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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. No, I'm saying that Rex doesn't lead his team to water. THAT'S the metaphor for creating a solid team atmosphere. Creating that atmosphere, and mentoring players along the way, is what creates team leaders. This stuff doesn't happen by itself in ANY organization, and is especially unlikely in an organization full of young, often undereducated millionaire athletes! They NEED leadership.
  2. Sure, if that's what you need to say to feel better about your argument. Leadership is not babysitting. If it's everyone is supposed to be doing their own thing, there's no reason for a head coach to begin with. Players take care of themselves with no oversight, coordinators come up with the game plan each week and give it to the players to practice. Sure sounds better than all of this babysitting garbage.
  3. Yeah, that's what I meant. Leadership in an organization, whether it be football or not, create an environment that people in that organization follow. The Bills this year look so much the Jets teams while Rex was there it's impossible to not see the correlation. Rex fosters an environment of individuals who can say and do whatever they want, with no repercussions, and that's what you see from these players. There's very little "team" atmosphere coming out Buffalo at the moment, and that starts at the top.
  4. Funny. I read this and think the exact opposite of what you're saying.
  5. Won't you need some alternative options for employees? Is your daughter and the driver going to work every day, all year long? Seems like that business is 24/7, no? I know everything comes with time and money as the business expands, but your description makes it sound like only the absolute minimum are on board at the moment. That driver is going to be pretty stressed out after a few long days and middle of the night accident calls.
  6. If you have Amazon Prime you can stream through them as well. Not as many stations from what I can tell, but it's plenty for me. Just another option.
  7. I have to be honest and say that I just never understood the over the top acclaim for The Wire. I think it's a good show, but has huge boring streaks in it. I watched it after it came out on Amazon and it took me a long time to get through it. I kept losing interest and going on to other shows. The seasons always had a good payoff, and I was glad that I went back and kept watching, but again, I just don't understand why everyone loves it so much. Just not my thing I guess. It's been so long since I watched The Shield it's hard to remember, but I know I loved it at the time. Hard to put it into the same category as The Wire through. The Shield thrived on being over the top. I think The Wire tried to be more realistic.
  8. I believe that's Sammy Watkins; 20 yards down field. The Bills made the right decision cutting Fred when looking at only the yards. I wanted Fred to stick around for his leadership. In the end, I don't really know the affect of locker room/veteran leadership on the field, but if there was ever a team that needed it, it was the this team. I like Whaley a lot, but IMO this was one of his obvious mistakes.
  9. If he was a once in a generation type guy, he would have gone higher (like #1) and it would have taken multiple 1's to get him. He isn't, and they didn't give up that.
  10. To your 1st point about TT, I'm choosing to be positive about his future. I think he had a really rough year, even when he had good stats in games, a lot was masked by Watkins being ridiculously good. Taylor wasn't horrible, but IMO he didn't play well, even when some fans were gushing over him. On the bright side, most of his faults are exactly what you expect from a rookie QB. He played better than most rookies, and should have given his time in the league, but all of the same problems you see in rookies (as you listed in your post) is what you saw in Taylor as a first time starter. At this moment, I think Taylor needs time to develop, just like any new QB. He's not losing us games, so he shouldn't be replaced. Let him grow in the position. As for what's going to happen to leadership, the one thing that I want is for the Pegula's to name one person to oversee all football operations; and let's not be too tricky here and just call the person the GM, mmmkay? I've been vocal that I think Whaley has done a very good job here overall, and I think he's the best person for the job. But if the Pegula's disagree fine, just find the best person for the job, give them control and move on. None of this, "the coach doesn't report to the GM" BS. IMO, the biggest mistake has already been made, and that's Terry and Kim's insistence on picking the head coach. I don't agree with firing a coach after 1 season, but T&K need to admit they made a mistake and let their GM do whatever needs to be done in order to move on, whether that be keeping Rex or not. Now people want an intermediary to go between the GM and coach? What??? Just let the GM pick his guy to begin with and there's no need for another layer of managerial nonsense! People also forget about Nix's recorded phone call. There was basically no choice for the Bills but to draft a QB high. For the record, I still would have taken Barkley over Manuel, not that it's worth much.
  11. I don't have time right now to read through the whole thread, so maybe this has already been beaten to death, but I don't understand this either. This "czar" thing is just a load of nonsense. The GM is over football operations...period. You don't have a "czar" and a GM. If they want Whaley to take a lesser role, he won't be the GM, he'll be director of player/personnel or something (he won't do it; he'll easily get another GM job within 2 years), and the "czar" will be the new GM. Making up new titles is just putting lipstick on a pig. And let's be realistic, this is the Bills we're talking about. There's a much greater chance we hire another Nix or Donahoe than there is of nailing a new GM hire. Can't even come close to getting a head coach right, and we expect a top NFL guru to fall out of the sky??
  12. If we're following a true Bills script, everything will work out perfectly for the Bills to make the playoffs with a win over the Jets, and of course they will lose.
  13. Hey, why not go find those quotes about Whaley being all in on the coaches too! Cause obviously that's proof.
  14. I like how Whaley basically can't win around here. Either he was all in on Rex and the staff and he should be fired because they suck, or he was against it and sees how bad things were this year and should be fired because he can't get along with the coaches.
  15. I wonder if the same is true for intentional overdoses?
  16. I feel like we may need a separate "I've seen it" Star Wars spoiler thread at this point. I think most people that see it are going to want to have a place to talk about it without worrying about spoilers.
  17. Same here. I was very disappointed with the hire and I really don't believe that Rex is going to change and all of a sudden become a competent head coach, so I hate the idea of letting the team spin their wheels for another 2 - 3 years. At the same time, I don't want an owner/GM who can't make up their minds and want to tear everything down every year like the Browns. I disagreed with the hire, but the from an owner/GM point of view, they made the decision to hire Rex and that decision has to come with time to get things on the right track.
  18. Man I'm sick of this defense. Really, just sick.
  19. Same here....I'm frantically trying to figure out WTH is going on.
  20. There's a 14 minute video after that one where the interviewer is coaching him through the lines. The Kubrick guy (I assume it's not him) screws up and the interviewer gives him the story. Not sure how this has any traction.
  21. Yeah, that's not what I said at all. Lets move on.
  22. I feel like you're really just not understanding what I'm saying. There's about a dozen quotes in that interview that back up what I said in my post.
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