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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Out of curiosity, does anyone know of any supplemental draftees that "made it" in the NFL?
  2. ummm, yeah....more than the Euro, but the two combined...
  3. Must suck being knocked out of two major Cups in a row by the same team...both times by penalty kicks.
  4. yeah, it would be great to have that. I made it to 21 and stopped. Went back to it and didn't feel like going though all 20 levels again.
  5. from the looks of that picture, it doesn't.
  6. And what about you? Have you actually read all the scientific research, or just the media packs delivered to your TV screen? The planet is doomed? Wow.
  7. Day on of the NFL draft pulls in higher ratings than NBA playoffs. THE DRAFT! I think a big part of the problem with the NBA playoffs is that they are so friggin long! They need to cut at least the first round to 5 games. I would make the first two rounds 5 games. This year the post season started on April 22rd and ended Jun 20th. It's hard to get pumped for a playoff game when there's a game on almost every day for two months.
  8. I would say: 12/3 - San Diego - Loss, 5-7 12/10 - @ New York Jets - win 6-7 12/17 - Miami - Loss, 6-8 12/24 - Tennessee - win 7-8 12/31 - @ Baltimore - loss, 7-9
  9. I would argue with this and the WR one.
  10. QB rating. The real life example of how someone can give 110%.
  11. Well, he's directing, not writing. And he does have big brother (SS) ready to smack him upside the head if he gets too far out of line.
  12. I want to think that was funny....but I just don't get it.
  13. Where's the mud coming from? Front Royal?
  14. Welcome to my world. I have pretty much given up hope of seeing an SEC team winning the championship. Every time I get excited about the players or coaches FL has landed, I look around the conference and it brings me back down to earth. Seeing FL win the SEC Title will be my Rose Bowl. I think they have a good chance this year, but next year (with a system QB) will be their year to shine.
  15. Wow, that's pretty incredible. Bet his family is freaking out! But really, good on him.
  16. I lucked into very similar seats on the other 20 yard line a few years ago. I loved them! Unfortunately I moved the next year and to give them up.
  17. I find it more ridiculous that you try so hard to be found controversial, when really you are just an annoying kid. Oh, and the bulemics or anorexics in Ethiopia comment just cements that fact. What I find so hard to believe is that anyone could ever be upset by any insult that came out of your mouth. It's like taking offense to being called a sanctimonious prick by Darin. Though the "Fatty McPhee" thing is really pretty hysterical. Did you come up with that all by yourself, skippy?
  18. I hear Oregan is nice this time of year.
  19. "But, but but...(fill in stupid sarcastic statement here)"
  20. I totally agree. Blaine's early stuff was just great. I don't think you can really compare the two. Doing large scale tricks on stage or TV with hundreds of people behind the scenes and as many optical illusion/mirrors/etc... that you can cram in isn't really the same as "street magic" like these guys do. Just the fact that it's so up close and personal makes all the difference. These guys learn their art and perform with no net. With Blaine, it doesn't matter to me that it's not magic. It's still just impressive as hell.
  21. yes, much like all the hockey fans in the soccer threads. Must just be something about these sports that forces all of the children to wave their flags.
  22. Like a broken record.
  23. The original question will only be answered by talking about all of the lineman. Schobel and Kelsay are the same two players they were last year.
  24. It's a shame really. Another couple seconds and we wouldn't have to worry about his offspring.
  25. If anyone hasn't figured out what's wrong with politics, a good example is when a Streisand post gets moved to PPP.
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