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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. The "standby position" wasn't directed at you, just like my original question wasn't directed at you. But I also think your taking the embellishment point in the completely wrong direction. He has said he embellished because he didn't want people to think he was weird for having a relationship with someone he never met. You may believe that or not, but to continue to use his statement as an admission of using this fake girlfriend story for publicity purposes is just plain false.
  2. Click the link and do a search for: "Kicking or kneeing opponent" http://static.nfl.com/static/content/public/image/rulebook/pdfs/2012%20-%20Rule%20Book.pdf
  3. Cheap shot plays intended to do nothing but hurt the opposing players. Diving into knees, stepping on hands, you can look up fined cheap shots if you want to. I've already answered what I think the penalty would be called. Obviously you don't agree, easier to just say so, don't you think?
  4. I would say personal foul, unnecessary roughness. I'm not sure about the rule book, but that's the type of play that gets fined by the league. Not in this case, of course....
  5. First, I have to say it's becoming a pet peeve of mine how all of these guys say "we" when they write articles. Who is "we"? Second, seems odd that he says Nassib could be the number one overall pick and that "they" don't have Glennon graded as a first round pick, yet according to this "he" has Glennon as the first overall QB taken.....at #7 by the Bills. Are there two Russ Lande's out there, or does that much really change in 1 month?
  6. Good lord! I read the article. Nothing in there to incriminate Teo. So again, you think that lack of proving him innocent means we should all stand at the ready to "shred" him? Good for you.
  7. Because it's too easy to get caught! I'm not saying it didn't happen, but since you ask why it so hard to believe, that's why. I find it VERY hard to believe that someone who knows good and well how intense media attention can be would make a decision to pursue such an easily dissected lie. I find it far more easy to believe that he was taken in by the scam and panicked when he learned the truth. Either way, my question above stands. Why would anyone's standby position be "just wait, hopefully we can destroy his life when a little more info comes out!!!!" ?
  8. So your point is that since an investigation did not conclusively find that he was innocent, everyone should remain ready to pounce? Wow.
  9. When our forefathers used bubble guns, they had ONE bubble at a time, and each time the fired it they had to reload the soap and water and start again. There's NO reason the present generation needs more than that!
  10. This isn't funny. Bubble guns are gateway guns and need to be controlled. How this girl got a hold of one, not to mention the ammunition, without a background check is a failure of society and government.
  11. I wish I had watched more of his games. The only one from his senior season I watched was the bowl game and he was really horrible. Hard to picture him as a good NFL QB from that one game.
  12. Seems more logical to me that instead of finding out long ago and continuing the story for personal benefit (as in he wanted peope to feel sorry for him so he kept it up), he found out earlier and didn't say anything out of embarrasment and fear of what the story would turn into if people found out (hmmm...).
  13. Grading position coaching hires is ridiculous. Go ahead around the league and tell me which position coaches are making the difference between playoff/non playoff teams! I'm not even saying there aren't any, just that nobody knows who they are. Throwing out these names and expecting it to mean something is nuts. When Marrone came in, everyone assumed he would be running his offense and hoped that he would be able to find a good D coordinator (like Lovie Smith in reverse). He did that. Marrone and Hackett will work together on the offense, and that continuity is just as good as having a big name coordinator who is going to have to take a back seat to Marrone anyway. I do agree that the Crossman hire, on paper, is horrible. As far as that goes, I just have to cross my fingers and hope for the best.
  14. Looks like Robin Williams.
  15. From Tebow to Manning and the same result. It's ALL about the QB.
  16. A better question is how many former players, former NFL coordinators, and college head coaches have been successful in the NFL. Ignoring his entire history doesn't make sense.
  17. Aaaaaaaannnnnddddd.....jumped the shark.
  18. Hey, when your triple dog dared, there's really no choice. Love the pictures in that story!
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/20/kate-upton-without-makeup-pictures-photos_n_2164084.html Scroll down.
  20. I never visit Bleacher Report on my computer, but I really like their app. Lots of articles and the breaking news alerts are better than any other I've tried so far.
  21. Here's what I came up with looking at the stats of the most commonly talked about QBs around here. Someone else will have to check into whether or not Jones, Barkley, and Smith graduated, but I would assume they all did. Jones: Senior, 4 year starter, 39 wins Barkley: Senior, 4 year starter 34 wins Smith: Senior, 3 year starter, 26 wins, Nassib: Senior, 3 year starter, 21 Wins (close enough for honorable mention) Glennon: Senior, 2 year starter Wilson: Senior, 2 year starter Bray: Junior Murray: Junior
  22. I've tried the NYT and Washington Post and on the whole, I can't stand them. Yes, there are decent articles, and if you spend a couple hours searching, you might find one. The WSJ just isn't my cup of tea, but I won't comment one way or the other on quality. May be the greatest thing since sliced bread as far as I know. Never touched a Boston Globe. My point is, for what I can get searching through the Washington Post and NYT, I can find excellent writers on line that do a blog post or two a week, and not only are they current, I can find follow-ups commentary and links galore to anything else I want to know about the subject, right there on the spot. I don't have any negative issues with newspaper, but I do think it is absurd the way people continue to defend it like it's a religion (and I admit I was one of those people for far too long). Sorry, I realized I'm off on a tangent. This debate has gone on in many forms for a long time and I'm not adding anything new. To get back to the original point, I do not think the OP said anything unfair about newspapers. He simply stated a fact. The paper, by very virtue of it's design, is a completely out of date format.
  23. I disagree. Once upon a time, print media was supplemented in the breaking news department by TV and radio, and that relationship worked. The detail and research put into print was normally far superior to anything you could get from the other sources. That's just not the case most of the time now. Current news outlets (blogs, social media, etc...) are horrible, but there's so much of it that there very rarely any detail that you can find in physical print media that you haven't already read a dozen times. In addition, in order to try to compete with those other sources, the quality of newspaper articles has plummeted over the past 10 years. I used to get a Sunday paper delivered and pick up a paper on the way to work every day. It took a little while for me to realize it how bad it had become, but I finally shook off old habits and stopped the insanity of reading badly written, outdated articles. I suppose there are still good newspapers out there with top notch research and writing, but from what I can find, they are about as rare as a very well written blog, and at least that will have the most recent info.
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