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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. But in fairness, that's like the Bills' largest demographic.
  2. I think for an injury in the middle of a game, yes he would be the better choice. His game is different enough that it would throw the defense off enough to be useful. As a starter in place of an injured TT for a couple of games at a time, no. He just doesn't have enough talent as a passer to make himself a useful option. That said, I really hope this team is able to find a competent veteran backup for next year. Neither EJ nor Tebow is the answer here.
  3. Good enough advice, but I disagree about not taking the lump sum. It's a gamble not taking the money; the Lotto could fold and then what? Anything can happen in 20 years.
  4. I think it says more about people's willingness to pass on information without giving it even a second of their own thought. I suppose it's possible he did it on purpose, but...
  5. Just noticed it's 1.5B with a 930M payout. Would be cool to see it hit a Billion payout by tonight! Yeah, I know taxes ruin it, but it's still cool!
  6. I think a lot of it has to do with what's on the line for them. It's easier (not easy...just easier) to maintain discipline when these kids are fighting tooth and nail to get into the NFL, and any type of suspension puts a magnifying glass on them. Once they're in the NFL and they have the money (especially the guys who are on their second contract), that fear goes away. Also, the top schools have rosters that are filled with athleticism and talent. Sure, there's a drop-off between starters and backups, but it's not close to the NFL. Suspending and even kicking players off the team is way easier in CFB. Of course all bets go out the window when you're talking about the superstar types like Winston, who tend to get that "benefit of the doubt" more often than their teammates.
  7. Don't die in an earthquake until after tomorrow. I plan on needing advice after the drawing tonight.
  8. I didn't say I wanted to have to pay for them.
  9. I just around 292 million tickets!
  10. I'd assume there's going to be multiple winners. Still a **** load of money, but more than likely not a new billionaire. Of course, if it really is one winner...WOW. Can't imagine the reality of something like that.
  11. This still doesn't get them off my **** list for canceling the show in favor of John From Cincinnati.
  12. Outside of Brenden's video (and even after reading a lot more about it I still think it was unbelievable what they did to that kid), this was my biggest WTF. Either the documentary did a horrible job following through on it, or everyone else did. Seriously, WTF happened with that vial??
  13. I agree with this fully. Given the way the info is presented, it's impossible to say that he's innocent, but what a horrible mess everyone made of that investigation. Horrible decision after horrible decision...and what a bunch of slimy bastards in that system. On the other hand, I'm pretty curious to see the other side of the Brendan issue, because based on those video interviews, that kid got royally screwed.
  14. I would have liked him over Rex, but he's proven that he's still only "pretty good". While that is better than the Bills have had in a very long time, they should be aiming higher.
  15. Pretty nice list of coordinators. Why is it so damn hard to find one ready to be a good HC?
  16. Looking back on things, Wade was the best of the bunch, but he came after Marv and the best years in franchise history. "Pretty good" wasn't good enough then. Now, he'd be a friggin shining star.
  17. Right decision on Whaley (thankfully) and really the only prudent decision he could make on Rex. I don't have faith in Rex and expect to see similar results next year, but firing a guy a year after you make the decision to give him a 5 year contract isn't going to help your franchise either. Here's to hoping we never have to see 17.
  18. The problem to me is that jumping to the NFL should be a whole new promotion chain. In other words, the next step for a college head coach should not be NFL head coach. If a college HC wants to make a run at the NFL, it should be as a coordinator first, then a head coach if they do well enough. Of course it won't happen because of the money. The best college head coaches (those that are most likely to get a look in the NFL) are making crazy money, and just wouldn't settle for less. That said, there isn't a single college head coach that I would hire as an NFL head coach.
  19. Sorry, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or my joke was too subtle.
  20. Tyrod Taylor does hold offensive meeting to go over game film and talk about the offense. Says so right in the article.
  21. Hmmm...the NFL should come up with some sort of program for this. You know, a way to identify the leaders of a team. Maybe come up with a way to give them some sort of tip of the cap on game day. It's at least worth some thought.
  22. I don't understand the point of your first question in regards to this thread. As for the second, it's just my opinion of course, but players liking him just doesn't matter. I think I've seen someone else say this here before, but everyone likes the teachers in school who are cool with the students and don't make them follow the rules. Makes for a fun class, but doesn't get the job done (create intelligent students, or in this case win games). Whether you care for the analogy or not, my point is the same in regards to the players "liking" him. It just doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme of things. Of course going too far the other way has it's own issues. If players absolutely hate a coach they probably aren't going to play hard for him. But the league is full of coaches that find a middle ground.
  23. I agree the GM sucked and screwed up the talent on the team. It basically has no relationship to what I'm saying.
  24. I guess what you knew about Rex four short months ago is different than what I knew. This isn't selective thinking here, and I'm not just talking about what happens on the field to lose games. In fact I'm hardly talking about that at all. I'm talking about the locker room and how little "team" value seems to be there. I'm talking about how there's doesn't seem to be any player leadership forming. That is apparently, based on his two teams worth of history, a classic Rex environment.
  25. I'm not trying to take all responsibility off the players, but the team that the Jets became under Rex is so similar to what we're seeing in the Bills it's scary. Let's look more closely at Hughes. Remember the fiasco last year when Pepper pulled him from the game for doing something dumb? That's leadership demanding accountability. Of course everyone here was outraged, but hey, that never changes. Do you think Rex would do something like that like? Hell no! Instead, he fights for players who break their QBs jaw. I'm sorry, you can't tell me the atmosphere created by leadership in an organization has no consequence to how these players act. That doesn't mean players have no responsibility for themselves, it just means it's really not surprising (especially if you've paid attention to the Rex Ryan Jets) that this team is fighting amongst themselves and not exhibiting self leadership.
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