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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Aren't you paying attention to? It's a waste of TIME!! We know how important that TIME is to this staff. Just think about all the **** that's going to be ignored while Bills brass is using their TIME on a workout!! It's pure insanity is what it is.
  2. In regards to Coleman, I'm almost certain that if the coaches thought he was putting his all into getting better, he would have stayed. This comes across like an attitude thing. Still love the trade. It was worth the low price to take a shot.
  3. I just think this is the wrong move for almost any team. Mack is elite, and it's certainly exciting to have players like that, but this isn't the NBA. NFL teams have to plan for strong teams, not mediocre teams with a couple great players (unless you're talking about one of the handful of elite QBs). Using 2 firsts for a great player on a rookie pay scale is one thing. Paying a huge contract for one is another. Doing both? The Bears will get some excitement with Mack, but they've mortgaged their future.
  4. I just think this is a really big mistake. Yes, he's talented as hell, but I can't see using over 10% of the salary cap on a receiver, much less one who has shown to be a spoiled brat already.
  5. I get the sentiment, but yes Joe Montana could. A lot of good QBs could. Most rookie QBs couldn't and shouldn't be expected to. Allen is no exception based on this small example.
  6. I have my doubts about Allen being ready under the best of circumstances, but I think it's pretty clear that he's not ready to overcome the shortcoming of this team.
  7. "It's only pre-season." But it's one seriously ugly pre-season.
  8. I'd say he looked okay; nothing really stuck out as great to me. Talent was never his issue. He could have been a day 1 pick if he wasn't such a head case. Day 2 pick if he'd even just been a normal level head case.
  9. They said during the game that when he went and sat down, someone came over and tightened the brace, but he wasn't checked for injury. I think he was just holding his arm at that angle because the brace was falling off.
  10. It's the African Anteater Ritual!!!!
  11. Not surprised by that. The backlash that companies receive now for any perceived discrimination is insane. If the manager had sided with you, he probably would have been fired within an hour of it hitting Twitter.
  12. I don't know every way to do this, but I've never heard of a way to sync a phone with a desktop without wifi/bluetooth/chromecast/wires, etc... I can tell you that when I had Verizon, I couldn't stream the game from my phone or computer to my TV using a Chromecast. Even though the option was there to do so, when I tried it would bring up a message on my TV saying the owner of the content did not allow streaming to other devices. These systems are made to counter illegal streaming options. That certainly doesn't it can't be done, just that all the obvious ways are figured out. Have you tried looking into a Slingbox (not Sling the new streaming company). They've been around for years and I've heard some good and some bad about them, but never tried myself. I heard a few years go they messed things up by adding banner ads to the stream, but it may be worth looking into if you have family in the local market willing to help you out.
  13. Yes. The phone number, or even where the service is started/billed doesn't help. You have to be using local towers to get the games.
  14. It's easily connected to the towers that your phone is streaming from. How would giving your family a phone help? You and you're phone would have to be in the right market to watch the game. EDIT: I ditched Verizon last year, but they'e had this service for a while now. If the game is being shown in your local market, you could stream it. It's just giving another way to watch the game. Best case scenario for out of marketers like me, having this streaming option makes it a little easier to pick it up on streaming services like Mobdro, but even that probably won't change much.
  15. Going to see JP tomorrow. I don't really care if it's any good; my son loves dinosaurs and he'll get a kick out of it. If they keep making them, we'll keep seeing them.
  16. For me, it's not so much about specifically getting $40 value out of the subscription (how would you even judge that?), but supporting the journalists that take pride in their work and offer a good product. There were at least a few members here that were posting about how they couldn't understand why people would complain about spending a few bucks a month for BN. Personally, I'll save my support and clicks for people who actually seem to give a **** about their jobs. Hopefully that support has some small impact on the level of writing that these news agencies are hiring for. Hard to say how much opinions like mine contributed to the BN shakeup, but I hope that situation and a successful transition for writers like Fairburn are slowly moving the needle in the right direction. Of course, that's also why I'm a bit disappointed that TG is getting lumped in with the others. He's a good writer, but if I had a choice to somehow not pay for his stuff while supporting the others, i would. BTW, while I was considering the subscription to the Athletic (reviewed their website), I got an ad on Facebook for 50% off (no T-shirt), so I went ahead and purchased one year for $30.
  17. I'm still considering, but I think I'm going to do it. I flat out rejected BN do to the poor articles they put out (hey, trust us, if you pay us we'll get better!), but I really like Fairburn and Cover1 enough that I don't mind paying just to support their efforts. But I'm seriously having to convince myself to do it due to knowing TG benefits as well. I may add an email to let the Athletic know just that. Not that anyone cares, but it might make me feel a bit better.
  18. I agree, he was one of my favorite players in the draft. I thought he would go in the 1st round, couldn't believe it when he kept dropping on Friday.
  19. Started at $90. Went to 100 a few years ago.
  20. There has to be something; guys with his production and combine don't get passed up that many times for no reason. I just spent a little time looking at some of the guards taken in round 2, and there's just not enough of a difference to make sense.
  21. I've been watching VT game film this morning (there's lots of full games on YouTube), and he seems to pull often and with plenty of success. Actually, I don't understand why he was still available. Outside of a couple of false start penalties, I haven't seen anything concerning in his game. Sometimes he seems a little slow when he comes off the line, but he always engages his man, and he seems quick enough in pass protection. I don't know, I think I watched 6 full games of film and I don't get it.
  22. Agents aren't stupid.
  23. YES!!! One of my favorites of the draft!
  24. Can't imagine him lasting until the pick, but they have to like Harrison Phillips.
  25. At this point, I think dissecting the stats is just pointless. There isn't a stat you can pull up on this guy that points to success. If he works out it will be because of his raw skills and the Bills' ability to bring out the best in him. The pick is made, he's on the team. Nothing to do now but wait and hope.
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