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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Big difference. Being thrown into water and forced to swim, while uneccessary, can teach someone to swim. This guy kicked the kids skateboard off the ramp. There was no chance of him being able to control himself successfully and actually learn something. It was just frustration on the father's part and it was no more than trying to hurt his son for not being able to do what he wanted him to.
  2. Long drive, but I may consider it. It'll have to be last minute though based on the weather.
  3. I think games that teach kids to destroy alien spaceships for points have ruined this country.
  4. My wife was just telling me she met a guy at work named Trip McCool. She saw his name on some paperwork before she met him, and was quite disappointed to find out he was "nerdy" (not sure what that means exactly). I think people get ridiculous, but I don't have any problems with unique names. Really, I think it's one of those things people get too up in arms about. Who's it hurting and why do people care so much?
  5. I don't generally watch the show until the seasons come out, so I'm not entirely sure what the differences are yet, but I hope that doesn't happen. I think Tyrion's reaction to Shae was an important part of his psyche during his escape and trip. With Shae there, it just doesn't really make sense.
  6. Apparently he can only hold his breath 1 minute at a time.
  7. His pass catching stats are from his college career, not his pro day. There's a thread on it already. Pettigrew was an outstanding blocker in college and was tough as nails. He's has pretty much filled that role (he has actually surpassed my expectations as a pass catcher) for detroit. I haven't heard much about Evans blocking ability...not sure how he grades there.
  8. And their torture ended.
  9. It looks like he's concentrating really hard.
  10. I've always thought the ones who should be really annoyed by the Giants and Jets is New Jersey. Seriously, you both play in our state, but we're not good enough to use our name (no matter how true that is). But hey, I'm sure they make good money from the deal and the NY draw ($$$) is what everyone is going for.
  11. Where I live we have pretty slow DSL (that's the fastest...outside of that you're pretty much looking at satellite). The company is upgrading the area to fiber optic soon though. In fact, I just got a letter in the mail inviting me to the local High School for a meeting with the company about what the changes will mean to their customers and when they can expect the upgrades to take place. A short presentation with a question and answer session afterwards. Refreshments will be offered. Seriously, it's a different world here.
  12. I moved here 3 months ago, I dont have too much loyalty to the state and didn't take offense. I just didn't/don't think the comparisons make sense. Buffalo to NYC is east west? And Long Island? Anyway, guess I'll just call myself confused....
  13. I work in Great Falls, live in Ft Shaw.
  14. But why pick those two cities? They're not that far apart. I live 4 hrs from Billings. Kalispell is 7 hours away and there are much further drives. MT is the 4th largest state, and not much smaller than CA. Only TX and AK have drives that make MT look like a "pittance".
  15. It'll never happen. I can see the team winning the year AFTER they move out of Buffalo... Seriously? People have been talking about the Bills leaving for years. You think the talk is going to stop now that Ralph has passed??
  16. Sooooo, I guess nobody is in Billings. I live in MT, but it's a big ass state.
  17. RIP and thanks for the Bills. Wow, this really chages everything.
  18. Maybe they were asking him questions about Cyril Richardson?
  20. This has been a stance of quite a few groups for a while now. Palio, which is catching on in the fitness world, is based on it (as well us many other different diets to various degrees).
  21. I used to dive a lot in Hawaii...at first they freaked me out, but after seeing a few they seem less of a big deal. We used to mess with black tip reef shark (similar to the one in the video). Sneak up on them when they are sleeping and grab their fins! Stupid I guess, but nobody got hurt. One of my scariest moments was seeing a hammerhead swimming overhead. Unlike the reef sharks, those are known to be aggressive bastards. I just froze for a minute then headed straight for the boat.
  22. Agreed. IMO, there should be some kind of national database school systems can use to keep track of these teachers who break rules like this so that they can't just jump around without their new employers knowing their history. Outside of that, the "law" should stay out of it when the age of consent is met.
  23. That was just last year. Last five year average has Kiper at 5 out of 37 graded (only 37 had five years worth of data).
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