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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. A few years ago I guy that worked for me was out drinking, decided he was okay to drive home and got in his car to drive away. He was about to pull out of his parking spot and realized his vision was more impaired than he thought, and realize he shouldn't be driving. He turned off the engine and hopped in the back seat and passed out. Woke up with a cop banging on the window. He was arrested for DUI because the keys were still in the ignition. Got a fine and license suspended for 6 months (but ended up getting it back in around 3 months). I thought he was full of crap (trying not to get fired) until he showed me the police report. I've since heard about similar things happening, but I think his was the only time I've heard about it happening to someone in the back seat.
  2. As far as I'm concerned thieves can spend the rest of their lives rotting in jail. One of the most despicable non-violent acts a person can commit. !@#$ em.
  3. I have a chromebook and I really like it. Like probably 95% of the computer using population, I don't have a need for a $1K - $3K computer for the vast majority of the time. My chromebook is fast, easy to use, lighter than hell, and cheap (of course Google did jump into the overpriced market with the new Pixel...if you just HAVE to spend lots of money to feel good about yourself.) I don't take full advantage of cloud use yet, but I"m doing more all the time. I can say that I'm already annoyed when I realize I can't easily access a spreadsheet I started at work. It is not meant to be a computer replacement and is not advertised as such. But I still have my old trusty Windows XP ThinkPad that does anything I need a computer to do. It almost seems like failing every other release is their marketing strategy at this point.
  4. How is the lion having every advantage fair?
  5. I think "need" might be too strong a word.
  6. In the comments, the reporter says, When doing CPR, you are supposed to check for breathing for no more than 10 seconds. If no breath occurs, you begin CPR. A breath over that time is not considered breathing.
  7. Thanks for the tip, but it doesn't work for me. I've tried that, plus lotion throughout the day. I've always figured if I could make it past a certain piont, it would get to a level I could stand, but it's always just gotten worse. At least up until about the 4 week point, which is as far as I've ever made it.
  8. And I'm the one taking this personal.
  9. Do you ever make sense the first time around?
  10. Only girls in the race that don't look like they were beaten with shovels.
  11. Not really the same thing, but it reminds me...people who say "however comma". People that ask what something is on a message board instead of just looking it up. Had to highlight that word because it drives me nuts when someone holds the door for me and I'm still like 30 seconds from the door. This is one of mine too. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I just slamming into people. Oddly enough, they get pissed. I like this one: http://www.supportourribbons.com/custom-ribbon-magnet-sticker/3195/EMPTY+GESTURE
  12. I wish I could grow a beard, but the itching for me is intense. I've gotten to between 3-4 weeks a coupe of times and it's grown great, but it feels like needles on my skin and I get skin bumps. Best I can do is a goatee (even then the edges itch/get bumps), but I've never been a fan of them so I don't bother.
  13. I don't think it's really necessary to have credits at the end of a harlem shake.
  14. I think as the show has developed they could have benefited a lot from LOST type flashbacks showing how all of the characters went from normal life to present time. Not only would it build the characters and fill some of the extremely boring time from the show, but it keeps the shock of the change alive throughout series. I'd like to see the history of Michonne and how the town got started.
  15. I don't think Manuel will be available in rd 2. QB's are just too inflated in the draft and Manuel fits the mold of the new style QB that teams are willing to take a chance on. Honestly, I don't think he'll have much success in the NFL, but IF he still happened to be there in the 2nd the Bills should take him. With that pick he's definitely worth the risk. While I don't have rock solid faith in him, I also think the Bills need to (and will) strongly consider Barkley at 8. I can't say enough how much having one of the worst coaches in all of college football crapped on Barkley's progress as a QB. He has legit talent and a good coach can get some great football out of him. Oh, and Bray is garbage.
  16. Not a great argument. If anyone can have better times in underwear then why didn't Teo? Anyone who watches him play has been very aware that he isn't speedy. Teo excelled by knowing his assignments, reading the offense, and taking good angles. He has very average speed and showed as much. It's not a surprise.
  17. And hundreds of NFL failures.
  18. 4.81, he's obviously not worth a high pick.
  19. The super athletic Ogeltree only ran a 4.7. Doesn't seem like much of a difference given all the talk. Bostic ran a 4.61. That's a pick I wouldn't mind in the 2nd. He won't last until the 3rd.
  20. Absolutely. Not to mention he'll likely get heckled when he is picked. He should watch from Hawaii.
  21. Guess we'll see.
  22. There's too much about the show that just doesn't make sense. Like why don't they kill the walkers that are standing up against the fence? Are they just bored with it? Seems like every dead one would be a good thing and it's quick/easy kills. And why doesn't Michonne go out and kill more? They basically stand no chance against her all spread out like they are. She can slice a dozen of them and just meander back to safety before the rest take notice. And why are they are all milling around throughout the compound when their food is inside the fence? Shouldn't they all be stacked up, pushing against the fence and each other trying to get in? Isn't that supposed to be the MO? All questions from about 5 seconds of the show. There's dozens of them throughout an episode.
  23. He won't drop out of the 1st. Ravens will take him if he falls that far, but I don't think he will.
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