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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I think originally, yes. After all this crap, probably (hopefully) not.
  2. Yay! They'll still make the playoffs.
  3. Sounds more like a brown eye.
  4. I heard he choked on velocirapter vomit.
  5. This is kind of off original topic, since I think people acting like that to gate agents is horrible, but I have to say I'm pretty friggin annoyed that all of the responsibility seems to be on the passengers now a days. There was a time when if a delay like this happened, the airlines would get as many booked and out the door as soon as possible, and do everything they could for the remaining passengers. Now, you're just **** out of luck because you didn't plan ahead correctly. There's very little accountability on the airlines anymore, and that's a shame. Between the people like the one in video who make the entire experience an "us against them" mentality for all of the employees, and the absolute disregard for any kind of customer care by many of the airlines, long trips just aren't worth it most of the time for me. That doesn't even take into account the constant changes in the name of "security" and the ever increasing "carry on" sizes (which drives me nuts!).
  6. I think if you're not worrying about the return trip, it's takes away a big part of the expense. So there's potential there.
  7. First, people pretty much suck, so the following isn't an excuse, but from the article and others it seems that everyone had a bigger problem with the communication of those people on the ground. They were strung along for hours without a whole lot of accurate updates. Air travel is stressful. Everything is booked to the max and scheduled so tightly that every little thing starts a domino effect that screws things up all over the country. It's especially frustrating for people who don't travel often and have a naïve outlook on the process. I used to fly constantly for work, but now-a-days I do it as little as possible (maybe once or twice a year tops). I hate everything about the whole experience.
  8. That line was a lie, and a joke in the movie. After he says that Poe says, "you needed a pilot" and Finn responds, "I needed a pilot". In other words, he didn't do it because it was the right thing to do, he just said that to sound good. He really just had no other way to get out. Capt Phasma supposedly had more of a role to play later; same excuse for Rey's back story. This is was one of three (plus books, tv shows, etc...). They have a long way to go.
  9. It was said by the producers that the actors don't even know who got killed yet. Not to mention that the killing scene was filmed with a camera man and Negan, the rest of the crew didn't need to be there. That audio is easily added in from previous scenes where people screamed different things in order to keep everyone guessing. It also makes perfect sense for that audio to point to Glen, since that's what everyone knows happened in the comics. Seriously, why would they go to all the trouble of the cliff hangar and secrecy behind who was killed only to give it away in the audio? It's not like they don't know people dissect this stuff! By far the most common guess is that Glen dies; you're just the only one who credits that guess to the fact that you're "always right."
  10. Anything to back any of that up?
  11. Everyone seems to talk her up, but I'm completely turned off by her. Like completely grossed out.
  12. Quentin Tarantino gets a lot of heat, but I really like most of his movies. He's had some stinkers, but overall I really like the unique product he puts out and always look forward to a new release from him.
  13. Where are the Ewoks?
  14. "Favorite" threads never make it past the first page before turning into "every really good one you can think of" threads. Wow, really? The book I can understand, but I've never heard of the movie being talked about that highly.
  15. Congrats! I still have a couple years, but I'm heading "home" (central NY) and even now it's a good feeling knowing it's in my future. I've been gone for 20+ years and been all over the country since leaving.
  16. That's it, from here on out I'm only hiring straight white men. I need to get this in writing and into action ASAP.
  17. I had no idea Sean Astin was her son.
  18. Why does weather.com have an option for 5 Day forecast and for 10 Day forecast?
  19. The Bill's need to get moving on winning; higher priced tickets will sell if the team is winning. If they try to make this change before they can turn the team around, they will fall flat on their face. I don't get to games very often, but from what I've seen the past few times that I've been there, many of those "blue collar" fans can stay home for all I care. IMO, if you can afford to pay for tickets to go to a game but are more than willing to be so drunk you can't even tell what's going on, there's something wrong.
  20. The food always looks great. The shipping? Not so much.
  21. Someone needs to explain this to Brady.
  22. Yes and no. They gave up 5th (2015) to get him and got a 6th (2015) in return. Then they got a 5th from Dallas (2017) and gave up a 7th (2017). So in the end they basically traded up from a 7th (2017) to a 6th (2015).
  23. Uh, yeah, I mean....you know what I meant. Nice backtrack.
  24. I always thought Steve Martin was over rated, but I do think the first half of The Jerk is pretty good. Probably my favorite of his movies was LA Story, and it wasn't his normal type of character, which I think helped.
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