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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Not exactly the same thing, but still pretty cool. http://www.wimp.com/howyou/
  2. No, you just have to be an idiot.
  3. These guys all think they're on Sons of Anarchy; you can bet it's going to get worse.
  4. It's something I turn on when I'm doing other things. I find it more tolerable if I pay just enough attention to keep up with the overall story line, but not enough to be turned off by the acting and the individual episode stories.
  5. Extremely. That has to be the worst press on a team I can imagine. A Major League team in the 4th largest city in the country pulling a 0.00? Time for change.
  6. Nice. I'm expecting my first in the next couple of days, and his name will be Jackson (not for Freddy, but it's a convenient bonus).
  7. Sometimes horrible things happen, I don't think that needing to force blame is the first thing people should be focused on. And you really shouldn't pretend you know what "stories" I've heard. I've been to war in the middle east, have you?
  8. Prayers and blame. Good for you.
  9. The title of the article is not, "49 things people from upstate NY love....that nobody else does."
  10. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/02/25/134056923/breast-milk-ice-cream-a-hit-at-london-store
  11. I was just trying to get learn more about the whitehouse.
  12. It has to be nerves. Not sure why though, seems like there's usually a couple hundred people in the stands.
  13. I understand your sentiment, but do you really not understand it? This is what the internet is all about. It doesn't matter the topic, people read headlines and think they know everything there is to know.
  14. I haven't seen anything that says why he had it. It also didn't really explain much in regard to the extent of the altercation between the player and ref prior to the ref killing the player. Crazy all around.
  15. I watch very little MMA; was Anderson's behavior normal for him? Even if it was an upset I can't imagine a fighter acting like that while facing an undefeated, #2 ranked opponent. It seemed childish and was obviously stupid. I have some friends that are into it a lot more than me who are saying the whole thing was fishy.
  16. Ewing actually did good things for Howard's game in Orlando, but then there seemed to be a plateau where Howard got stubborn and just started whining about being fouled.
  17. Potential is right. IMO, Dwight could be better than Shaq if he would dedicate himself and let himself be coached. He's not as physically dominating as Shaq, but he's more athletic and can do more with ball in hands. They both suck at FTs, so no advantage there. If Howard had let Van Gundy coach him, he could be a much better player right now.
  18. Agree with both of those, and I think Mario should be listed as elite. I think people discount his injury last year. His level of play went up right after his surgery. I also think LE, whether Anderson or Carrington, should be listed as average, not below average, while the injury to Chandler should drop him to average for the time being.
  19. For starters, I know what needs to be done to lose weight (running more would be better?? Really??). The first part of my reply talked about the pain most of my joints are in. I do what I can. As for eating, obviously I need to eat better to help my overall health, which is obviously why I wrote what I wrote, but thank you for the insight, um...I guess.
  20. I have two bad knees and two bad shoulders. I've worked through the pain of them (going bad one at a time) for years to various degrees of success, now I have some really bad pain in my right elbow. It's really getting ridiculous. This is killing me right now. I've always tried to stay in decent shape, but it's very difficult for me now. I still run between 1 and 2 miles most mornings, but it hardly seems to put a dent in my fitness level. The weight just keeps adding on (mostly due to my eating habits, which really do catch up to you as you get older) and exercise doesn't cut it anymore.
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