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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I was certain it was that flesh eating disease.
  2. Hey, those things can get pretty hot if you aim that at one spot long enough!
  3. Ngata signed.
  4. Actually, if no one takes you up on this, I may. Though I won't need it until December. I'll ask you about it then to see if the offer is still open if that's okay.
  5. I think that should be the new name for Off The Wall.
  6. make??? Who made you do anything?
  7. Why not take one of each?
  8. I say we just save the money and write "Our sources tell us...", a lot.
  9. ummm, I don't get it. Why is that so bad? Who cares if he was able to get some hot bimbo without even trying? Eh...whatever.
  10. I don't remember it in 2003, but there were some amazing views last year.
  11. They were all pretty entertaining. The first link tries desperately to say humans are causing global warming, while at the same time saying scientists really have no idea. I didn't read the second. The third isn't too bad, but I think most people won't read past the "Yes".
  12. As long as they can back it up with more than, "Cause TV tells me so", that doesn't bother me at all.
  13. 1. Yep, I missed the sarcasm. But the link was meant for anyone. 2. Ha...I had copied that link earlier, and I guess I didn't copy the new one correctly. I fixed it.
  14. Against my better judgement, I'll link you Here. If you anyone actually cares to learn about climate related data, how it is kept and graphed, and why there are so many discrepancies, you can find it by really reading and studying sites such as this one. Though at the same time, if you are similar to the media and environmental groups, you can search through this site, find a graph that looks like it supports your ideology, blow it up, and show it to the world as proof of Armageddon. The facts are out there, but they are buried in so much speculation and bias that it is hard to know what to believe. I don't claim to know all the facts, but I do claim to have actually come to my own conclusions based on my own amateurish research. Certainly nothing to brag about, but much more than most people do.
  15. If only there were some sort of data to debunk the myth.
  16. Where did you find that? I thought it was last year.
  17. Not in this thread, no. And your location kind of gives it away.
  18. Fina was a good tackle, but his last two years here were beyond horrible. I remember seeing him, over and over again, just stand there and watch a DE run around him to the QB. It was unbelievable. He would stand there with his hands up like he was going to block, and then just turn his body and follow the player as he ran around him. I don't know if it was injury or what, but those last two years were examples of the worst OT play I remember seeing.
  19. Sorry to hear your birthday will end up being such a downer.
  20. Want to really be freaked out? As we speak, there are people driving who were born in the 90's.
  21. As the day draws nearer, check out the ign previews to see all the new stuff added. The top 3 links are the ones to check out, with the "first look" giving most of the info.
  22. Makes it easier for our draft picks to get here.
  23. I think it has a lot more to do with just the QB's. Are all the QB's on that list ProBowl talent by themselves? Absolutely not. They have strong lines, coaches, rb's, recievers, and/or gameplans. The players around a QB can make him a pro bowler just like he can make them probowlers. The Bills don't need a great QB. They need a great team.
  24. Luckily that position was upgraded this off-season.
  25. Still not as bad as last year when we got a third for Henry.
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