans is so good it's one of the factors I've considered when deciding where to live (it's never been a deciding factor, so unfortunately I havne't been around a Wegmans in 20 years). That's great on Wegmans, but I can't help but think what a shame that is on other grocery chains around the country. Seriously, why doesn't anyone else do what they do?
  10. Lawmakers are basically selling our country to China, but decide to put their foot down on this?
  11. Because she has cute friends?
  12. I think there's a decent way to help that situation. In my dream scenario, there's eight, 16 team conferences with 8 team divisions. Division winners play in a conference championship, conf. champs go to an 8 team playoff. Those 8 teams play the traditionally named/sponsored Bowl games, and each year they are between the same two conferences. A perfect example is that the Rose Bowl would still be PAC 10 vs Big 10 (new names aside). Don't get me wrong, I don't think it negates every problem, but I think no matter the record of the two teams involved, that's a big game every year as it's the same conference knocking each other out of the playoffs every year. It builds a rivalry that would make those games more exciting, IMO.
  13. I very much agree, but I know a lot of people who don't.
  14. My favorite Wimbledon moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtepZyro1aI I do think that era was my favorite. Though I'm sure there's been more athletic players since then, Agassi vs Sampras was one of my favorite rivalries in sports. I haven't been able to get in to tennis in a while.
  15. I hear the boys name was Sue.
  16. A neighbor of my mother's is delivering pizza's at night while he interviews during the days; been going on for about a year (BA). His wife (BA) can't afford to work like that because childcare costs more. My sister finished off her grad about 6 months ago and hasn't been able to find a job yet. Just two examples, and they certainly don't prove a point, but based on my personal experiences (more than those two examples, of course) I think you're underestimating the situation.
  17. My wife is so scared of spiders she can't help herself from screaming, loudly, everytime she see's one. That includes pictures of spiders if they pop up unexpectedly. If they're on TV for any extended period of time, she has to leave the room. Oddly enough, she would have no problem at all with that snake...either letting it live or killing it herself.
  18. This is the big things to me. How long can a smallish WR with migraine issues last in the NFL? No. He wasn't.
  19. For those that do a lot of streaming, Playon has an NFL Rewind chanel. I used it last year to stream everything (using a PS3) and it worked great! I'm psyched about the new camera! Now I just have to break the news to the wife.
  20. I came on to post that Netflix is streaming a more recent Steven Wright Special from 2007. Doesn't touch the original (my favorite stand-up show every), but it was solid.
  21. Seriously? You picked a roided man-chick over Allison Stokke?
  22. I don't know how I missed this before, but I just watched Two Days In April, which follows a few college football players up to the NFL Draft. One of the players is even Derek Hagan.
  23. Watched this last week, thought it was pretty good, but can't say I was too surprised by the ending. Not that it wasn't good, but for some reason I saw it coming. Much better acting throughout than I was expecting. Not sure about the female cop though (outside of being hot). Can't figure out whether she pulled off a tough character or just overacted a simple character. Other than that, I thought everyone was spot on (her partner, the kid, even the retiring drunk cop in the bar). Most of the characters could have (even should have) been cheesy, but they ended up being more realistic than I would have thought. I'd say the fight scenes fall under that description as well. Just watched Cherry. Never heard of it but it ended up being pretty good. Comes up under Independent Comedies in Netflix, but I wouldn't have classified it a comedy. More of a coming of age drama I guess, and really it's as good as it could be given that classification (in other words, not a great film, but I enjoyed it).
  24. Even though the reviews for this movie were good, I have to say Hunger Games is very high on my list. I'm usually VERY forgiving of movies and can enjoy just about anything, but this was the first time I wanted to walk out of a movie theater (wife wouldn't go). After the movie I read through a lot of reviews, and I just don't get it. Everything about that movie was bad. I honestly couldn't imagine watching a movie with that subject matter and caring less about any of the characters involved. And the camera work was so absolutely bad I don't even know how to explain it (this coming from someone that likes "lost footage" films). Aside from everything else, I think the story line could have made for an excellent movie or even TV, but my god they blew it.
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