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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Better have someone by 1210....or else.
  2. I had the opportunity to stay at Opryland for a few days last year for work. I was awed! You literally get lost in the hotel. We kept ovoiding going out becuase there were things we wanted to check out in the hotel. Grand Ol Opry was a fun experience. Not really my type of music, but enjoyable for the historical aspects. And I know it's the wrong time of year, but while I was there Oakland was playing Tenn. We took a River Boat from right next to the Opryland to the stadium (about an hour and a half). Lots of music, drinks and food, and then it drops you off right in front of the stadium! An excellent time overall. Can't say much else about Nashville as that was my only time there and like I said, I didn't get too far from the hotel.
  3. Yep, that's how I started too. Watched maybe 30 min a couple seasons ago. Last year I caught mabye half the shows. This year I look forward to it. A lot of people, including myself, trash the show in principle alone. But it's entertaining once you start watching. And the weekly outcome is much harder to predict than say...the superbowl.
  4. I think that had to do more with the fact that she was crying. She actually had a pretty good voice, but she didn't have a chance to win. It would be great to see everyone leave in the order they deserve to, but it's only bad when one of the possible winners loses before the pathetics who are only there for looks/attitude, etc...
  5. I honestly don't know, but what I have heard about Shaffer was that he got much better as the season wore on, and that he really came into his own. Maybe week 3 was too early? Or mabye his talent has been over exagerated.
  6. Imagine what they think now that you are mumbling to yourself.
  7. Good strategy by UConn. No point in tiring themselves out all night.
  8. Duh. Anyone who walks into that trap deserves whatever they get. There is no possible way accepting that offer has a happy ending.
  9. Do you know anything about football?? Put him through some pre-season drills and he would bump up to an 86 easy.
  10. Apparently he recently changed his last name to Seymore. Can't say I blame him.
  11. Damn that's funny.
  12. Ratings mean nothing for a first year host. How could Stewart doing badly affect those who didn't watch? And he WAS trying to force some excitement on the ceremony. HELLO! That's what he's supposed to be doing. As far as I've seen you are the only one in this thread who thinks he wasn't funny. You are certainly welcome to your opinion, but your trying to prove a point that isn't accepted. He did a very well in a venue that is almost impossible to do well in. It would be a wise move to have him back next year and tell him to take it further. Loosen those self righteous bastards up a bit. I would also expect a bit more acceptance since they would know what to expect. Half the problem with the "stars" is that they are so catered to that they freak out whenever someone does something unexpected. God forbid they laugh at a joke that may not have been funney enough, or perhaps offended someone they are need to impress. How would THAT look? The award shows (especially this one) will never be any good until they decide to shorten the show and STOP MAKING IT INTO A THANK YOU FEST!!!! Thank your list of people on your own time. Get up there, say something nice, and get off the damn stage. NOBODY FRIGGIN CARES! The ratings for these shows will continue to go to crap until they make some serious changes.
  13. Thanks everyone. It's tough not knowing too much at the moment. She has her first appointment on Monday, so that should give us a way to understand exactly what is happening with her. All she knows right now is that she has a malignant tumor in her lung that is very large. Her doctors now (in FL) have said that they haven't seen one so large in a person her age, and that due to the size they are hesitant to try surgery. That is why she is being sent to Sloan. Obviously not promising news. I appreciate the help.
  14. New Mock Once again, I don't agree with the 2nd pick.
  15. I don't disagree with all of his points, just the way he talked about not understanding what not having a new agreement would really mean. The rookie contract situation makes sense, but I don't see it changing much. Those guys have just as much reason to want as much as they can get as the vets. Many players are only in the league a few years, so that one contract is all the marbles. As far as guaranteed contracts go...I do agree with that, though I don't think it would have as much impact as the players may think. If the money is guaranteed, there will be much less of it in the deal. There would also have to be huge penalties in every contract for a player who holds out or doesn't play for any reason.
  16. So this guy's whole argument is he's pissed now that he found out an uncapped year doesn't actually mean the players will be standing in pools of money next year. Really what this boils down to, is that the players didn't care one bit what it would mean to the league. They just thought they were all going to be rich as hell. If they knew it could affect them in the least, they probably would have been more involved in trying to get if fixed. I can't feel too sorry for the guy.
  17. I'm trying to find out some information on Lung Cancer. I've been around to a bunch of sites already, and as expected the information is all over the place and generally disagrees with each other. My biggest question right now is the statistics they keep on survival rates. Everything is based of "5 year survival rates". I understand that these rates are supposed to give statistics on how many people are alive 5 years or more after treatment. The question I have is why is everthing based of 5 years? Is that a norm used across the line no matter what a life expentacy is, or is 5 years used becuase that is a base line for life expectancy in lung cancer? And why isn't there more timelines? I only see 5 years. No 10, no 15, just 5. Am I not looking in the right places or do they just not keep these statistics. I would assume if the statistics are not kept it would be because survival rates for that long are not expected. Also, if anyone knows any sites or information I could get that you know from experience or word of mouth to be reliable, I would appreciate the recommendation. I just found out my sister (36) was diagnosed. At this point I don't know anything other than that (type, stage, etc...) so I'm just trying to get basic information. She is being sent to Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC for treatment. Thanks for any help.
  18. Or reading the replies to his "do you like my helmet design" thread.
  19. When good acid goes bad.
  20. My interpretation of most of his post lately are, "I hate Levy and Jauron". Could save a lot of typing.
  21. That sounds better.
  22. Eh, not really. I was just talking out of my...
  23. Release Adams.....well, they have to take Ngata now. Release Milloy.....Hmmm, maybe they take Huff. Release Cambell....Davis is the pick. Anyone that wants these guys may feel the overwhelming desire to trade up come draft day. Oh Marv, you master strategist.
  24. You have to subtract about 5.5 mil for Clements. But adding in Williams, Adams, Milloy, etc... they have to be closer to 7 mil by now. They really need to sign Nate long term and drop is cap hit to around 3mil.
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