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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Can't stress these factors enough, IMO. If an NFL team wants to get the most bang for it's buck in regards to draft picks, they will find ways to implement a spread type offense in the NFL; not as a change of pace, but as a base offense. Entire offensive rosters are under valued or under utilized because coaches are trying to put square pegs in round holes.
  2. That's what I used to say about Maxim when it was so popular (maybe it still is?). I felt like I was in bizzaro world and everyone was getting off on cartoon women in bikinis.
  3. Man, I can't agree with that! I like most of his movies (even when most people trash them), but I thought The Happening was the worst acted movie I've seen in a very long time. Especially surprising given that I don't mind Wahlberg and tend to like Deschanel. Add in a ridiculous plot and I was shocked at how much I didn't like that movie!
  4. You guys haven't seen The Happening, have you?
  5. I've ready a bunch of books twice, but there's only two I continue to read occasionally, and they're both childhood favorites that I read out of nostalgia; Where the Red Fern Grows and Enders Game.
  6. As opposed to opting out. Seriously, someone needs to get that to Brandon. "Opt in on the Buffalo Bills" has to be marketing gold when season tix go on sale! These guys have been around for a couple of weeks of off-season. Even if they would normally give all sorts of great insight (they wouldn't), they don't even have that ability right now.
  7. It doesn't, but it does dictate how careful you need to be with the position. The Bills are a perfect example. At least based on rumors, the Bills didn't draft EJ expecting him to be ready to start right away, so they brought in Kolb. Kolb had a history of injuries, but the Bills didn't make any other preparations in case Kolb went down and EJ still wasn't ready. IMO, that decision set EJ back BIG time and really changed the course of the Whaley/Marrone era. Bradford wouldn't be a bad pickup, but if he is brought in, he sure better not be the only option before getting to guys you know shouldn't be starting.
  8. The Almost Famous scene is one of my favorites in any movie and would have been my clear choice if not already picked. So my backup is Reservoir Dogs, Stuck in the Middle With You
  9. Man, this has to be a tough pill to swallow.
  10. If the Bills get enough of a look at him and decide he has and NFL arm and half a brain, it would be insane not to take a chance on him if he makes it to our pick in the 2nd. The draft is a crapshoot, no more with this guy than anyone else. His chances of success may be slim, but given the Bill's situation at QB, slim is enough. NFL prospects aside, you can't discount how this kid handled himself in this situation. Easy system or not, I don't think there's many players that can come in cold into the type of situation he did and do as well.
  11. In case you're looking for templates to do one yourself, you can check out https://cvmkr.com. Good starting point if nothing else.
  12. He's failed at every stop except with the BB/Brady team that everyone succeeds with. He made zero impact in his one year as OC at Florida. He shouldn't be looked at for any position.
  13. Individually, I don't have interest in either Shanahan or Cutler, but if the idea is to get the Bills into position to win while they have the defense in place, I don't see another option. A HC who has "been there, done that", likely the only talented QB (even given all of his issues) on the market, and a DC who can build on and maintain consistency. Sign our own important FA and go all out in the draft/FA to fix the o-line, and this is a playoff team. If not, it's all back to the drawing board. It may (and in my mind it's likely) be the better long term move to get a younger coach and rebuild again (with Pegula's money and a new front office), but honestly I'm just sick of it. Get this team to the F'N playoffs already.
  14. Yep, I told a guy I was watching the Denver game with that I can't remember ever seeing a QB so obviously scared of pressure. It seemed strange after his first few games where he was hanging in the pocket and taking hits as he threw. I think one of those early hits made up his mind about retirement, and as you say he played the rest of the season to not got hurt.
  15. I'm too jaded not to think this way, but I also figured Rogers would lead a game winning drive from his own 10, so hopefully we are in fact looking at a new Bills team.
  16. That LB's gloves are driving me nuts.
  17. I'd look for the spearing contest.
  18. Nope. Jumped to the middle of the field pre-snap. Simple as that.
  19. I don't agree with the "he was watching his eyes!" comments. First, QB's look off WR's all of the time. If Rodgers had made the correct read and done that in this case, it was an easy TD to the streaking WR. Second, in the article linked in the OP, Rambo says: "Me and Robey just communicated, studying film and just talking to those guys," Rambo said. "We knew once 18, Cobb, once he ran that route, I was going to take him and he was going to free up. When it happened I was like, 'Oh, here it comes.' I just saw Rodgers eyeing his guy, and I just broke on the ball and made a play." Rambo was on Cobb from the start. That's not to say there is absolutely no chance that he couldn't have changed his read, but based on the communication before the play (you can actually see it take place, which is pretty cool given the result) and his comments, he knew where he was going. He did have great timing, watching Rogers until he was throwing before making his break; which turned into an outstanding play, but if Rogers had seen the top WR, it was over. The end result was a great INT by Rambo, a bad read by Rogers, horrible coverage by Graham, and a W for the Bills! Edit: I'll also add a kudos to Robey who it appears was the one to recognize the play and communicate with Rambo.
  20. For some reason Friday the 13th freaked me out when I first watched it. I was very young (probably around 6), but even so, I was never very scared of horror movies and that one had me up at night. I remember the movie Sunshine having some creepy scenes, but it's been so long since I've seen it I can't remember details.
  21. It isn't about gimmicks. Do you really think the offensive scheme and game plan don't affect players?? Look at Wes Welker and how different he was when he got to New England. That wasn't gimmicks, it was knowing how to use him (and of course having a QB who knew how to make reads and throw the ball on target). I don't have any love for Goodwin, but your comment is nonsense.
  22. WTF?? Naaman not available this week?
  23. And pretty damn clear his arm wasn't moving forward when he was hit.
  24. Pretty warm compared to where I live. As tough as they look, the GB game is scarier in my opinion.
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