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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I love how every time wrestling comes up there is always at least one person who has to say it's fake. Like they are dropping a bomb or something.
  2. I feel about them slowly.
  3. I'd say the choice is between McNair and Collins. IMO, it's a toss up, but since it's your 3rd QB, you really can't go wrong either way.
  4. Will you be dropping someone else in order to pick him up? If so, who? If not, do you need another QB, or is just insurance? Who else is out there that would be close?
  5. I have a realtor friend who works in and around the Charlotte area. She says they are expecting around 70,000 foreclosures next year, mostly due to interest only loans and the like. (I didn't ask specifics, but I was assuming she meant NC, not just her area) I am moving to Hawaii at the end of the year, and was planning on buying my first home. The more I think about it, the more I think I may wait another couple/few years. Maybe even take advantage of the foreclosures if it looks like that's how things are going.
  6. When did this turn into a congressional hearing?
  7. What did Whitner cost us this year? A first, right? So Losman cost us a 1st, 2nd, and a 5th. He cost us a 2nd and a 5th EXTRA. Since we could have drafted someone else in the next years draft, that pick definately cost us. Not that I care, I think it was a good pick, but he did cost the Bills 3 picks.
  8. It's a whole different world. Unlike most people, I have all the respect in the world for what the guys in WWE do. It's a tough buisness, and they take more punishment on their bodies than just about any other "sport". But put them in an Octogon and they would be done in minutes. That said, most UFC type fighters couldn't do what the WWE guys do week after week either.
  9. I still use the "toss em in, he'll figure it out" method.
  10. Oh, now we have to bring spelling into it? And for those wondering, it was just a joke. See?
  11. Yeah right. "Last friggin year of all life on earth and they STILL can't block!"
  12. Actaully, you are jumping to conclusions. I said by then. Not then exactly. And the details are mine.
  13. Doesn't matter. By 2029 the earth will be dead due to the human affect on the environment anyway.
  14. Yes, but all of those things are just as opinionated as saying the Bills have upgraded their coaching, dropped some cancers, and upgraded with journeymen players around the team. There are some who over rate the Bills talent simply because they know the names. And there are some who say they suck for the same reasons. But trying to look at it from some sort of middle groudn, I don't think anyone can reasonably say that the Bills are any worse than the 7 or so other teams being listed. They all have very big weaknesses and haven't proven anything yet.
  15. I hadn't hear about Clerks II. Can't wait! Probably won't be as good as some of his other stuff, but like all those movies.
  16. Without going though all the teams, I think I would rank Buffalo 27 at this point. I think Tenn and Cleveland will be better teams.
  17. I haven't brought it up today yet, but 23 is giving me hell.
  18. Crap! Anyone get by 23?
  19. Lebeau was only around for a year. And I believe that turnover ratio was a direct result of his knowledge and football adjustments. You want to talk about the difference in a team from year to year? Look at the D with him and without. The defense carried the team in 2003, and when Lebeau left, that defense went to hell. Far more than can be explained by the loss of a DT. Gregg Williams was not a good HC coach, though I believe he could have gotten better with time. MM was the biggest waste of two years I have can ever remember. Every thing he touched turn to crap. Oh, and how did Lebeau's next defense do? We'll see if MM can even come close as a OC in Miami.
  20. And as I said, at this point in the pre-season, I would rank the Bills near the bottom the league. But do you think Oakland has done more this offseason than the Bills? They still have the same crap owner making all the wrong decisions, and hired there very own retread to coach the team....a retread that is not only 10 years past his time, but wasn't much to talk about when he was in the league the last time? San Fran needs help at pretty much every single position on the field. They have a horrible coach, and a horrible GM. Houston, while I do think they have the best HC hire of the off-season, haven't made enough moves to turn their team around in year. And I don't even make mention of teams like NY, NO, GB, Cleveland, Detroit, and to a lesser extent Tennessee and Arizona who are all on par with the Bills for having bad teams and either retread coaches or rookie HC who have proven nothing. (exception to Fischer) Again, the Bills have everything to prove, but there ARE worse teams.
  21. Didn't we have an assistant head coach in 2004?
  22. I didn't read the whole thing, but I can't see how anyone could rank the Bills lower than San Fran, Houston and Oakland. There's just no way. If I were ranking teams, the Bills would probably fall somewhere in the 25 - 29 range, so I don't mind much seeing us ranked very low. But there is no way we should rank lower than those three teams based on last years results and this years changes.
  23. As far as I can tell, out of players currently in the league, only Mike Wahle was a successful supplemental draftee.
  24. Thanks. I just found this too. Supp. Draft History
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