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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I know it sucks for the tailgate, but a windy day favors the Bills. Pennington is going to have to win this game for the Jets, and with his weaker arm the wind will make it that much more difficult. A win makes a great day no matter what the weather is.
  2. Knew that was going to happen when TSW'ers started attacking.
  3. Am I missing something? You guys are looking at the asian dude in the swimsuit...right?
  4. I highly doubt they play. Not against the Jets, at home. Not to say the Jets are a pushover for this team, but I just can't see them starting when they've missed this much practice time. It's too early in the season to push anyone more than they have to. Maybe they let Spikes start the first play so he can be announced in the starting lineup. Really not neccessary, but it would be a nice tribute.
  5. How can you argue with an opposing teams fan who comes to your board and trash talks his own team? Nice to meet you! Feel free to come back after the game and get a little trash talking in if the Jets pull it out.
  6. The evidence was sir cumstantial.
  7. Not a HC, but didn't Al Davis publicly state that he thought the leauge was screwing his team last year because they scheduled their opener on Thursday night in New England?
  8. Just got to the last few posts!
  9. Wow. Who has gotten to BillsGirl1040 arguing wiht sue? I'm dying laughing here!
  10. It's funny, at the bottom of each page it shows who's reading the thread....it's all people from here!
  11. oohhhh....yer going straight to hell for that one.
  12. God I don't miss Sue.
  13. Seriously, I don't think you can ever use the term "retard rollercoaster" in reference this site again. Not while that site is in existence.
  14. Brian Mead? I know that dude.
  15. To expand on a couple things: For what it sounds like you are looking for, walking outside would probably be the better idea than going to a gym. It's easier, usually less time consuming, and it's much easier to get motivated to do. It's true that once you are in the gym you would have someone telling you what to do, but GETTING to the gym is the tough part. If your not someone who is really in to working out, going to the gym regulary is not easy over time. Keeping logs of what you are doing is a great idea. Just remember, don't make it too difficult. Simple notes to keep track of what you are doing is all you need. The simpler you make all this stuff, the better. Just as important is plan your days/weeks out as much as possible. On Sunday while you are watching the games, grab a pad and make a quick list. Monday: Walk Outside after work. Wednesday: Golf Thursday: Treadmill before work. Etc... If you want to get real serious, plan your meals. (To me it sounds like you want to remain casual and drop a few pounds, so planning the activities is a good place to start). Once you have your plan....STICK TO IT. For most people who just want to get a little more active and drop a few pounds over time, walking really is a great way to do that. It gives you exercise and can be relaxing at the same time. Gives you time to think and enjoy your environment. Go with friend and catch up on football, take the wife (if you have one) and catch up on life. It's definately a good idea. If you want more than that, planning is the key. Pick a work out and diet and plan as much as possible. Plan your meals, workout schedule, and goals, and keep to it as much as possible.
  16. At least they will be able to sing along on Sunday.
  17. But for God's sake, don't stand up. It's rude.
  18. That's the part that didn't make sense to me too. Reed didn't run into the DB. To me it looked he was running a route and they ran into each other. (Again, I know it was designed, but that's what it looked like). He didn't really throw a block, but they ran into each other. Like I said, it really doesn't matter since the correct call was made.
  19. That is true, but that call doesn't make sense to me. If it was an illegal block downfield or something I could understand, but why PI? Reed and the DB ran into each other (yes, it was designed, but that's still what happened), why wouldn't it be PI on the DB as well? I think the result was correct. He blocked the defender a second before he was supposed to, so the play got called back. I just thought it was strange that it was called pass interference.
  20. So whose fault is the safety this time?
  21. As much as I hate Mularkey, I doubt he is the one making the call on when to punt and not. That's Saban's job.
  22. Nope. And neither did the fact that we didn't trade down.
  23. Exactly. Rumor has it that the Giants traded down because they "new" they could get McCargo later in the round. You never know what's going to happen on draft day. Always take the guy you want when you can get him.
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