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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Yeah, I never thought about what a pain in the ass the time change is to people with kids until I had one. This one is the easier of the two. We started on Saturday with no nap and 30 minutes early to bed. Same on Sunday and we're back on schedule. Six months from now my kid will wake up an hour earlier than his already too early wake up...can't wait.
  2. Gee, thanks. I wasn't aware. As to the bolded part, that's the whole point of the conversation.
  3. If it's good enough for presidential debates...
  4. Well, he did say "hope" to replicate.
  5. Yeah, it's early for some of the love that Tyord gets, but comparing him to Sanchez is just crazy.
  6. Yeah, "we" have. Someone should file a negligence lawsuit against the parents for willfully forcing their child to put himself in that kind of harms way.
  7. Yeah, that really wasn't that bad. He didn't slam on his brakes (the car in the right lane didn't fly by him when he hit his brakes). The tailgater was just so friggin close and unprepared he overreacted. Stupid.
  8. Even though the jury is still out on him, we really got lucky that we picked up Tyrod last year. There seems to be a complete panic this year in regards to QBs, and Tyrod would not have come at the same price this year (he wouldn't come at all, IMO - too many good opportunities this year). Here's to hoping he actually pans out and we can look back at our good fortune!
  9. They're not looking good QB wise, but that was the smart move. Elway continues to impress.
  10. Or 3rd....or 5th. The tech sounds great, and the beta reviews were generally good, but it's going to be a while before everything gets ironed out and the software really hits its stride.
  11. Not to hijack a RIP thread, but when I saw the headline earlier that didn't include "Beatles Producer", my eyes bugged out. Thought I'd never get to read the end to those friggin books! RIP GM.
  12. Very happy to hear this. Hopefully they don't wait too long to start grooming his replacement. If Miller progresses in his second year, this is one tough line.
  13. I don't think this would completely ruin his life. Just make it harder. Sorry, can't feel sorry for him. It's not like he accidentally did something wrong. He planned to invade her privacy and release it to the world. F him.
  14. I know that it's probably not THAT big of an issue to a company like Marriott, but while I agree it was a really stupid move by the employee, I have a hard time believing it was a $25M+ stupid move. It's not like the guy helped set up the camera.
  15. Why would she let him off? After what he did, I think she makes his life as miserable as possible, and he deserves it.
  16. Maybe, but cohesion doesn't mean you need one of the best backs in the game. You just need consistency. And Romo going out had as much or more to do with the run game going south than Murray did. You can't expect to run when you're passing game is that bad.
  17. Shifting the money to the offensive line and making it a dominating unit will get you further in that philosophy than spending the money on one player who will likely be injured each year given the number of carries he gets. Again, I don't think it's a cut and dry argument, just my opinion. Pay the blockers and the runners are far more interchangeable.
  18. It's early yet to declare definitively one way or the other, but based on the one year we have to go on, I'd say it didn't work out so well.
  19. I agree about Clay, I just think he's one of the main referencing points for that argument. I don't like the McCoy signing/contract. Just not how I like to see the money used, but just my opinion.
  20. I think most people are referencing Clay, but since he's restructured I think it's kind of a non-issue now. Yeah, him too...and I agree.
  21. Based on the comments from defensive players in Rex's and Rob's system, one of the biggest issues is figuring out which play and personnel grouping is being used on each play because they are so specific that it takes too much time to get it all figured out. Also, offensive assignments are a lot easier to dictate. Defenses tend to more reactionary, so complicating them makes reacting to what the offense is doing that much more difficult. And really, it's not a good idea to have a defense that relies on every single person doing the exact right thing. In a perfect world, it makes sense, but in reality it's just not going to happen and there's going to be a breakdown. Better to plan for the reality IMO.
  22. I was diving a shipwreck off Oahu once and all of sudden heard this high pitch squealing sound. Turned around and saw that submarine probably less than 200ft away from me. I had no idea it went through that areas, so it shocked the hell out of me. Then I noticed most of the people inside were either waving at me or taking my picture. I felt like an aquarium exhibit.
  23. There's a couple of recommended one's here I haven't seen, but for the ones I have Archer wins with no contest.
  24. I just don't really see the comparison (in your argument or the original). For me, it's not the point to rail against Rex's defense in a vacuum. I just ask why did he have to stick to such a complicated defense given how his team was built to work in a very simple one. It's either ignorance or hubris, but no matter now you look at it just not good coaching.
  25. I think a healthy Woods can be a solid #2 WR if he needs to be. The real problem is after that; they need someone better than Hogan. You won't get better than Harvin for the money he's likely to get. When healthy, Watkins/Harvin/Woods is an outstanding WR core. Keep looking for someone better than Hogan so that when Harvin goes out you can still have a decent #3 on the field, and I will like the signing.
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