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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Seems like your doing what you can. Are you wearing gloves while you're working?
  2. At least Sanchez knows how to throw a game for Draft position.
  3. Personally I'd say 3rd/4th, but I wouldn't argue with that.
  4. Did this thread somehow turn Nassib into a potential top 10 pick??? Seriously? There's more chance of him being undrafted than going in the 1st!
  5. There's really no doubt in my mind they are winning this weekend.
  6. No, but a helmet can dampen the impact that causes the brain to slap the inside of the skull.
  7. Yes, I can. It's possible that Ralph doesn't like spending money on coaches and so limits their income. My only point is that as far as I know, there is absolutely no evidence to support that. So your post was an opinion stated as fact.
  8. Yes, you are making it up. You're making an assumption based on a history of bad coaching, but as far as I have ever heard, there has been no limits to any salary on the Bills. In fact, the only thing I've ever heard one way or the other is Buddy NIx saying he has never been given a cap to anything.
  9. Yeah, one way or the other you have to give Gruden credit for that Super Bowl. Either he gets credit for Tampa or, if you believe the previous coach takes the credit for that season, he gets credit for Oakland. And in the end, his team came out on top. Of course, the credit also goes to him for what I considered a very mismanaged team in the years after that Super Bowl. A lot of head scratching moves during his tenure.
  10. The camera is sped up while he's placing the ball. Makes the movement more noticeable.
  11. After Tomlin? Where did you pull that from?? What do I expect Rooney to say? I would expect Rooney, the guy who pushed the rule through, to say, "See? It works!! Without this rule in place we never would have found the better man for the job!" But he couldn't say that. Since they had already interviewed a minority (already....as in before Tomlin) he couldn't use it as a success story. Why would you expect him to say anything else? And no, I do not believe that story.
  12. Did you even read your own link? You know, where it said they already interviewed Rivera once, but didn't want to wait to hire him? Seriously, how does that get by you when your so willing to be an ass about it? Here, how about this, right from the horses mouth. http://www.aolnews.c...he-rooney-rule/ EDIT: And let me add that this example is why the rule is so pointless. Because you're exactly correct, Grimm was the leader until Tomlin impressed them so much that he won the job. It didn't matter what race he was, they wanted the best man for the job. And they didn't need a ridiculous rule to get them there.
  13. I think Barkley would be an excellent rookie QB for Gruden to work with. He's got plenty of limitations, but he's smart and will be able to pick up Gruden's system faster than anybody else in this draft. Personally I'm not a fan of Gruden, but if the plan is to fire Gailey, I really don't think the Bill's will find anybody better. At very least, he brings a certain level of respectability. He'll likely be able to bring in very good assistants.
  14. What point is your sarcastic (and incorrect) post supposed to be making? I said the rule is, and the interviews that result, are a sham. Even if it had resulted in a legitimate signing of a head coach, it doesn't take away from the overall absurdity of the rule and many of the interviews that have been held in it's name. As far as that situation goes, the Steelers had already interviewed a minority to satisfy the Roony Rule before interviewing "that DC from Minnesota", so his interview and hiring had nothing to do with it at all. But nice try.
  15. Because no sham interview was held.
  16. People have been accepting these scam interviews since the rule has been in place. There's always someone that will take it, even if just for experience. AS far as outside perception/retribution, they have no leg to stand on. Sham rule leads to sham interviews. Don't like it, get rid of the rule.
  17. The Rooney Rule itself is a sham, and it doesn't say you have to interview a minority candidate first. Just that one has to be interviewed.
  18. When you view the email in your sent folder, is that email address there? If not, I'd say the email forwarding is the most likely answer.
  19. My sister lived there for about a year and loved it. Yes, your stuck on the base, but there can be plenty to do depending on what you liked. She was young, spent most of the time getting together with friends and drinking. Plenty of places to hang out. But there's also hiking, nice beaches, and some of the best scuba diving in the world. Probably would be beneficial to talk to some other contractors that have been there, especially those around your age.
  20. Yep. His movies have gotten steadily worse. I wasn't too much against most of them, just basically "eh". But The Happening was awful. Really, had to be bottom 5 of any "major" (big name director and actors) movie I can remember. This one has me interested, but it's going to have to be really good to get me back on his bandwagon.
  21. Almost nothing in that whole response had anything to do with what I said. I didn't say farming practices are not different throughout the country. I said you're broad stroke declaration that western cattle operations work strictly off corporate business structures and large feedlot models, while back east things are all smaller is incorrect. Are there large feedlots in out west? Yes. Are there large feedlots in the east? Yes. There are also smaller, grassfed, sustainable operations run all over the country. There is far more open land out west (see the nighttime satellite image thread) so of course there are more large operations there, but that doesn't mean there are less small ranches. In fact, since land is generally cheaper, there are far more very small, homestead type ranches that run a few dozen cattle and sell locally through community processors.
  22. Talk about misinformation. Just because there are large cattle operations in the West, does not mean that all western cattle operations are large corporations using practices you describe. And those large operations are in the east as well. Some of the largest cattle ranches in the country are in Florida.
  23. Seems to me if you're guy looking for some easy targets, substitute teacher may be good line of work. Just let them be dominant (ask a lot of questions, be unsure of yourself, etc...) and it's easy pickins.
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