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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I think that's pretty fair for pre-training camp grades. Though I would grade DL a C. Also, I think they should seperate WR and TE. I think rating it that way puts too much focus on TE's being receiving threats. I know that's what most want to focus on, but for teams like the Bills who have a blocking TE, it is somewhat unfair. But, looking at it like that, I would agree with the overall score.
  2. You can usually find something set up for players fan mail. I know Vick probably wouldn't read it himself, but who ever does would probably be able to call attention to someone that would know what to do with it. At very least, you can usually send snail mail to the team address with Vick's name on it.
  3. "I" "don't" "know" "why" "everyone" "keeps" "trying" "to" "argue" "with" "this" "guy". "It's" "like" "all" "you" "have" "to" "do" "is" "start" "calling" "people" "names" "around" "here" "and" "you" "get" "all" "the" "attention" "you" "want".
  4. That's it bro. Screw those pesky incest laws!
  5. You should see if you can track down an email addy for Vick. Most players hate it when people make money off their names like this, and I'm sure Vick has "people" who could go after the guy. Even if under normal circumstances he would't care, going after a guy who sold a sick kid a jersey would make for a good story I'm sure his agent would jump at. Wouldn't surprise me if he got an authentic signed jersey out of the deal too.
  6. Huh. I'd heard there was lots of women there.
  7. I just hope JSP doesn't become a soccer fan. I'd like to think the USA has some chance of winning.
  8. For what? Don't apoligize. Good stuff.
  9. People use Canadian flags becuase nobody cares about Canada. It's like using a low tech invisibility cloak. And if playing soccer could get you a full scholarship to any college in the US, give you fame thoughout your high school and college years, and possibly lead to millions of dollars, there would be plenty of great American players. I like soccer, but almost nobody in the US really cares. And no, don't have a clue about the commentary.
  10. Don't foget the refs!
  11. We're pretty much always the underdog. Other than this same ranking last year, we are always bottom dwellers. And no matter how many times people say "Good! I like that other teams will be looking past us!", we still lose. For once, I would like to read something like, "Obviously the Bills will take the East, and after this offseason, we think they have what it takes to go all the way." And then of course...see it happen.
  12. 46 years is the max possible penalty under law, inserted into the article for shock factor. Nobody would have gotten anything even close to 46 years no matter what their status in life. Under the same circumstances, I think most people would have gotten maybe a month, with a couple years parole. Yes, he gets special treatment because he is an athlete, but it's hardly a case of getting away with murder.
  13. That's going to be the case every year. The toughest division in college football is only getting tougher.
  14. So somewehre between $700 and $2665 per seat?
  15. Start Here, work your way backward. It's amazing how bad/good things can be in the offseason.
  16. Out of all the bad things you can say about this team, this was the best he could do?
  17. And people say aliens don't exist.
  18. I could care less if he hurts someone's feelings, but I do agree that he goes way over the top. RW is an ass for the way he left his team hanging a few years ago. He's an idiot (IMO) for choosing pot over football/millions of dollars/fame/glory etc... He deserves to be kicked out of the NFL for not following the rules. He deserves to be called a jerk for bailing on his team a couple years ago. But JT just seems to be making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  19. And that's why he isn't playing in the NFL.
  20. Man, since that last goal Sabres look they are playing a man down.
  21. Yeah. Quit yer whining about the penalties and interfering with Joe whining about everything else.
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