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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Bottom 5 at least. I thought the point was that there was a top layer that was harder than what was beneath it, so once they got through it was easier going? And as for the article, the last two weren't even attempts at facts. Should have been "5 made up facts and two opinions..."
  2. I read that about a month ago. I've recently been on a survival fiction kick. As with most of the genre, the writing isn't great, but One Second After had a good story, and was plenty disturbing. I've read around 6 of those types over the last few months, and I think that's the only one I would recommend. I've never read Alas Babylon. But now that I think of it, One Second After really doesn't compare to Revolution. Revolution shows the power out, then skips 15 years. One Second After is all about the short term impact.
  3. I was blown away watching it live. I'm too young for the moon landing, and I think this was that type of event for me. Absolutely incredible.
  4. I think that was one of the most intense, amazing things I've ever seen.
  5. Not if the wind doesn't die down. Could be another delay.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1n8A5VkNPo
  7. Talk about a poor choice of words.
  8. Barkley doesn't have a WOW factor, he just performs. He's steady, precise, and smart. I think his development has been derailed under his buffoon coach, and he has clearly regressed a bit. But I think he'll do very well in the NFL, given the time that EVERY young QB needs to develop.
  9. Barkley is an incredibly talented QB currently working under one of the worst coaches of any of the major college football programs. Any team will be very lucky to land him next year. I wouldn't expect the Bills to be that lucky.
  10. You guys are looking way to far into this.
  11. You don't suppose their going to re-sign him, do ya?
  12. Current Bids: Catarina: $160,000 Alexander: $1,300
  13. For those that like zombies, Exit Humanity was pretty good (as far as zombie flicks go).
  14. Selfish prick. What if your vehicle rolled out and hit a biker?!
  15. "Ignorance of the law" is a bull **** notion. The phrase is, "Ignorance of the law, which everyone is bound to know, excuses no man". Everyone is bound to know that it is against the law to murder. Not everyone is bound to know that it is illegal to park facing downhill on leap years.
  16. As far as I can remember it was space invaders. Maybe one of the other 2600 games of the time. Fun times. Holy crap, I've been trying to remember the name of Bezerk forever. Every time this subject comes up I try to get someone to remember that game, and nobody can. That damn smiley face used to piss me off!
  17. Very true, but that's fairly normal for hail mary plays. Kind of like holding penalties. You can call them pretty much whenever.
  18. I think it was the wrong call, but at WORST, it's a borderline judgement call the real refs would also get wrong plenty of times. There's been some horrific calls by these refs in the first 3 weeks; things that look like they're on acid trips having hallucinations. The replacements deserve the ridicule, but not for this play.
  19. Good luck.
  20. I listened to the radio broadcast and most of the game you couldn't tell the difference between teams on the field. Pretty steady level of cheering for plays from both teams. I couldn't believe it when they said, "that TD is sending a lot of Browns fans to the exits" after Stevie's TD. Seriously, people left down by 10 with something like 9:00 left? Wow.
  21. If you went back far enough in the archives, a few years ago I posted about how strange it seemed that the amount of helmets popping off over the first couple weeks of the season seemed to have skyrocketed, and it's been that way ever since. A friend and I talked about it back then (must have been about 5 years ago) and came up with two ideas. The first, and more likely, has been mentioned already; players don't think it's cool to wear their safety gear (a Kelso's helmet type of thing) so they're not strapping up properly. The second, and admittedly a little out there, is that players aren't wearing their gear properly because helmets popping off gives them attention. It implies a big hit that the player brushes off, the camera focuses on them, and not only that, but their faces (w/out helmet) are plastered on national TV (how cool is that!). We mainly talked about this because we noticed that as these helmets came off, the players took forever to put them back on. They'd walk around with the helmets in their hands until it was time to start lining up for the next play. Anyway, whatever the reason, there was definitely a huge increase in the quantity of helmets coming off. IMO, as players realize this is hurting them, this rule will only occasionally be needed.
  22. Most of the New Testament was written long after his death.
  23. Hell no! There is literally ONE thing to look forward to after this first half. Matt Barkley.
  24. Just a guess, but possibly for emergency exit? Like if the bus tips over? Chaperon said he told them to keep them closed, but obviously they didn't, though I'm guessing there will be a nice law suit since there was one chaperon for two levels. I don't blame that though, just a kid doing something he shouldn't have.
  25. I'm all about not feeling sorry for people who get what they deserve, but do feel bad for this kid. Yeah, he was screwing around, but he wasn't doing something hundreds or thousands of people haven't done before. Usually it would be a limo or just a sunroof, but even with the obvious height, I doubt I would have considered bridges if I was thinking about sticking my head through that hatch. Just a kid having a good time and paying the ultimate price.
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