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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Wow. That was pretty all around.
  2. I'm a Bills fan. I'm not a Sabre's fan. Though I am rooting for them in this series.
  3. Half the reason I watched AI this year was becuase of her thoughout the audition process. And you are probalby right about here weight. 151 or so sounds about right. And damn she's beautiful.
  4. Yeah, but if Buffalo had a team in the playoffs, we would be seeing basketball fans (and experts) a plenty.
  5. The Special Dead
  6. I don't know.... That site is very well done though. I'm kind of sure it's not real, but only kind of.
  7. THAT is the question.
  8. Well aint that just always the way.
  9. Is that what happened? In my dream I couldn't see the play due to the cheerleaders all over me. Losman fumble huh? Oh well...
  10. It's just something to talk about. I can't believe it's a big deal to anyone, especially not enough to say this is the dumbest post in a long time. At what point did I ever say I was trying to be orginal? You really need to get over yourself.
  11. Every single time.
  12. Still happening?
  13. Yet you answered it? Why are people so against talking about next year? It's just talk. It's not like every other subject about the coming year hasn't been talked about over and over and over and over again. Who cares? As for me, I have no idea who we will draft with the first pick. I just hope they don't try to get tricky and take anyone on the O-line.
  14. I don't know why, but for some reason I find myself rooting for Nall. I've been an all out JP backer up until now, and I will still be very happy if he is able to win the job, but I"m hoping Nall pulls it out. Maybe just rooting for the guy to finally get his shot after being pushed to the back burner in FavreLand. Either way, I really hope one of these guys can really rise above the other in camp. Even if they end up blowing it, I would at least like to go into the season relatively confident in the QB.
  15. Depends on what he meant by "they wanted 11K". If that was sticker price, then he saved a bunch, as tax and title would have bumped that up quite a bit...especially out there. If 11k was out the door, he probably could have got them down more.
  16. In order to shed some light...what was it that MM/Clements did when the game was on the line and we needed game winnning drive? Oh yeah, throw it to our stone handed FB.....again. There is no underestimating the stupidity of our offense last season. I can't comment too much on his recieving ability....as much as I'm trying I just can't recall too many passes his way and what he did with them when he got them. But I do remember McGahee making some absolutely great blocks two years ago. I remember him running across the backfield and making a diving block on a LB to give Bledsoe a couple extra seconds. I remember him tripping up DE's. There were a few times where I literally jumped out of my seat cheering at blocks McGahee made in the backfield. He CAN block. I don't know what happened last year...but like most things involving this team, I will not discount how much negative influence our coaches had. Whether it was poor scheme or the fact that the players just seemed to lose the will to fight, it all went to hell.
  17. God I miss Kelly! Oh, and Reed was pretty good too.
  18. jauron was hired becuase Marv liked him as a coach. Jauron was the one who decided on the cover-2. Whether that is the right call or not remains to be seen, but Marv didn't hire a coach that fit his system.
  19. I'm thinking maybe Bruce Smith. You KNOW his lazy butt will be sitting around while everyone else does all the work until the last few days of the competition.
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