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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. So you're just listing all the moves, good, bad, and not his?
  2. Yeah, but he did, and then they still had 2 1/2 quarters to play. That has absolutely nothing to do with blown calls by the ref in the 4th quarter.
  3. I just think it's zero sum. They're both crap and least they got something for Cassel. It's easy to hate on EJ (very easy), but EJ being bad doesn't make Cassel any better. They are both well below average and can't be relied on to win games.
  4. Give me a break. You don't need a benefit of the doubt to get legal calls. Excuses the refs for failing at their jobs is nonsense.
  5. It was even worse because Hughes was waiving his arms around like crazy making it incredibly obvious to see the hold. Add the PI right before it, and it's just a mess. Between the Bills crapping the bed over and over on their own and the refs screwing them time after time, this season is making me sick.
  6. Yeah, any kind of specifics would be great. Anyway, if any of this is true, I'd expect it to come out this week. Rex doesn't usually hold his tongue for long. If he was unhappy with the trade, it should be apparent. It hasn't been so far.
  7. Man, that last pass was just hard to think about. Really, it doesn't matter how good he can look at any other time. A guy who throws a pass like that doesn't belong on the team. I just don't know what else to say anymore.
  8. Just sickening how bad that pass was to end the game.
  9. They tripped over each other. That's not PI in any interpretation of the rules.
  10. Yeah, both are bad, meaning help from the refs is pretty damn important. Two blown calls in a row give the lead to the Jags. Pure BS again.
  11. Getting really old having to talk about the refs every single game. BS interference call followed up by no holding call on a hold that could be seen from space. Kind of tired of this crap.
  12. I think that was crap to be honest. Players celebrate all the friggin time. They didn't do anything over the line.
  13. Another bad call by the refs with that false start Lucky it didn't screw us.
  14. Oh my.... I don't think any two plays could possibly encapsulate EJ's career better than those last two.
  15. Yep, and it really just is all that should be said. He's the same QB that he has always been, from college until today.
  16. Again, this has nothing to do with the talent on the field, which is extraordinary given how long he has had to do it. Sure, there are still holes on the team, but he's getting there. For the first time in 15 years this team's talent is improving, and you want to get rid of the guy responsible for it. The one regret I have is that he wasn't given full authority to pick a coach. Whaley knows what he doing, and he should have been given the responsibility his position demands.
  17. I swear I feel like I'm in the twilight zone here. This is the most stacked roster the Bill have had since the early 90's, and Whaley is as bad as Nix?? I understand being pissed about the product on the field, but it's not due to the talent on the roster. For that, you have to blame the coaching so far, and that is the one area that was made VERY clear Whaley was not in charge of. He's had two years and already turned this roster around. Give this obviously talented GM some time before lynching him for cryin out loud.
  18. Nope. Defensive play is inexcusable. Guess we'll see how Rex excuses it anyway.
  19. Eh...I think you're trying too hard. But I guess that's just my opinion. I read the interview with him and just don't come away with it the same way. There's a big jump between differing opinions and discussion and flat out going against the coaches. There's not even anything pointing to which people within the organization wanted what.
  20. I did see that, and to me there was absolutely nothing there to insinuate what you're saying. Just IMO.
  21. I haven't even seen that. I've seen articles where the reporter questioned the move, but non that said Rex or Roman wanted Cassel over EJ and were against the trade. Is there an article that speculates that?
  22. Same question to you....or anyone that can shed some light.
  23. If that's true, I'll concede the point. Can you show me where Rex said he wanted Cassel over EJ? Or even where he alluded to the fact? I haven't seen it.
  24. Cassel isn't the answer. Buffalo has had a black whole at QB for over a decades, and now they finally have some hope and everyone wants to complain about the backup! Whaley has done an outstanding job of building this team, and he's still young in his tenure. Losing him would be a disaster for the Bills, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just out of touch with reality.
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